









tea_spiller as you can all see @Itz_Julie is clearly a clout chaser and a betrayer. She broke her friend's trust and threatened to RUIN Louis' career if he doesn't help her in her disgusting plans.

We should unstan her. She's toxic and a disgrace.

a day ago


( Usernames are just nothing specific because I was too tired to actually make ,, sorry )

username1 i feel so sorry for them. this is truly disgusting. i really thought Julie was a nice person 😔

username2 i don't think it's actually real.
⤿ username3 how ?
⤿ username2 julie doesn't have an android. besides it doesn't even look like an android.

username4 I have a strong feeling that this about to go Kanye, Kim and Taylor Swift if you know what I mean 
⤿username5 bruh
⤿ username6 no shit


Leahthegreat i need a moment to process this
⤿ username7 OMG
⤿ username8 i am so sorry this happened to you
⤿ username9 Leah it's not even real bruh
⤿ username10 it's fake guys

username11 guys it obviously fake. i can't believe ya'll are so dumb
⤿ tea_spiller I wouldn't post this if it was :)
⤿ username11 and what proof do you have that it's not fake ?



OUIS AND JULIE LOOKED UP from their screens and stared at each other.

"This ─ what the fuck is this?" She asked herself. He kept his phone down and made her face him.

"We know it's fake, but you need to prove that to everyone else." He tells her.

"I don't need you guidance." She narrowed her eyes at him.

They had literally just woken up and her phone was spammed with messages from Yara about this very post.

Soon, Yara's facetime call displayed on her phone screen. She accepted it and Yara's face came up.

"I swear this is the worst morning ever!" Yara shouts at someone and then looks back at her screen.

"Oh, Julie. Did you see it yet?" She asks, locking her door.

Louis peeked his head in a little.

"Hey, Louis." Yara greets, pressing her lips in a smile. Kinda fake, don't you think?

"Yeah, yeah I did. What do I do now? Apparently, Louis is 'threatened' now." Julie rolls her eyes, punching Louis' knee in frustration.

"Why'd you hit me, you bloody wanker?" He groans and blows at his knee.

"Sorry I guess."

"Oh no, you're not sorry."


"Wow, what an amazing 'girlfriend' do I have."

"I know right, imagine having a girlfriend as great as me."

"Imagine having a boyfriend as hot as me."

"Sorry, did you think you were hot?"

"Actually, I am and I know it."

"You're not going all 'I am Sexy and I know it' no me."

"I am."

Yara stares at them on her phone screen, them looking like an old married couple to her. She never thought they'd actually sort - of get along.

Everyone knew damn well that they couldn't happen. Except someone.

"Okay listen, maybe you can both go live or something. Or maybe you can type a comment." Yara shrugs as Julie looked back.

"Yeah, you should go live." Louis suggests.

"He's actually correct for once." Yara mumbles to herself. Another one of her cousins knock on her door.

"If you fuckers do that one more motherfucking time you'll see other uses of knives assholes!" She threw another pillow at the door. She had been quite frustrated since morning, first the post and then her cousins.

She cleaned her sister's room because she asked her to and all she got back was a smile. Not even a thank you.

"Calm down, Yara. What about Will?"

"What's with Will?" Louis interrupts.

"Oh it's all good now, thanks to Zoe. We met up again and ya know, made up." She explained.

"When were you guys dating!?" Louis' eyes had widened.

"Long story we'll talk about later, Lou." Julie says absent mindedly as Yara cocks a brow and smirks at her.

"What are you smirking about?"


Her ears turned red as she shook her head and turned to see Louis staring at her blankly. His face was flushed a light shade of red.

"We're still on last name basis, Partridge." She told him. "Alright, I'll talk to you later, Yara. Gotta shut out some liars."

Yara gave her a thumbs up as they ended the call.


Itz_Julie has started a live !

She waited for people to join her live. Louis, who stood away from the camera gave her a nod. She started as she saw around a thousand and more viewers.

"So there's something I'd like to address. Apparently, people are thinking that I have threatened Louis over text to date me and so that I can ruin Leah's culture, who happens to be my friend." She spoke, rubbing her hands together.

"First of all, yes, I and Louis are dating. I didn't threaten him to do anything, besides we are living in the same apartment so I literally don't see why the hell would he live with me if I threatened him."

"Second, I don't even have an android. I think the 'tea spiller' should've checked their facts before trying to 'expose' me."

username1 queen shit 🙄💅🏻

username2 if they didn't delete that post after this live, they're 'bout to get embarrased really bad

"Furthermore, I and Leah aren't on very good terms. I thought I'd like to make that clear. And funnily enough, there was someone else who wanted to ruin me. I've already call out one person."

So if you're watching this, tea spiller, here's what you're going to do. You're going to take that post down on all your platforms where you've posted this crap. Then, you're going to apologize publicly for misdirecting people into believing false information. Have a nice day."

username3 i am showing this live to my future kids idc what anyone says

username4 slayed!!

username5 badass queen 😳

username6 i am posting this on my YT

With that, she ended the live.

"That should solve it." She sighed.

"It will, Escobar." He reassured her.

Zoe says !
Did I just ─ yes, yes I did 🙄💅🏻
