



The two things that Louis has been saying ever since they stepped inside the house.

They had met each other's families, exchnaged gifts and all but it was getting late and it was time for something both of them wanted to avoid.

A family dinner.

And not just the Escobar's, but the Partridge's too. How amazing!

"Do I really have to go back downstairs?" He asked, groaning as she rolled her eyes.

"Look, Partridge, your family is here and I don't want to disappoint them with your extremely annoying behaviour. So yes, you are coming with me." She grabbed his arms and pulled him out of the room as he groaned as cursed under his breath.

"What took both of you so long?" Millie questioned, looking up at the two. They shared a look and Julie decided to speak up.

"I was showing him my stuff, that's it." She shrugged as she continued to drag him with her.

Once everyone was seated, Millie decided to start a conversation.

"So, Louis where did you guys meet?" She arched an eyebrow as their families looked at them too.

"Skating park." ── "Ice cream parlour."

They looked at each other as Issie gave them a confused look. Louis squeezed her hand while she wished she could smack him.

"What I mean, is that we met at the Ice cream parlour near the skating park." She says, making various expressions with her hands, something she never does.

"Isn't it too romantic to be living in a hotel?" Millie smirks further whereas their parents simply focused on the 'couple'.

"We have different rooms so not really." He answers and stabs the meat with his fork. She glanced at him, wierded out but then looked away.

Millie seemed to understand the sign as she hummed and decided that it's better to shut up.

The rest of the dinner continued, with the both the families interacting with each other and with Julie occasionally stepping on Louis' foot for saying silly things.

"WHY DON'T YOU GUYS GO on a walk ? The weather is really good right now." Mrs. Partridge tells Julie as they nodded sheepishly.

"I am just gonna go and call Zoe and then I'll be right back." She left for her bedroom before he could even respond.

Once she stepped inside her bedroom, she closed the door and let out a sigh. She dialer Zoe's number, since she's the only one who would possibly answer right now. Yara would too, but she would ignore if she's watching something.

"Hey, Julie ─ " She sounded sleepy and then a crashing noise followed with some groans. "Just fell off the bed. Swag."

"What are you doing?"

"Sleeping, maybe I don't really know. What was it?"


"Go on then."

"Alright so I get back home for my parents anniversary and Louis' family is here too! I don't have a problem with them being here, what annoys me more is that they know about us being 'together'."


"And then he's acting like a scared dog. I love dogs but not him. He sucks. Also, they're gonna stay here. So swag. Like, he's so stupid and idiotic. It's just your family, chill dude. But no!"

"I don't know if I want to grab his fucking face and kiss him or if I want to choke him to death."

Zoe laughed on the other line and tried to calm herself down. Once she was calm, she began. "Did you just you want to choke him to death?"

Julie face - palmed as she regretted saying that. "I didn't mean like that, dipshit."

"Julianna, get here quickly!" Someone's voice shouted from downstairs.

"Anyways, I'll talk to you later. I gotta go on a walk with the love of my life, bye!" With that, she hanged up on her and ran downstairs.

"Let's go." She grabbed his hand and dragged him out, closing the door behind her.

"Choke me? Didn't know you were that desperate." Louis smirks as her eyes widened in a flustered manner.

"That's not what I meant! It's just you're stupid."

Their was almost no noise around. A few dogs barking in the distance and the noise of cars was all that could be heard.

And yet, instead of enjoying the beautiful night they were arguing.

"I am not! How foolish of thou!" He acts offended and crossed his arms over his chest.

"No, you are! You were the one who couldn't decide where we'll be sleeping."

"Well, I did but you're not gonna like it." He pressed his lips. She arched a brow, waiting patiently for an answer.

"The sofa."

"The freaking sofa? It doesn't even have enough space. First the bed and now this ─ "

He cuts her off by placing his finger on her lips. He slowly slipped his hand in hers and entwined their fingers together.

"Sometimes, you just really need to calm down, Escobar." He wraps his arm around her waist, pulling her closer.

"Is this one of your ways to flirt with me again, Partridge?" She asked. She knew what he was doing, but she didn't change that. She didn't let go of his hand.

"Perhaps?" He chuckled. "Just be calm, don't stress about every other thing."

"You know that I hate you, right?" She says, smiling slyly as she traced his jawline.

"I know that too well for my liking, Escobar. But the feeling is mutual."

"This is just why I hate you. You're making me smile when I should be mad at you."

His heart fluttered at her words and he smiled, kissing her forehead lightly.

"I hate you, Escobar, but I don't want to."

Zoe says !
Did y'all watch the
Lost Girls promo ?
And the you know
what scene ? 😳
