


"SO, HOW WAS IT?" YARA asked the brunette, who jumped on her bed and let out an exhausted sigh.

"Well, it was alright. There was this table read thingy and we talked about when trailers, set location and all that." Julie shrugged.

"Alright, so when does filming start?" Zoe asks.

"Tomorrow, that was decided long ago."

"Mr. Arsehole better stay in his lines, or I won't hesitate to sue him." The blonde says, cracking her knuckles.

"Alright, alright. I am gonna go spend some time with mom and dad now." She says, as they all ended the facetime call.


"THAT SOUNDS PRETTY FUN. SO you start from tomorrow, right?" Malcolm, Julie's father says while they were watching FRIENDS.

"Yeah. I just wish he wasn't a part of this."

"Who he? Is that some guy bothering you?" Her father asks, cocking a brow at her and she nods immediately.

"Tell him to stay miles away from you." He says as Julie giggles. Her mother chuckles and goes on to say,

"But what did he do, I mean, if you want to tell us." Selena asks her daughter, who just tries to control herself from spilling out then words she shouldn't use. 

"I won't go in detail, by I'll say he's f ─ annoying. He's annoying, stupid, dumb and what not." She rambled but stopped herself.

"I see, you should just stay away from him. That's the best thing."

"Anyway," Julie sighed, throwing the pillow off herself. "I'll go to bed now, night."



IF MEETING LOUIS PARTRIDGE EVERYDAY in Julie's life for the next few months wasn't just the worst thing ever, then she doesn't what else it is.

She was in her costume right now, and was waiting for her makeup artist to arrive, only if she knew who that was.

Zoe skated inside the set, as most of crew members stared at the girl with roller skates attached to her feet. She gave Caleb a high - five on the way.

"You passed the vibe check!"

"Thanks, Caleb!"

As she to the makeup trailer, Julie walked and chuckled to herself.

"I thought you said you were never using those again?" She asked as Zoe took off the roller skates.

"Well, I did but I had to create a first impression." She shrugged, walking inside with her friend.

"Indie vibes."

Louis noticed the blonde and her brunette friend walking back inside but didn't say anything. Zoe noticed that and decided to speak.

"Well, I know you're dying to say 'hey' but I'll have you know that I am going to be strictly professional, so you don't quite have to worry." She says as Julie got seated. She saw Louis gazing at her reflection, but she looked away.

"I sure as hell just saw that."

"Of course you did, Mr. Partridge."

Julie stifled a soft laugh as Zoe got to her work, without wasting another second.


AS JULIE WENT BACK IN, she noticed the last person she'd like to see in her trailer. Yes, you guessed it right.

Louis Partridge sat there, as if he owned the place chuckled at his phone screen.

"What are you doing in my  trailer?" She inquired as he looked away from his phone screen.

"Escobar, I was just wondering when you'll be here." He says as her expression changed to confused. He left his former seat and stood right in front of her.

"And? What did you want?"

"I wanted, to show you this." He said, switching on his phone once again and opening a chat.

As Julie's eyes fell on it, she felt two things. Ashamed and betrayed.

Ashamed, because he found about her leaking his pictures with his girlfriend.

Betrayed, because that was done by the two people she trusted the most. Leah and Manuela. For what reason you may ask? You'll see.

Her eyes widened, she tried to hold his phone but he pulled it back.

"Very professional, I must say. How does it feel to be betrayed?" He asked in an amused manner, knowing all too well that her heart broke at that sight.

"Wondering why they did that, right?" He asks, putting his phone in his back - pocket. "To ruin your reputation."

She looked straight at his brown eyes, which screamed hatred for her in that very moment.

"Why?" She mumbled under her breath, her sight falling on the floor. She couldn't believe they did that.

The person she trusted more than anyone else, was the one who wanted to ruin her reputation this whole time?

"Funnily enough, your friends Leah and Manuela have been plotting this all along. Manuela took those screenshots and sent them to Leah and she," He stated, circling around her. "sent them to me, to expose you since I had a bigger platform."

"Leah was jealous of you, and so was Manuela which is basically why she made Manuela the part of your friend group later on." He explains every bit, shredding her heart in pieces with every sentence he uttered.

"And this, was the best chance to ruin your reputation, your life, your career and in the end," He leaned near her ear. "you."

She didn't know if she wanted to cry, scream, shout or kill him. It was like she wanted to do it all at the same time.

"I'd love to ruin your reputation anyday after what you did." He said bitterly, standing upright. She knew he couldn't be trusted, but she couldn't let him get to her.

She couldn't let him think he can win.

"You think you can ruin me?" She says, not showing herself as the loser. "I can do worse things. People still haven't figured out her main Instagram handle, have they?"

He was taken aback. Now, this is something he wasn't expecting after seeing her in a sort of a vulnerable state.


"What if they find out her main Instagram handle? Imagine how badly that'll affect her."

"You wouldn't dare ─ " He pauses, processing his next words.

"Oh, I will." She says, turning her back towards him. He stared at her direction as she stopped in her way, and turned her head around a little. 

"If you think you're bad, then I am worse darling."

Zoe says !
Badass Julie >>
