Split Ends. Part 2 (Dreadwing/ Skyquake X Femme! Reader)



Okay in all seriousness, I liked this chapter so I hope you do too. Here's the part two of this sad af chappy storyaboutHP T^T

Cry. With. Me.

Oh, by the way, this chapter focused more on Ratchet. Just a heads up and ENJOY~

I AM SAD ಥ_ಥ


"It's over, isn't it...?" Ratchet breathed out, staring at the white statue at Iacon's Hall of Records, the newly built building never seemed so distant and unfamiliar to the optics of the old medic.

"Old friend...what have you done...?" The medic sighed, rubbing his tired face and placed down a box in front of the marble-metal monument.

There were tiny gifts and candles lit around the honourable Prime for his sacrifice, but all Ratchet could ever see was the death of his best friend.

"I-I got the flavours right again..." he choked back a sob, setting the ivory chest down. Kneeling down, the lost medic felt as if someone had robbed his spark, snatching it away and left him to feel nothing but emptiness.

"You're such a fool, do you know that? I didn't return to save a life, only to lose the one I care the most about..." he continued, glaring at the carved words.

'Here lies Cybertron's greatest warrior, a Prime, a leader, a family, a friend. May your spark rest in peace, dwelling in serenity as you've paved the new era for Cybertron.

Till all are one.'

After the war ended on Earth, the Bots went back to their home world to rebuilt it. Long story short, Unicron awoken again and fought tooth and nails with the Autobots. The team became victorious, but not without paying the hefty price.

Optimus had to give his own life to save their world.

It wasn't the same after that.

Bumblebee and Smokescreen joined the Academy, nurturing future generations to protect and serve the newly revived planet. Arcee went solo, but the old bot had a hunch that the femme probably drops by to Earth to see her partner once a while.

Bulkhead and Wheeljack helped with the buildings and architecture, though the latter was constantly making a fool and gets told off by Ultra Magnus. Ever since the loving Optimus passed on, the stern Magnus haven't been in contact with the band, only talking when urgent matters required.

Knockout helped with the hospital, becoming one of the key CMO and President of the board. Though, the once sassy and dramatic mech toned it down a huge notch, opting to keep his life quaint and simple, a stark contrast with his usual narcissistic character.

Needless to say, the Prime's death broke all of them.

But for Ratchet, it was a whole another level of pain and sorrow.

The old medical officer lost a friend AND his family. Clutching his chassis in pain, the worn out mech stumbled and fell to the ground as he fought the aching stab in his spark.

"What am I without you, Optimus?" he cried out, looking down at his own shaky servos. Those same servos that saved his family's lives countless times; the same ones that fought blood, sweat and tears for this world of his.

All of a sudden, Cybertron didn't feel as grand as he once felt; Earth felt warmer and welcoming than this...place.

"Rafael, Miko, Jack... Scrap, I got to get the kids a gift or Miko is going to make a fuss." Ratchet chuckled bitterly, still unmoving of his spot. What initially was the most annoying group of humans turned out to be the one of the closest people with him.

Oh, how the tables had turned.

"You were right old friend, I had to watch were I stepped and now, those little friend of ours are what keeps me going." He spoke sadly, momentarily smiling at the thought of Miko's crazy antics and how Rafael was always by his side, supporting him. Jack would be there too, giving an advice or two as the boy bickered with the bubbly girl.

"I'll be returning to Earth soon, but I just- I just- I...missed you. I pray to Primus every night that this is all but a dream and you're alive...but I cannot be so foolish. You've done everything and gave everything...thank you, old friend." Ratchet spoke, tenderly caressing the carvings before him as he shuts his optics close, drowning in his own world of regrets.





Ratchet's optics snapped wide opened and the old bot had never turned so quickly in his life only to see his little precious girl...with the two Ex-Cons. The old bot narrowed his optics but faltered when he saw you holding something.

"H-Hi sire..." I gave my dad a small smile before looking up to my godsire's statue. Saying a quiet prayer for the fallen warrior, I nodded at the statue before focusing on my dad...or at least, whatever's left with him.

Oh Primus, he looks so frail...

"D-Dad...?" I called out again, balancing my bundles of joy in my arms as I went forward. Dreadwing gently tapped my shoulders, taking my thoughts away from sire for a second.

"Give them to me. Go talk to him sweetspark." He offered.

Nodding, I passed the sparklings over and ran towards my dad, clashing into his weak frame. The old medic finally came online from his trance and grabbed my tightly, taking in my scent as years of pain washed over within moments.

"(Y/N)!!" he sobbed, cupping my face as he placed multiple kisses on my helm. I cried too, missing my pops dearly.

"Hey dad, your annoying daughter is...back..." I winced, looking away.

Does he still consider me as his...?

Noticing my sadden look, Ratchet lifted my chin and nuzzled my face, chuckling with his hoarse and shaky voice.

"Y-Yes, she-she is..." he said, coolants still leaking from his optics.

Dreadwing and Skyquake stood behind me, the latter putting his servos behind his back as the fella stood straight. Dreadwing said nothing, holding my babies carefully as he watched my reunion with Ratchet. Sire finally caught sight of the twins and went rigid, not knowing how to react.

After all, they were reason why you had left, so you can't really blame the mech for being wary of the twins.

"S-Sir." They said in unison, dipping the helms in respect. Ratchet did a double take before hesitantly nodding, still sort of processing the situation.

"D-Dreadwing, S-Skyquake..." his optics travelled down onto the gurgling noises in Dreadwing's arms and he gasped, blue optics suddenly filled with awe.

Smiling, I took over my two sparklings and showed my sire.

"Hey dad, meet your grandchildren. You're a grandpa now!" I giggled, pecking his faceplate. Ratchet stuttered a few moments before cracking a smile, cooing at the sleepy sparklings.

"Hey..." he said, gently bopping the snout of my child. Turning towards my two husbands, the wary medic finally drops his guard and pulled the two in for a hug, me in between.

"Thank you for taking care of my daughter..." he muttered, optics closed. Dreadwing and Skyquake sucked in a harsh breath as they simultaneously thought that the medic was about to kick their afts.

"Please, she is the love of our life and we would do anything for her, sir!" Skyquake spoke up, pulling away from the hug and saluted my father.

I bit back my laughter at his actions, knowing that silly younger twin of Dreadwing was such a nervous wreck!

"It is honour to be bonded with (Y/N), sir. W-We haven't met in a proper way before, but I assure that (Y/N) has been safe with us. I am s-sorry for not contacting-"

"Thank you. All of you." Ratchet cut the babbling Dreadwing off, waving his tired servos. Nodding, Dreadwing's shoulderplates relaxed and the mech gave my father a smile as the two formed an understanding.

"I believe it is only wise of us to invite you for a Energon drink. Would you care you to join us, sir?" Dreadwing offered. Ratchet's dermas opened wide, not knowing how to answer when I spoke up.

"P-Please Daddy?" I chipped in, nuzzling closer with my father. Ratchet let out a loud sigh before ruffling my helm, a loving sire smile once again appearing on his faceplate.

"...How can I ever say no to your, little gem?"

And off you guys went, enjoying the moments together.




By the side-lines, a faint translucent figure stood silently all this while, watching over your conversation with a tranquil look.

"Take your father home this time, little (N/N)." Optimus said before vanishing into thin air, letting the warm light pour and blanketed his statue with much grace, shining and reflecting beautifully.

"Goodbye, old friend."
