



Julianna was doing much better at her work today, getting things off her mind made her think she'll be able to focus better.

A small part of her feels like she shouldn't have opened up, but she pushed that thought in the back of her mind. All that mattered to her was her work right now, or perhaps a certain brunette. Just a guess.

The man couldn't keep his damn eyes off her.

In all honesty, she was mad that he was making it difficult. He'd keep flirting with her and annoy the crew. They'd manage to film the scenes though, with the exception of Leah being a huge nuisance.

"Pay attention to me." He'd say and she'd simply shake her head no.

The production team had been slightly annoyed, but seeing that it was the last day of shooting, they didn't say much. 

After the had shot the scenes and reviewed them, Julie was heading back to her trailer. Zoe stood near the trailer door, fiddling with her fingers. As Julie approached her, the blonde girls anxiety level increased. 

"Julie, we have a problem." 

Julie arched an eyebrow in confusion. She couldn't quite understand what was going on. 

"What's wrong?" 

Leah quietly watched them from her trailer. Julie knew she was watching but she didn't say a thing. She knew it has to be another one of Leah's plans. 

"Casey - um, Louis's ex girlfriend is here to meet you. Look, she's not the psychotic girlfriend type. I believe she deserves an apology." Zoe explained, making hand gestures. 

Knowing that her plan was going well, Julie stepped inside the trailer and was met by Casey. She decided to act normal in front of her in order to not give her the hint that she knows her. 

"You're Casey, right?"

The girl was just fixing her auburn hair when she heard footsteps. Turning around, Julie saw the girl. Her worst nightmare, the person she never wished she'd never have to face was standing right in front of her.

"Julianna Escobar, we meet. Finally." She crossed her arms over her chest as she stood up.

"Of course, it's you."

"Let me get to the main topic."

Leah stood near the trailer door as soon as Zoe left, hearing every single bit of the conversation.

Julie gave her a look before Casey began.

"Leah told me who you really are. I can't believe you actually ruined a healthy relationship. We were going so well and then you ruined us. What did I ever even do to you?"

"You trusted her? Really? She's a liar and backstabber. She isn't worthy of your trust ─ "

"And you are?" Casey chuckled bitterly. Julie felt speechless for a moment, but she continued.

"I know what I did was wrong and not acceptable. . .but believe me she isn't worth it. It's taking everything in me to say this, Casey. I never wanted to ruin you. It was a mistake. Yes, I leaked those pictures but tell me what should I do to make it up to you?"

"Julie, you did what you had to. Any of your petty explanations won't change the fucking fact that you tried to ruin Leah's reputation. She deserved better.

You've done what you had to, but now it's my turn. Believe me, I'll make you pay for what you did. And I will get my Louis back."

Finishing off, she stomped out of trailer as Leah stepped away from the door.

Leah watched as Casey left and sighed, turning her gaze back to a fuming Julie.

"Oh, I heard that. Sounded bad." She gave her a fake look of pity as Escobar rolled her eyes. "This was my move, next is yours. Best of luck, Julie."

She gave her a devilish smirk as she left.

THEY SLUMPED BACK on the couch. Julie was stressed about what Leah had said earlier.

"Remember, we have a plan, Julie. It'll work, believe me. We just have to wait for the correct time." Louis ensured her while she simply nodded.

He noticed how she was still worried about it. So he tried to think of something that'll probably cheer her up, a little atleast. He knows he sucks at some kind of cute date - like thing, but he believed he can do something. 

He waited till the evening.

When the clock struck 9 pm, he sheepishly knocked on the door. Looking up from the video she was watching, she waited for him to speak.

"Would you like to keep your phone down and pay some attention here?"

"What for, Lou?"

His skipped a beat at the nickname. Not wanting to show that, he walked next to the bed and held her hands in his.

She stood up as he guided her out of the bedroom, where she spent most of her time.

"Are you plotting my murder, Partridge?"

"And I thought we made some progress."

"No, seriously. What the hell
have y ─ "

She paused the moment they entered the living room. He had moved the furnitures and made the place look different. Not rose petals and all that. Just simple fairy lights, along with Arctic Monkeys playing and bulbs switched off.

Play it for the feels !

The * is to indicate the music

"I would've have tried to be fancy, but then I remember I am not very good at this stuff." He giggled, fiddling with his fingers. "So, do you like it?"

"Of course, I love it. I don't want you to be fancy or anything, I am just glad that you even did this for me."

The butterflies erupted in his stomach as she smiled at him. She made her way towards him. "Wanna dance?"

She held her hand out and he took it, quickly pulling her close to him. She giggled as he cherished her hand. "Why'd I ever say no to that, m'lady?"

Wrapping her arms around his neck, she lets herself sink into the moment, to feel it entirely.

He smirked as he twirled her around the way he did the night they first met in person. Losing her balance once again, he snaked his arm around her waist, pulling her back up and closer.

"I see what you're doing, Partridge."


"And you're doing it very well."

They let themselves get lost in each other's eyes. It could be the biggest mistake they'd ever make, but it didn't matter at this moment. She wanted him just as much as he wanted her. He wanted to cherish her, not because of the things she's good at, but her flaws.

They danced the night away, knowing these moments won't ever come back. They lived it to the fullest.

Over the past two months, many things happened. There were time where she was slowly giving up but he kept her going. They hated each other, but here they are.

Slowly falling love with each others flaws. *

Clover's oRbS speak !

I'll be retitling the book 'War of
hearts' in some time ! It won't be
now, in a little while because I am
too lazy to put the layout here lol

Anyway, what do you think of the chapter ? Let me know <3
