Characters Designated Positions, Part 1

"Uh...this is the title we're going for today? Seriously?" Megatron asked, tapping his chin as he stared at the laptop screen, unimpressed. "I was hoping to continue on the Yandere chapter. Primus, it's been so long since we updated it!"

"You're not even the main character!" Ratchet sputtered.

"Neither are you but I believe you'd rather have that than this, no?" the silverette snapped back. Upon seeing the medic averting gazes, Megatron knew he had won. "As I thought so."

"Perhaps this serves as a better guide for the readers, old friends. Is that what you're thinking, little one?" Optimus asked, sitting behind Anna and braiding her hair.

She chuckled and leaned back, tilting up to see a gentle smile plastered on his face. "You know me too well, Prime."

The brunette sighed and carefully pushed her back, ocean eyes hinting with playfulness. "I'm not done with your hair. Keep your head straight." He replied, earning scoffs from the two mechs sitting beside them.

"Bitch please, he's just stalling." Ratchet waved his hands, eyes rolling. "Optimus's not fond of acting creepy."

"What can I say? He's really a soft bean at heart." Anna smiled in return.

"Weak." Megatron added.


"What? It's true! Optimus is uneasy with this acting and we all know it! Anna, he was hesitant on the captured chapter, remember?"

"About that-"

During this moment, Ultra Magnus came into the living space with Soundwave, a datapad tucked under the commander's arm.

"Anna, I got the details set and ready." He stated.

"Soundwave has informed the team to be prepared."

Gracefully accepting the tablet, the writer grin at the two commanders, grateful for their help. "Thank you very much!"

"OH, COME ON! DO WE HAVE TO!? I'M REALLY IN THE MOOD FOR MURDERING, YOU KNOW!?" Megatron tried to push his way, lowly growling at the femme human. "WE STILL GOT THE TWO BITCHY PARENTS TO-MHMPHH!!"

"No spoilers." Soundwave stated, cupping his leader's mouth. "Soundwave urges everyone to hurry, a tight schedule is in sight." He added, indigo optics conveying his feelings.

With an unwilling sigh, Ratchet and Megatron shuffled to the work room, grumbling under their breaths along the way. The group arrived to see their team standing around impatiently, perking up in recognition after seeing them.

"Finally! Can we just get this done and over with quickly?" Arcee sighed, pinching her nose bridge. The whole team were in their holoforms just for the occasion.

Even Alpha Trion came, much to Anna's surprise.

"Alpha Trion! Oh my, I hadn't expected you to come!" she gasped and sprinted towards him.

Hands outstretched, the old librarian gave her a loving hug and greeted back, wrinkles on his forehead creasing in tune to his expression.

"It's good to see you too, my dear." He chuckled. "I have a role coming in again, how can I not be here?"

Slapping herself on the forehead, Anna realised her mistake. "Right, Yandere!" She turned around, eyes darting everywhere as she tried to compose herself together. "Okay, let's see..."

A hand set onto her shoulders, cutting her out from her from her stressed state.

"Easy, kid." Ratchet gruffly spoke before turning to the team. "Alright. Who's in favour of going first?"

"I will." Megatron offered, tugging the collar of his white tee as he stood in the middle of the area, an aura of authority surrounding the mech. Clearing his throat, the Decepticon leader gave the camera a lazy smirk.

"Hello readers~" he purred. "The name's Megatron, and ONLY Megatron; NO FRAGGING PET NAMES, DAMN IT!" He growled, wagging his sharp fingers at the camera before returning to his normal posture. "-AND it seems like we're NOT doing the yandere fic today DUE TO SOMEONE!"


"IT'S MEGATRON!" He snapped at the writer. "Now, where was I? Ah yes, introductions! This little femme behind the camera wants all of us to PROPERLY introduce ourselves, because she can't do them properly in her Author Notes. Pathetic."

"Jesus Christ! Cut down with the salt, will ya?!" Anna huffed, pausing the camera in annoyance. "Look, I need to get this out or your human figure in the fanfics are going to remain vague. We're trying to give the readers the best feeling in this, SO WORK WITH ME, DAMN IT!"

"Perhaps it is wise if I have a go then." Optimus stepped into the middle, hands placed before the femme and Megatron respectively to block their anger.

"No, I'm doing this FIRST!" The ex-gladiator snapped. "The name's Megatron, I have gun-silver hair and I'm seven feet tall in my holoform. I kept my fangs and semi-sharp claws as my trademark." He rambled on. "I also have a liking for caramel puddings."

"There! Happy?" Megatron chewed his inner cheeks, staring at Anna with impatience.

"Thank you." she relented and dropped the anger, not bothered to waste her breath any longer on the mech. "Your pudding is in the fridge and the yandere chapter is being drafted, so you can stop the passive aggressiveness."

"FINALLY!" Sprinting away to the kitchen, the silverette didn't bother to stay any longer.

"Besides acting for the show, Megatron is quite camera-shy when it comes to conversing with the readers." Enigma sweatdropped. "...Actually, I take that back; it really depends on his mood."

"Let's get going, Anna." Ultra Magnus urged, checking the 7 feet mech off the list. "Okay, who's next?"

"Optimus." Was everyone's reply besides Anna, Optimus and Magnus.

The mech wanted to decline but judging by the looks of the crew, not even the Prime himself had the say in this.

"...Very well then." Optimus coughed and stepped in line. He looked into the camera with a warm smile and spoke, effectively making his writer swoon in the process with his velvet-like voice.

"Greetings, dear readers. It is an honour to be interacting with everyone. My name is Optimus Prime, but I do go by Orion Pax sometimes. My human form is a 6'11 brunette with ocean blue eyes, keeping my original optic colour scheme. I have a preference for Oreos. I can have my audial fins out if I wish so, but most of the time I would use the organic audials instead." He stated, words crystal clear.

"Did I miss anything out?" Optimus cocked his head to a side, inciting a squeal from Anna.


"Anna, focus!" Ratchet lightly bopped her head with a clipboard. Turning to his best friend, the old medic gave the Prime a thumbs up. "You're good. NEXT!!"

"HE'S SO CHARMING-AAAAAHHHH!!" The author smiled like a fool, totally in a daze. Optimus shook his head and came to her side. He gave her a tender pinch to the cheeks, pulling her to the realm of reality again.

"I'm thankful for the sweet compliments, but let's make sure this finish first for now, hmm?"

"Okay!!" Anna giggled, standing back up giddily. "Soundwave, you're up!"

The communication specialist stepped forward; slender hands made a peace sign to the camera. Adjusting his hoodie, Soundwave slipped his hands into the pockets and went on with his speech.

"Designation: Soundwave. Third-In-Command of The Decepticons. Status: Communication specialist. Soundwave speaks in third person and sometimes with voice-clips. Soundwave is 6'7. Soundwave has jet-black hair and indigo eyes. Soundwave prefers hoodies. Soundwave rarely takes off visor; it is an important device. Soundwave helps with the Author Notes once a while."

"You forgot to add that you like juicebox, nerd." Airachnid snorted, boredly checking her nails. "So childish. Who drinks juice boxes? I prefer champagne."

"Soundwave loves grapes and juicebox. Soundwave despise Airachnid. Soundwave forever superior." He ended his speech and walked towards the unsuspecting spider-lady.

As quick as a lightning, Soundwave had his hands wrapped around the femme's neck and threw her to the ground. He placed a ped on her back, visor hiding his murderous expressions.

"Soundwave take no scrap from nobody." He coldly stated, adding pressure onto the beaten down femme. "Soundwave SUPERIOR."


Satisfied, the Decepticon TIC left her on the floor, slithering to the writer's side. She handed him a grape juicebox and patted his back, giving him a tiny smile.

"That's very good, sweety. Now go take a rest, okay?"

Soundwave decline and sat by her side, silently monitoring the scene instead while sipping on his drink.

"Serves you right. Don't pick a fight on someone you can't win." Arcee rubbed it in, sneer present on her face. Airachnid bit her lips and stood up, heading straight for the cameras.


"Hey, I needed that!" Anna yelled, trying to reach for her belongings.

Claws ready to rip the tiny item into shreds, Airachnid was about to apply force...when she suddenly passed out.

Few seconds later, smokes appeared around her.

"Don't. Touch. Anna's. Stuff." Soundwave growled, appendage appearing from his hoodie.

"Frag, I wanted to do that!" Ioa whined. Turning to the unconscious femme on the floor, she gave the body a rough kick before shrugging her shoulders. "Well, too bad. She's fried. I'll take this away and y'all can continue the show."

The jet-black hair femme grabbed Airachnid by her legs and dragged her away, not bothered at how messy the latter was.





"O-Okay..." Anna let out an awkward cough. "Where were we?"

"Two...Three down, more to go." Ultra Magnus spoke. "Doctor, would you mind going next?"

"Fine, let's get on with it." Ratchet wringed his hands and looked into the feed. "I'm Ratchet, CMO of the Autobots. As you can see, I have snow-white hair and I'm wearing a lab coat. I'm 6'5-"

"6'3! DON'T LISTEN TO HIS LIES; HE'S SHORT! HAHAHA!!" Megatron interrupted with a loud laughed, hands holding his favourite dessert.

"FRAG OFF!!" The temperamental mech snarled, reaching into his coat pocket to fish out a wrench. He pitched the trusty tool and it resonated with a very loud noise.




Optimus, Anna, Ultra Magnus and Soundwave could merely sweat-drop at the childish display but never voicing their inputs, fearing for their lives.

"I am NOT SHORT!" Ratchet wagged his hands at the camera, eyes glinting with warning. "I have turquoise eyes and I AM EQUIPPED WITH WRENCHES; I WILL NOT HESITATE TO USE THEM!!"

"Ratchet, please..."

"Fine...I also like oranges." The medic mumbled and walked away. "I'm done here now. Don't disturb me."

"Come on, sunshine! Why the rush?! How about you be a darling and join me?" Wheeljack yanked him back and hold Ratchet down.

He gave the tiny camera a big grin and introduced himself, ignoring the furious Ratchet spewing never-ending cusses at him.

"HIYA! The name's Wheelajack and I like bombs! I've got grey hair and I'm 6'4! Taller than this doc right here but we've got the same eye colours! I'm a big fan of Gatorade, by the way."


Going out of control, the enraged Ratchet struggled out from Wheeljack's choking hold and flipped him forward, resulting in the poor ex-Wrecker colliding with a bunch of VERY INNOCENT working crew consisting of Anna, Optimus, Soundwave and Ultra Magnus.




With that, the session had to be split into two because Anna is out cold, the femme getting the brunt of the impact alongside with Optimus and Soundwave.

Ultra Magnus was also knocked out due to the berserk mech slamming head-first onto him. Though, he did come online again after a few minutes with a SPLITTING HELMACHE.

...One thing for sure, he's got some scores to settle with the Wrecker...and maybe Ratchet.
