



Why ? Because of the fact that he wasn't able to do anything to fix the tea spilling thing.

Julie had locked the door and was sitting alone in her bedroom. She always tried to show people that everytime she got hated on, it didn't affect her. But deep down it always unmotivated her, it was just Yara and Zoe who keep her going somehow.

Louis laid on the couch in front of the tea, trying to find something to watch. Every now and then, he'd glance at the door and think about asking her to talk to him, but then he'd just look away.

His phone ringed to the call of someone calling him on Snapchat. He answered the call and someone screamed into his ear. They were so loud that he couldn't guess what they were saying.

"Shut up!" The person on the line went quiet. "Now repeat."

"Alright, it's Zoe here."


"And Jules is all gloomy and you're being completely useless and not helping at fucking all!" She shouted at him as he took his phone away from his ear for a second.

"First of all, calm the fuck down. I'll ─ uh ─ I'll talk to her." He assured the girl on the other line.

"Okay, I and Yara owe you peanut butter sandwich." With that, she ended the call.

He stood in front of the bedroom door, debating whether he should ask her to open the door. He was worried about her being mad at him.

One thing he had realised about her, is she'll go completely quiet when she just wants to breakdown.

Before he could even knock on the door, she adruptly opened the door.

His hazel eyes stared into her brown ones. Her eyes were red and the tears slipped from her eyes as she blinked. She could feel his breath on her face, that's how close they were. Physically, not emotionally.

Without thinking anymore, she just wrapped her arms around him and buried her head in his neck. All he heard was her whimpering. He hesitantly wrapped his arms around her.

He had never felt this close to her, never before.

Soon, she pulled away. She looked away, avoiding looking at him.

"We'll never talk about this." She says, walking back in the room but he stops her, grabbing her wrist.

She stopped and turned around, and then he lost his words.

"What is it, Partridge?"

He inhaled deeply, trying to think of something to say. Just something to make her stay.

"Stay." He breathed out.


"Stay here ─ I mean um ─ sit on the couch uh, yeah." He fumbled around with his words, he was clearly nervous.

"Are you okay, you seem nervous?" She inquired.

"Yeah, I am completely fine." She sat down on the couch while he grabbed a water bottle and drank half of it.

"Corpse Bride or Flipped?" He asked, sitting down next to her and handing her some ice cream.

"Ice cream? When did you get that?"

"I have my ways, darling." He winked in the process while she playfully rolled her eyes.

"Corpse Bride."

He glanced at her for a split second and looked back at the screen.

"So, you've been a bit gloomy today."

"Yeah, but that doesn't matter." She bit her lip as she went on to have the ice cream.

"It does. You don't always have to hide it."

"If I started now, Partridge, I'll start venting and then you'll have to deal with my breakdowns."

"You clearly haven't heard that saying." He leaned back on the couch while she adjusted her position.

"Which saying?"

"Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer."

"Hmm, good." She says and grabs his collar, pulling him closer. You can say she has a thing for grabbing collars.

"This is not what I meant, Escobar." He chuckled as she tilted her head and smirked.

"You didn't tell me whether it was supposed to be emotionally or physically."

"It's funny how you can go from gloomy to flirtatious almost immediately." He says, coming closer to her.

"Funny indeed."

The gap between them small, a little push and their lips might meet.

His breathing hitched a little, noticing how close they were. She couldn't help it as her gaze fell on his lips. She wondered what they'd feel like if he wasn't such an arse.

He could find himself leaning in, and he wanted to back away, but he just couldn't help it anymore.

"Fuck it, I am done with this."

She grabbed his face and their lips collided.

It was sudden for him, but the intoxicating feeling felt so ethereal to him that he wished this moment could be paused.

She closed her eyes, her fingers tracing onto the back of his neck. His hands swayed on his side, as he still was slightly shocked.

"I still hate you, Partridge." She spoke in between the kiss.

"Mhm, of course you do."

He wrapped her arms around her waist and pulled her closer. He wished he could be able to replay this forever.

Isn't it funny how one moment they are just flirting and the next they find themselves kissing the other?

It indeed is difficult to understand the affairs of the heart.

Zoe says !
No, I am not sorry
and I will never be 😤
