034. LOVER


034. LOVER



Julie sat on the couch, and casually ate the chips while watching them spin the bottle. Louis had possibly started to regret his decision, but here it goes now.

"Alright, Juleka, you go first." Someone from the circle said and the person with the said name spinned the bottle which landed on the same person who had hair like Luka Couffaine.

They went in for a kiss as Julie pretended she didn't witness.

The circle continued to spin the bottle and sucking faces. It was Louis' turn, and when she heard his name, she immediately stopped eating her chips and leaned forward to watch.

Honestly speaking, she didn't want him to kiss anyone else who isn't her. She promised herself she wouldn't fall ─ get jealous, my bad, but unfortunately the feeling start to build up.

He gulped and spinned the bottle. Out of all the people it could've landed on, it landed on the infamous Leah Bassey.

That's when Leah glanced up at Julie with a smirk.

"Well, go on now! Kiss!"

Louis turned his head a little towards her, but she looked away. As Leah noticed what was happening, she decided to go in for the kiss herself.

And Louis didn't pull away.  To begin with, he isn't supposed to, but he can.

'It's just a game, Julie. It's just a fucking game. He's just kissing her. Don't do it. Do not fucking do it.'

She controlled herself but the feeling took got control of her actions and she left her seat, walking out of the house.

As she got to the door, she walked out only to find out that it was pouring outside. She sighed and just stood their and around to her and saw nothing, except a few passer-bys.

Of course, she decided to let her feelings control her actions once again. She tried to seem as calm as she could, and luckily she was successful.

The fabric of her clothes started getting wet from the downpour but she couldn't care less about that.

Meanwhile, in the house, Louis pulled away from Leah and immediately left the circle.

"Where are you going?"

"After my girlfriend!"

He looked around the house but found her nowhere. Making his way out of the house, he found her standing under the rain.

"Escobar ─ "

"Oh, what are you doing here? I thought you were sucking faces with Leah?" She taunted, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Escobar, it's just a game."

"Doesn't that remind you of something?"

"Escobar, not now."

"Why, Partridge? You knew all the shit she did! Yet you asked me to come here with you."

"I didn't force you! It was your decision." He defended himself.

"Yes, but because of you! I wanted to make sure she doesn't do the same to you. I was trying to fucking looking out for you!" She spoke as he went silent and she scoffed.

"You were looking out for me?"

"Why else would I come here? Why else would I accept the invite from someone who pretended to be my friend? Of course I was doing it for you. I fucking care for you, do you ever realise that?"

He stood under the same dark sky as her as she confessed everything she ever wanted to say.

"You, Louis Partridge, you do things to me. Things I can't explain. You annoy me, you make me hate you so much that I want to kill you. But despite this, I really do care for you. I am not as  oblivious as I seem, I understand the hints you keep giving me."

He remained silent, not because he couldn't understand, but because he was speechless.

"I know what you meant when you came to my trailer that day. You're right, I don't want to be enemies, friends or acquaintances with you. Lovers, that's what you meant didn't you?"

She exhaled sharply and licked her lips before she got her next words out.

"Then that's what I fucking want. I want to be your lover."

"You're not joking, are you Escobar?" He questioned, walking closer to her and facing her.

"No, Partridge, I am being serious."

He cupped her cheek with his palm. She could feel his breath on her face but she only stepped closer.

"Crap, that confession was cringy." She commented as they chuckled.

"May I have your permission, Miss Julianna Escobar?"

"Of course, Mr Louis James Partridge."

He smiled as he closed the gap between them, the same feeling yet it felt so contrasting.

She wrapped her arms his neck, holding him closer as if she wished to never let go.

Their lips molded together perfectly, as if they were made for others.

By the way, Leah, fuck you.

Zoe oRbS speak !

Did you guys know that
my pen name Clover
has the words lover
in it 😏
