


THIS SET WAS JUST AMAZING. And that wasn't sarcasm coming from me.

Julie was loving it with her fellow cast mates. Robert the most. He'd keep messing up purposely and earn laughs from them.

During lunch, they all say together, conversing about various things. Asa and Emma came and suddenly sat next to Julie.

She was a bit taken aback at first, but asks. "What? What happened?"

"Well, we've noticed somethings not-so-good between you and Louis." Asa responded, imitating a balance with his hands.

"So, we wanted to know if everything's alright?" Emma asks.

"Nothing much, he's just an asshole but that's alright." Julie smiles. She couldn't let anyone get to her at this point. She loved being around them but she didn't trust them enough to let it all out.

"Hey, Julie! I think I've done something I shouldn't have and I don't know if it was a good idea but I am pretty sure it was good but I feel like it was also bad ─ " Zoe goes on to rant until she realises that Asa and Emma were right there.

"Yeah, you were saying?" Asa gestures for her to continue but the blonde doesn't say anything.

She starts to fan herself awkwardly with her right hand, smiling nervously. "It's really hot in here, or is it just me?"

Julie shakes her head at her idiotic friend, slapping her hand on her own forehead.

"No, not really, Zoe."

"Definitely hot! You're very hot, Asa ─ No ! I meant the air or wind is it? I don't know but I really need to go!" She runs out of the area and Emma slumps back in her seat, laughing hilariously.

"What's so funny?" Asa asks as Julie starts to laugh along with Emma.

"You're so innocent, Asa."


"YARA!? HOW DID YOU GET here?" The brunette asks, walking inside the trailer to gather take the break that she deserves.

Being around Louis the entire day was a really hard thing to do. It was amazing how well both of them were in faking their emotions on screen, faking the chemistry behind the hatred, faking the adoration behind absolute dislike.

"Oh hey! Thought I'll drop by!"

"Screw you! I didn't do anything!" They heard someone shouting from the other trailer, which sounded a lot like Zoe. However they ignored that.

"Alright, I also have a problem." Yara says, closing the door and making Julie sit.

"What is it?"

"Okay, so Will was hanging out with his strange girl and I got a bit too jealous and all that shit and I told him to go fuck himself." Yara says, pacing around in the room.

"Are you fucking telling me you're dating Will?" Zoe opens the door.

"How'd you get inside?"

"I have my ways."

"Julie, I am sending you a text with what I had to say." Zoe adds, and then leaves.


Zoe 💀☕

Alright, I overheard
you and shitty
Partridge's convo at
that time

"yOu sHoULd rEsPecT
tHeiR pRiVaCy!"


What I was saying
is that I made you
work easyyy 😏😏


Well ya know nothing

Just deleted the screenshots
that those bitches sent
shitting Partridge






"OKAY, SO WHAT I WAS saying is yes. I was dating him. This got out of hands so I just need help." Yara says. Julie starts to say something but got cut off by one of the crew members entering.

"Julie, sorry to interrupt but I really need to come with me to see Mrs. Casala and the other producers." The girl says. Julie sighs and tells Yara to wait for her to get back.

She leaves the trailer along with the that girl, wondering what they could possibly want.

'Am I getting fired?'

'No, that can't happen. I didn't go anything for them to fire me.'

'Could it be Partridge?'

'Possibly, but I'll stand my ground.'

'Losing from him is the last thing I'd

As she thought about the various bad ideas and ways to murder him legally going on in her head, she hadn't realised she had gotten where she was expected.

"Ms. Julianna Escobar, we were expecting you." One of the producers said as Julie's eyes fell on the entire room and lastly, on Louis.

She tried to look away, since she knew he's like a player, hiding behind a mask. He's just a demon, pretending to be an angel.

Little did they both knew, they were both the kind who will kiss you and have a knife at your neck at the same time.

"I and few other producers have decided that we want you to fake date, until the end of shooting so that we can get some more hype." Mrs. Casala says as she Julie stood up from her seat along with Louis inorder to protest.

"No, I would rather k!ll myself then date him, even if it's fake." She says, slamming her hand on the table.

"Don't think I think otherwise, Escobar. I might k!ll you instead." He says, glaring at her.

"Great then, Partridge. We'll be even. Let's murder each other, fantastic!"

"Hush!" Mrs. Casala silences both of them.

"This is only until shooting ends, you can both move out once we're done." Escobar's eyes widen at that.

"Excuse me? Are you suggesting that we'll be moving in together?" Partridge asks as the redhead lady nods.

"Yes, Mr. Partridge. Starting from today."

"Wouldn't people think that's fake? Not to remind it's fake already." She scoffed.

"Not really, a lot of teenagers do that."

"But Louis already has a girlfriend."

"Not anymore, thanks to you." Louis says, glaring at her with a mix of sadness and anger in his eyes.

She felt sad for him, for a moment but that feeling died down immediately. She pitied him, but she wouldn't express it. She learned what happened to her when she did.

"Alright, we're not here to talk about your trauma. Your stuff will start to be moved from your houses now."

"What about our parents consent?" Julie asks.

"They've allowed it, of course we didn't tell them the exact reason."

Escobar gazed at Louis, who still looked like he wasn't just breaking down inside.

However, she looked away, she didn't want him to think any different of her.

"You're dismissed."

"You must be happy, Escobar." He said as they walked out. "Don't have to show me your fake pity, I know it."

"I never thought it'll get out of hand."

"Thanks to you it did!" He shouted at her.

This definitely wasn't a very good choice because the next thing he knew was that he was against the wall of his own trailer.

"Now, before you blame for it again, listen to me! Don't you ever fucking dare raise your voice at me." She says, grabbing his collar harshly.

If he denied that she didn't look hot at that time, he would be lying.

"Second, I did not expose her Instagram handle. I don't know who did, but I didn't." She says and let out a sigh.

"Remember how you turned this whole thing into a game? Play with her heart and then hers and then cheat on your own girlfriend?" She said, letting go of his collar and stepping back.

"You like to play games, right? Let's play a game then."

She spoke coldly, gazing around and then looking him dead in the eye. He didn't break the eye contact.

"Break my heart, and I'll break yours. Hurt me and I'll hurt you."

She smirks in a devilish manner.

"Play me, and I'll play you, darling."

Zoe says !
Oop ─ 👀☕
