



Sharing the bed was fine, but a couch?

"We'll adjust, look if you get ─ "

"No, Partridge, it wouldn't work." She sighs, leaning back on wall while they sat on the floor, trying to find a way to adjust on the couch.

He laid his head on her shoulder as she scrunched her face.


"I am tired." He pretended to yawn and closed his eyes. He hugged her while getting closer to her.

"And I was desperate." She rolled her eyes.

WAKING UP THE NEXT MORNING, they left almost immediately since it had been a while since they'd been on set again.

"Hey!" Julie greeted Zoe as she walked in with Louis right behind her.

They seemed oddly. . .close in Zoe's perspective.

"Hey. ." She mumbled and shook the thoughts away. In her point of view, she believed they literally could never get along. But what if the exact opposite is what's happening?

ONCE SHE GOT IN HER COSTUME, she took her script and revised it one more time, just to be sure. While she was doing so, Leah walked up to her and sat down on the chair next to her.

"Julie ─ "

"I don't have time for you." She cuts her off, without looking up from the sheet.

"Just a minute."

"I don't have a minute for you."

"You've got to listen to her, Escobar." Louis walks in on them, crossing his arms over his chest.

"And what should I be expecting?" She questioned, looking up from her script. "Should I expect a three - part apology about how she's sorry? Because if that's the case, then too bad I am not the one for those."

When Leah didn't speak up, Julie started to walk away. However, Louis held her back.

"She wants to invite you to her party, it's a good idea." He whispered to her as she rolled her eyes and bit the insides of her cheek.

"It's a big no."


"No. Look Partridge, you may have forgotten all the shit she did and forgiven her, I am just not down to attending her party."

"I know you hate me." Leah says, wiping her tears and then looks down. "I just thought it'd be good to have you over, maybe one last time."

"Didn't take you for someone who'd be able to cry on cue. Stopped making music, did you?" Julie spoke, crossing her arms over her chest and turning around. "Oh right, your new profession is ruining people's lives."

Leah walked away and inside her trailer. Wiping the fake tears off, she turned to her makeup artist. "I am going to need you to do it again."

She knew damn well what she was doing, and she knew her plan will be working.

"That's so insensitive, Escobar."

"Insensitive? I know she's trying to play the victim, wait till she posts her fake depression." She goes back to reading over her script.


Julie sighs, sitting back on the chair while she was on a call with Yara.

"Did I ever tell you that it's difficult to walk in heels?" ── "No."

"Well, now you know."

"Anyway, the party. I am not going, but Zoe said she might be down for it. I can't believe she said that!"

Julie paused, and tried to think. What could be the things that could happen? Many, and all risky. Leah wasn't worthy of her trust, and she had to be make a choice.

If she denies, Leah might just post another tea spilling post. She had a feeling it was Leah, but she wasn't sure of it.

She doesn't what would happen if she agrees to accept the invite. Trouble.

"Wait, what if she's planning on doing something to Louis? Didn't he say he'll be there?" Yara suggested.

Without another thought, Julie immediately spoke up. "I'll go! I mean, I'll go to the goddamn party but only to make sure Partridge will be alright."

"Since when did you start to like him?" Yara smirks. Of course she knew that Julie couldn't see it, but it was rather involuntary.

"I don't like him, I am just ─ I am just looking out for him. That's all!" Julie explained and bit her lip a little.

"Mhm, sure love." Yara mocked as she took a sip from his drink. "I am not going, like I said earlier but give me updates later."

After they hanged up, Julie kept her phone down and leaned back on her chair.

She has the choice to not go, but she couldn't help but have a strange feeling that something might go wrong there. And she didn't want him to be there alone.

Zoe's oRbS speak !
I swear this will be the
last time I'll piss you
guys off
