



He asked Julie as she nodded. She had just told him that she was going with him, and he seemed to be confused, as she didn't say so earlier.

She also seemed quite. . .strange.

Not yet usual self, just more friendly.

Except that she was laughing at a kid of fell over but we're not going to talk about that.

"Alright then but, what made you change your mind?"

"I just wanted to look out for you. Make sure you don't get drunk as a skunk and lose your virginity." She casually spoke and grabbed her phone.

"Are you not planning on wearing a shirt?" She pointed towards Louis, who was still shirtless as he couldn't pick one.

His ears turned red and he scratched the back of his neck. "I couldn't decide."

"I am not really used to giving gifts, but you might want to check your drawer. Black shirt, by the way." She smiles and exited the apartment.

As he opened his drawer, he noticed a box and a small note which read, 'Here's something for you. This note is going to be cringy so bear with me. Go fuck yourself. Ps. I still hate you :)'

He opened the box to notice one of the watches he wanted to get for a long time. He wondered how she knew about that, but thinking she probably asked his sisters, he shrugged. He puts it on, admiring the design.


They walk in together inside the party. There were more people then Julie actually expected, but since Leah was quite easy to socialize to, she wasn't surprised.

"It's my first time going to a party. By the way, do people really lose their virginity?" Louis whispered to Julie who gags and glances at him.

"No, not all. Unless you get drunk enough to think you're an alien who's from Jupiter." She answered him while they made their way inside. "Besides, we're minors so there's literally no way we'll be drinking."

The lighting was purple and slightly dim. Almost everyone was having the time of their life, except some like Leah who seemed to be waiting for someone.

As soon as Leah noticed the two, she made her way towards them.

"Hey guys! I am so glad you came, Julie." Leah greeted Julie and held her hands. Julie pulled her hands away and pulled a neutral expression.

"I think I am glad I came." She said, pressing her lips in a thin line. Louis noticed the way Leah's smile dropped, and just for the sake of not creating more drama he spoke.

"The party seems cool, Leah. Thanks for inviting us."

"Thanks, Louis." She replied cheerfully. "Why don't you guys take a seat here?"

They nodded and took a sit on the sofas. Along with them, there were also a few other teenagers but she didn't find Zoe anywhere. Not minding that fact, Julie decided to stay quiet.

"Louis Partridge and Julianna Escobar, right?" A redhead smiled and held his hand out.

"Yeah." They spoke at the same time.

"Marcus, I am a fan! Not to mention you were my bisexual awakening. Um ─ no that's embarrasing." He said, pulling his hand back.

"That's cool!" Louis assured him.

"No, that's fine. It's a pleasure to meet you, Marcus." Julie smiled whilst she held her hand out which Marcus gladly shook.

"I am shaking hands with Julie Escobar." He blurts out as Louis seems to notice that and leans back on the couch, eyeing the redhead suspiciously.

Julie grabbed a cup of coke as she chuckled. She seemed to be having a completely fine conversation with Marcus until Louis couldn't take it anymore and decided to interject.

"Did you want to have a pizza slice, love?" He asked, making sure Marcus hears it and gives him a look.


"Do you mind, if I say something Marcus? In private." Marcus nodded subconsciously and they stood in the far left corner.

"Look, I appreciate all your support and I support you as a part of LGBTQ but there's something you should know." Marcus gestured for him to continue whatever the heck he was saying.

"You know, I and Escobar, we're a thing, mate." He presses his lips into a line as the boy realised what he was trying to say.

"Oh, I see. But just so you know, I wasn't trying to flirt with her or something." He walks off as Louis crosses his arms over his chest.

"You surely were but, whatever you say." He mumbles and walked back to the couch. He sat down next to her again.

"What took you so long?"

"Just talking. What happened while I was gone though?"

"Leah and someone who looks like Luka Couffaine are trying to decide a game. Bet it's gonna be shitty and something out of a Wattpad fanfiction." She leaned back on the couch, munching on her chips.

"Let's play spin the bottle!" Leah announced as everyone agreed, except some while Julie choked on her chips.

"Is it out of a Wattpad fanfiction?"



"I believe we all know the rules, so let's get in a circle!" Leah says and they start to form a circle.

"I am definitely not down for this."

"Don't be salty, Escobar."

"I was born salty, Partridge."

"That's fine, Louis are you in?" Leah asks as Louis nods while Julie glared at him. She knew exactly what the game was supposed to be.

'This idiot just had to agree for this game. Motherf ─ '

"Let the game begin!"

Zoe's oRbS speak !
lmfao i wrote the chapter
while listening to go fuck
yourself by two feet even
if they don't fit the vibe

might fit the vibe of the
next chapter though idk
