Young Master~ Part 4 (Human! Optimus X Human! Reader)

A/N: Hi guys! Back at it with another chapter! Sorry for the slow updates, I'm doing as fast as I can and I have a horrible schedule REEEEEEE-

Please, someone get me a Soundwave to plan out my timetable.

Soundwave: (;へ:)

Anna: SOUNDERS- Shh! Honey, I'm writing!!

Soundwave: *Visibly unhappy. * *Crossy noodle arms*

Anna: ...What?

Soundwave: Don't replace Soundwave. Soundwave will help, don't find a replace like Soundwave. Soundwave is superior. (●︿●)

Anna: What are- OH!! I'm sorry!! Don't be sad!! Y-You can help me then!!

Soundwave: *is unhappy*

Anna: I'M SORRY- here, grape juicebox?

Soundwave: *takes juicebox and leaves*

( '_`)Enigma-chan wants to replace superior Soundwave...






*Turns around*


TW: Gore, panic attack, bully.


Just ONE DAY after the burial of Freya (L/N), the mansion reverted to its usual activities, as if the solemn moment does not exist at all. Your parents went on a business trip to Maldives for two weeks, leaving Wilford and Edmund at home.

To be honest, your parents couldn't care less about the second child.

Neither does Wilford and Edmund.

But you...


Sure, Freya was mean and manipulative, but she was still your sister. A little amount of empathy is still allowed to be given...right?

Optimus stayed by your side, comforting you in your lowest hour.

"O-Orion..." you hiccupped, feeling your lungs constricted and finding it hard to breathe. "I-I..."

Seeing your paling face, the mech carried you out to the balcony and sat on the large chair, rocking you back and forth in his embrace as he whispered sweet nothings into your ears, effectively calming your panic attack down.



"I know master, I know..." he cooed, repetitively rubbing your back in a soothing manner. "Life is short, love."

"H-How...c-could...Eric d-do...s-such a t-thing...?" You sniffled, gripping his white dress shirt tightly. Tears trickled down his clothing but the Prime paid no attention to the stain, merely focusing on how to calm you down.

"He's a cheater; a liar." Optimus said, brushing a stray hair behind your ear as he leaned in, gazing down to your shaking figure. "The police found out about him having an affair with an actress in England. The man thinks he can capture two ladies' hearts at the same time; how unwise of him."

"I-I heard Freya was p-poisoned...?" You hesitantly asked.

"Yes, and it came from the perfume gifted by Eric himself." Optimus's blue eyes held no remorse for the bitchy girl, but he feigned a sad expression for your sake. "My deepest condolences, sweetspark. This tells us to be more careful next time, for there exists cruel and vile humans with unmentionable motives." he said, shaking his head sadly.

Nodding, you curled deeper into his broad chest and let out a shaky sigh. You went quiet for a while before turning upwards, asking Pax a very simple question.

"W-Will the same?"

Your eyes held grief and fear as those words came out from your mouth.

Shifting you to make you sit on his lap, the handsome mech dipped in and placed a soft kiss to your forehead, sending you his rare warming smile.

"That thought would never even cross my mind, master. I assure you; you CAN'T even get rid of me even if you wanted to." He chuckled deeply.

Breaking into a smile, you failed to catch Prime's hidden meaning and leaned in, pecking his cheeks and hugged his neck.

"Mhmm!!" you beamed, nuzzling happily in his hold.

'Master...' Optimus inwardly groaned, feeling nothing but pure euphoria from your sweet gestures as he accepted the hug. His sharp eyes locked hard on the ground as he steeled his resolves of ending the cruel line, leaving only a pure angel to take over the manor.

Leaving ONLY you.


Timeskip: Night time...

"How's (Y/N) holding up?" Ratchet asked, leaning against the wooden wall.

"Not too well." Optimus muttered, chewing his inner cheeks. "I managed to get her to stay calm; she had a minor panic attack earlier this afternoon but she's not eating properly."

"She's traumatised. Give her time." Ratchet advised.





"So... we're killing Wilford tonight?" Megatron smiled, drumming his scarred fingers together as he broke the silence.

To everyone's surprise, Optimus nodded.

"Wait- for real?" Megatron raised an eyebrow. "I mean- (Y/N)'s condition..." he trailed off, leaving the Prime to piece the fine mech's unvoiced opinion.

"She will come around." Optimus replied.

"N-No. I think w-we should wait." Ratchet mustered up the courage and spoke his idea.

Casting a sideways glance, Optimus's cold eyes held danger but allowed the young medic to continue.

"(Y/N) would spiral into a horrible state, one where she might not be able to crawl out of. Perhaps it is wiser if we take it slow and not scratch them all off at one go." Ratchet explained. "I-If you w-would allow it, of course!" he bowed at Optimus, sweat trickling down his forehead.

"Hmm..." Optimus mused, taking a few steps closer and leaned in, carefully tipping the medic's head up. Ratchet's turquoise ones clashed with his, internal turmoil clearly visible to the Prime's gaze.

Ratchet's breathing hitched as he locked sight with Optimus. His mouth went dry and felt his soul nearly leaving his body as the mech stared deeply with no emotions; like a lion targeting a weak impala.




"I do wish to have a sound mind like you guys sometimes." Optimus stated, breaking into a carefree smile within seconds. "I apologise. My anger has clouded my visions." He patted the frightened medic's shoulders, nodding in gratitude.

"You're right; (Y/N) is our utmost priority." He said, turning around to face the kids of Solus Prime. "I guess I should take a step back and see the bigger picture."

Smirking, Megatron leaned back on his chair. "And I thought I had a bad temper." He joked, ruby eyes twinkling with mischief.

"Soundwave wishes to give an input." The quiet child spoke, gaining the attention of his fellow partners. Tapping on his tablet, the hoodie boy showed his screen to everyone. "Edmund is out of his room. Soundwave speculates he is out to look for Optimus. It is not wise to linger here any longer."

"Understood." Optimus nodded. "Thank you, Soundwave. We'll end it here." He gave the team one last nod again and left, disappearing in the dark shadows as he skilfully retreated back to your room.

The brunette was about to unlock your bedroom door when a familiar voice halted the butler in his steps.

"If I were you, I'd stay away from Ghost." Edmund said nonchalantly, playing with his cufflinks. Dusting invisible dust away, the third child of (L/N)'s family took a large stride and stood before Optimus.

"I don't know what the fuck do you see in that mistake, but count yourself lucky that I'm even advising you." He made a look of disgust and poked the young mech's chest.

"She's a disaster; she brings bad omen. The only reason I was nice to her was because I assumed she'd be dead early. Unfortunately, she's still alive." He added before wagging a finger at Orion. "Private and confidential matters are not to be spread out; I'm sure even a fool would understand what I'm saying, yes?"

"Yes." Optimus replied monotonously, but his hands still stayed on the doorknob.

"Well? G-Get away from her room then!" Edmund yelled, getting impatient.

"I didn't say I was going to heed to your advice, sir." The brunette said, eyes scanning over the lean boy's figure.

Optimus found AT LEAST 5 vital spots to deal the WORST pain onto Edmund, and the thought was getting more and more tempting as each second passes by.

"I am needed; therefore, I must comply." He stated.

"It's night for Christ's sake! Don't tell me Ghost is also having incontinence!?" he snarled.

"No, she's able to handle going to the bathroom just fine."

"Then why the FUCK-"

"She's having trouble going to sleep." Optimus cut the conversation short. "And every second I spent here is reducing the amount of rests she gets. Excuse me, but I need to take care of Lady (Y/N)."

"That ghost doesn't need-" Edmund's words couldn't finish when Optimus all but glowered at the mech, his aura suddenly dropped into a menacing one.

"Her NAME is (Y/N)." Optimus growled; ocean blue eyes narrowed dangerously.

"GOOD.EVENING." Were the butler's last words as he went inside, slamming the door in front of Edmund's face.

Pissed, Edmund kicked the door with all his might, successfully disrupting your sleepy state. You hadn't noticed Optimus coming in until the loud bang made you sprung up.

"O-Orion!" You gasped, checking him over. "D-Did you knock yourself over?"

"No." he said, unfazed with the sudden noise. "I am well."

Though, the Prime was using all his might to not butcher Edmund into 27 pieces because he had just DISTURBED you, something Optimus CANNOT allow.

"What was-"






Silence and a faint sound of footsteps became distant.




"E-Edmund...?" Your eyes watered as your mind registered the owner behind those hurtful words. Slowly, you pulled your covers up and curled inside, looking away from Optimus.

"I-I think I'll get s-some rest. G-Goodnight, Optimus!" You said, but your voice was cracking.


Lifting you up from the covers, Optimus slid inside and tugged it closer for you, encasing you inside his embrace and the comforts of your soft blankets.

As predicted, a tiny (h/c) femme was silently weeping.

"Milady..." he murmured, lips hovering on your head. "Please, do not be in despair..."

You didn't reply, still too shock and hurt with everything. You truly believed that Edmund was just having bad days recently, but he proved your assumptions wrong.

Ghost was your nickname, which you HATED.

The kids in kindergarten teased you over it and made pranks on you whenever they could. It had gotten to a point that you decided to be home-schooled, unable to mix around and study properly with the constant demeaning taunts.

It may seem trivia, but you REALLY didn't like that name.

Sure, you're pale and had to use the wheelchair for the most of your time due to your short breath, but you didn't deserve to be labelled that way.

And now, your only sibling that you BELIEVED loves you; DON'T.

It hurts.

"I'm n-not a-a ghost..." you mumbled, tugging on Optimus's clothes. "I'm a human too..."

Softening his gazes, Optimus faintly remembered the times he dropped by to the kindergarten area, only to see a small figure curled up as a few bullies circled around you, chanting that dreaded nickname over and over.

He stopped them, but they had already dealt some physical damages on you, much to his regrets. From that day onwards, he vowed to keep a closer eye on you, forever blaming himself for not saving you fast enough.

"(N/N) ..." he cooed, plucking away your locks from your face, revealing a puffy-cheeked girl. "Don't listen to him." he whispered, placing several butterfly kisses on your head.

"I'm sorry for being a defect..." you cried, staring up at Optimus's eyes.

"I'm sorry that you can't have a proper rest because of me..." you continued, tears spilling uncontrollably. "I'm sorry for causing trouble. I-I know I'm a burden to everyone, t-to you..."

Without hesitating, Optimus pulled you in and silenced your doubts with a kiss. Your sorrows ebbed away as you accepted his love, closing your eyes and melted into it.

"Not...a...burden..." he panted, forehead touching yours. "Never."

You nodded slowly, eyes averting his.

"You don't believe me." Orion said, eyes firm. "You're the love of my life, milady. I'd be a fool to leave you alone. I made a vow to protect you, to stay by your side; I don't go against my promise." He whispered, sneaking a soft kiss on your neck.

Shivering, you blushed against his touch and tried to shy away, but he held your shoulders tight. Tilting your head up, the Prime made you to look into his eyes.

All you saw was love in his ocean eyes.

"I'd KILL for you." he purred quietly, nuzzling against your nose.

You DIDN'T catch his meanings... AGAIN.

Tearing up, you broke down again and sobbed into his arms.

Optimus said nothing as he took you in gracefully, for he has no need to. All you needed was company, and his presence was enough.

Soon, your shaking figure died down into soft snores. You were exhausted after crying and fell into a peaceful slumber on top of Optimus, not that he minded.

Taking out his phone, the gentle psycho snapped several pictures of you before switching into seriousness, his loving attitude disappeared as he typed furiously and send his message to his friends in code language.

'Change of plan; we're killing Edmund first.' He wrote in Cybertronian, a language Soundwave and Ratchet had come up with for the team.


'Roger that.'


Smiling, Optimus switched his mobile off and casted a loving glance at you. He combed through your (h/c) hair, showering compliments on you while plotting a way for Edmund to suffer.

After all, no one made his master CRY.



Bonus Part: How Optimus fell for you.

After the death of his mother, Maria, Optimus locked himself in his room often and denied eating, mourning for the loss of his parent. Days turned weeks and Alpha Trion couldn't stand seeing his child deteriorating in such matter.

Thus, the wise old man decided to sign his child up to take care of you.

Optimus finally got out of his room albeit begrudgingly. The boy's eyes were absent of life, which made his father worry even more.

"Let's go, shall we?" Alpha Trion said, starting up his car. They decided to shift into the mansion because of work, leaving their own home empty but not sold.

Nodding, Optimus stayed silent during his journey all the way to your house.

He does NOT want to be here.

(That mindset is going to change soon.)

"Step inside, my boy." Alpha Trion ushered, gently placing a hand behind Optimus's back. The father-son duo went in and the aging man greeted your father, Lucas.

"Thank you for giving my son the opportunity, sir." He bowed.

"Please, ANYTHING for my daughter!" Lucas said, smiling from eye to eye.

"Oh, I'm SURE he'd do perfect as my daughter's playdate!" Monica giggled, pinching Optimus's cheeks.

He wanted to flinch, but the boy held his reflexes in as he heard the Hollywood star called your name. You emerged from your room slowly, descending down the staircase slowly with fear oozing out of your timid posture.

Optimus was...taken aback.

'She's the girl?' he asked to himself, taking a quick scan over your body.

"Meet your new butler, Optimus Prime!" Monica said, patting the young Prime's shoulders.

"Greetings." He coolly spoke, icy gaze staring at you as he kneeled down and placed a kiss on your hands.

"O-Oh! Hello..." Your alluring voice captured the mech's heart and he found himself unable to take his eye of off you.

Nodding, he stood back up and continued fawning over your beauty...internally.

He was still having a stoic look on his face.

Your mother briefly introduced him to you, not the that Prime paid much attention of. He gave a half-reply to the mistress of the house without even breaking eye contact from you.

Creepy? Maybe, but Optimus couldn't care less.

The seven years old brunette felt a gentle hum inside him and he failed to shake the feeling away.




"Hewo?" Your soft calls made him felt...warm.

"Hello." He immediately replied, though he lamented on the fact that he sounded robotic. Seeing your uneasiness, the mech decided to give you some space. "Would you like to head back to your bedroom, milady?" he asked.

Your body responded with a jump and the smart boy caught onto it; you were about to ask him a question.

'Stupid Optimus! Let the lady speak first! Where have your manners gone to!?'

"Is there something you wish for, master?" the sentence rolled off from his tongue smoothly and he found himself liking to address you as his master, and he DIDN'T KNOW WHY.

Your reaction to him calling you master was visibly negative and the mech squashed down the faint feeling of rejection.


Behind your flustered figure, a maid was coming closer, TOO CLOSE for his taste and he jumped into action. Optimus couldn't stop himself this time as he pulled you in, bringing you out of harm's reach.

The maid's apologised but the Prime felt a wave of prickly heat inside him as he glared at the worker, his mind screaming loudly alongside with his thundering heartbeat.


"Be careful." He mustered out, eyeing the maid dangerously. He watched the young woman like a hawk, satisfied as he witness her scampering away.

'Good. You touch what's mine and I'll- wait...MINE?! Since when-'

"I-It's okay and thank you..." your words soothed his raging thoughts and the man wanted to get to know you MORE without any other outside factors disturbing HIS MOMENTS with you.

"Perhaps we should take our conversation to somewhere quiet and less busy. Is that alright, master?" he felt the same satisfying tingle again as he fleeted over you, checking for any scratches.




"B-But there's one more thing."


"C-Call me (Y/N), okay?" you smiled up at him.

'(Y/N), MY (Y/N)!! She's given me the leeway of using her name!!' Optimus felt a sense of victory and nodded, obliging to your command.

"As you wish...(Y/N)." he replied.

In that particular moment, something within the young brunette clicked. He wanted to stay with you.

He wanted to be closer to you.

He WANTS you.

At the young age of seven, the mourning child of Alpha Trion found what his heart was yearning for all these whiles; you
