


(Social Media & Real life)


liked by William. Franklyn. Miller and 156, 478 others
Itz_Julie So, we had a sleepover at Zoe's place and Leah literally made it the best one ever!
Tagged: @/Leahthegreat @/Zoe_loves_memes @/JustMiranda @/aidanrgallagher @/william.franklyn.miller @/Elareads @/yara_duh

Julie_fanpage Please, this is the best thing I saw today

Crackheadxcrazy We all know Manuela and Miranda are using them for clout
Noone who tf asked you?
Izzyyy they don't need clout
asshat. Besides, they are all
best friends

Leahcanrunmeover Who gave you the right to be this beautiful?

Itz_Julie lol when you were sleeping
Leahthegreat Duh
Zoe_likes_memes I give up on you two

Shipper Please─ I ship Juleah
Itz_Julie Please, me and that girl? I haven't lost taste
Leahthegreat You know you love me 🤩
Madman BYE─

Leahsguitar LEAH'S JAWLINE─


She sighs as she sees Clara's name on her screen once again. She sighs and answers.

"Hey! I was calling you for a while─"

"Get to the damn point." She orders.

"Geez, okay okay. Basically, their have been a few auditions going on for some upcoming movie. According to the characters─"

"Clara, you know that I always decide the character. Just e-mail me about the characters and their traits and I'll tell you."

"Sure! I'll send all about them to you. Remember Julie, you wanted to do this and you have to work hard for what you want to achieve."

"I know, Clara. I didn't sign up for this for nothing. I'll call you later."

"'Kay." She hangs up as she gets back to doing her assignment for another hour or so.

Meanwhile, Louis who was their, playing Mario Kart with William, sighs as he loses once more time.

"How is it that you always lose?" William laughs as Louis hits his arm.

"I was trying to talk the least!" He says. "Anyway, you were pretty red when you came back from the sleepover."

Will turns red at the thought. "Julie just took our pictures." He lies.

"Julie!? As in Julie Escobar?" Louis asks immediately.

"Wow, well, yes. Wait, Yara added you in our groupchat."

"Yes but I didn't know it would be the same Julie." He smiles automatically and Will looks at him suspiciously.

"Why are you smiling?"

"Can I not?" He asks him instead. Will shrugs and leaves the room only to come back running.

"You were at the same bar as us yesterday!?" William asks Louis, out of breath.

"Wait, you were at that bar?" Louis asks, pretty confused.

"I definitely was with the others but you might want to see this." William offers him his phone as he looks at it.


Celeb Updates !

Yes lovely people, you guessed it right! The young teenage stars were spotted at a bar called Florería Atlántico. The two were found dancing together and people weren't late to click pictures.

Apprantley, the two seemed to converse as well as they talked. Mr. Partridge was seen spinning Miss. Escobar around and then pulling her back closer. The two seemed quite close as well. 

There has been no evidence if the couple has been dating currently but they have been following each other on Instagram.

Other than that, there has been a few more pictures from the night of Miss. Atiyeh and Mr. Miller along with Miss. Clancey and Mr. Gallagher dancing as well. Miss. Bassey, however, was spotted drinking mocktails instead.

As per as the person who clicked these pictures, the time was around 12am so it's pretty obvious that they had all sneaked out.

Mr. Miller was seen kissing Miss. Atiyeh's cheek as well. That's some kindergarten sh-t !

That's all we have found out till right now. Stay tuned for more !

Read more:

   Does Leah Bassey have a dog

Is Miranda Ramirez a lesbian?

Does Camila Cabello loves dogs
more than Shawn Mendes?


"How the hell did they get these pictures?! We're going to get stuck in more drama!" He starts pacing around. "And the bigger question, what if Julie found out about this?"

Little did he know, she already did.
She immediately called Yara who seemed to facetime her at the same moment.

"Julie! I'll, uh, take Leah and Zoe on the facetime call. " Yara says without letting Julie say another word and adds the two girls.

"The fuck, Yara? " Leah says, squinting her eyes as she turned on her lamp.

" How is it morning and you're still in bed, Leah? " Zoe asks, closing her door and sitting on her bed.

"There are more important things than that to talk about!" Julie tells them and sends the link of the news article.

" How did they know I have a dog kink? " Zoe rolls her eyes as she continues to read it.

" How is it that they clicked our pictures? Without our consent!? " Yara shouts and rubs her forehead in frustration.

" Privacy who? " Zoe comments as she's done reading the article. " They could've asked us for a picture but no, they decide to click it like that
instead. "

" Extremely disrespectful. "

"Look guys, the main thing is that, we've been seen in a bar and it's obvious that they'll think we're dating." Julie says as the other three girls nods. "People are going to send a lot of hate, and I am honestly not ready for that."

" First, it's that person's fault. They didn't respect our privacy. Just like any other person, we deserve privacy too. " Yara says in a furious tone.

" I agree with Yara. Second, you're right Julie. We'll have a lot of toxic stans coming our way. " Leah says in a much calmer tone than Yara's.

" And the third thing is, we can get attacked. We all know that it happens with an artist at least once in their lives. " Zoe tells the three of them.

Julie licks her lips and tries to think. "Can we not just make up a lie or something?"

" And what exactly are we going to say?  " Yara asks, massaging her temples.

"I honestly have no idea."

Zoe says !
I am still alive, unfortunately. There's some drama coming though 😼
