Checkmate. Part 1 (TF vs SG! TF)100th Chapter Special


(This is a 100th chapter special and Christmas special relates to this AND is coming in soon)


Timeframe: A week before Christmas.

It was the year end. The author, Enigma, was busy meddling with her exams but she couldn't help but to worry about her teams. Alongside with the new...additions of the Shattered Glass Autobots, Enigma often felt bad for her original team and the unwanted tension among them.

"Just a little more. Let me be done with my exams, and I'll have to do something with them." Anna said to herself as she continued studying for her finals.

Unbeknownst to her, the two Prime were having a...fascinating discussion, per say.

"Ah, Optimus. Join me for a chat." Nemesis signaled at the nice Prime as the former sat at the table. The SG Prime was in his holoform, which is literally the exact copy of our beloved OP, but his hair is purple, and his eyes are striking vermilion yellow.

"I..." Optimus stopped in his tracks, wondering what on Primus's name would his doppelgänger want from him. The SG are still on thin ice with the rest of his team INCLUDING the Cons.

...Yeah, they are still NOT in a good reputation although they were around for quite a while now.

"A friendly chat, if you will?" SG smirked, his sharp canine contrast with Optimus's normal ones. Sighing, the kind Optimus ran his fingers through his brown locks and pulled the chair away, taking a seat opposite of Nemesis.

"Such a sporting fellow." Nemesis snickered, shaking his head in amusement. "Do you allow yourself to be ordered around by anyone?"

"Watch your fucking mouth, cunt." Megatron hissed, taking a place beside his known acquaintance for eons.

"Megatron-" Optimus was graced with TWO startling facts:

1) Megatron stood up for him.

2) Megatron was sitting NEXT to him.

'Oh, old friend...' Optimus inwardly smiled, feeling a sense of brotherhood with his original nemesis.

"You first." Nemesis deeply chuckled. "And I wasn't talking to you. Why? Are you his dog-"

Nemesis was unable to finish as he was pulled forward, choking as the silver-headed man had a vice grip on his neck.

"Feeling suicidal?" Megatron blazing red eyes were MURDEROUS.

"Megatron." Optimus gently called. The notorious gladiator did not budge.

"G-Get. Off." Nemesis gritted his teeth as he could barely pass the message.


Optimus's voice went one octave lower, sending chills to the two glaring individuals.

Snarling, Megatron slammed the gasping Nemesis back down, red orbs never leaving his target. The SG Prime struggling as he hacked and hacked, the force executed onto his voice box was VERY bad indeed.

"Speak now, Nemesis. However, know that you are ALWAYS on thin ice." Optimus stated, ocean eyes sparking with ferocity that one might assume those loving orbs turned electrifying; terrifying.

"T-Tsk...I-I was going t-to ask for...a game o-of chess..." Nemesis rubbed his sore neck.

"Ask nicely then, asshole." Ratchet snorted. The three at the table turn to their left to see a medic leaning sideways against the hallway with his arms folded in front of him.

"Wow. 3 against 1. I never took you lots for bullying, but I stand corrected."

"Screw off with you bullshit. Your no-good team members are right behind you." Ratchet barked out a sarcastic laugh as he pointed behind Nemesis. True to the medic's words, the Shattered Glass members slowly round up behind their leader.

"You talk a lot for a useless, base-bound bot." SG Bulkhead cracked his neck as he spoke.

"Our doc is way better than your lunatic, depressing-ass, sorry excuse of a medical worker." Wheeljack stepped in, eyeing at his best friend's doppelgänger. "Man, you're fragging ugly, do you know that?"

"I have the same holoform as your best friend, slag."

"Nah, don't even think of counting yourselves equal to my team." Wheeljack laughed, waving his palm in the air.

"As much as I love the loud moments, Optimus and I have a match to play." Nemesis growled.

"I never agreed to this." Optimus sighed.

"Chickening out, Prime?" SG Arcee cackled as she tapped her nails on the oak table.

"Shut your damn mouth-Oh my fucking Primus- has no one ever told you that your voice is fucking annoying?!" Knockout snarled.

"Frag off."

"Go suck on your teammate's spike, whore-"

"SILENCE!" Nemesis slammed both of his hands on the table. "ONE MORE WORD, AND I'LL FRAGGING TEAR THIS PLACE APART!"

Everyone held their tongue...except one mech.

"I'd like to see you try." Optimus uncharacteristically spoke, his hands formed a pyramid as he leaned back against the chair.

"As far as I am concerned, no one is threatening anyone." Optimus commanded. Glaring blue eyes struck fear at everyone on sight.

It took a deep moment of silence before the SG leader broke it, the mech gritting his teeth as he cut the tension.

"A game. No strings attached. You and me." He spoke.

"Why?" Optimus eyed his counterpart cautiously.

"Why not?" Nemesis gave a lop-sided grin. "Consider this a bonding moment. We are going to be here for a while, so take this chance to calm the...waves between all of us?"

"This wave that you speak can never be tamed if you continue to pester me and Megatron's team. Your manner of speech-"

"Blah blah blah—look, I'm cutting this crap short. Have a fucking game of chess with me, you arrogant prick." Nemesis stood up, glaring down at the calm Prime.

"I'd never play against a viper like you." Optimus slowly stood up, keeping eye level with the SG Prime. "Why are you so desperate with this game of yours?"

"Because you would never win in this game." Nemesis smirked; his yellow eyes clashed against Optimus's blue ones.

"Careful, you're talking to Primus's favorite child." Megatron huffed.

Rolling his eyes, Nemesis gestured at the table once more.


All eyes were on Optimus now, but the mech seem to be unfazed. He was about to DECLINE because what did everyone expect? A Prime to cave into peer pressure? BUT a slender figure appeared to his left.

"Optimus." Soundwave played out Anna's voice.

He instantly whipped to his side.

"Play-the-game. Win-for-Anna." Soundwave mix and matched various voice clippings and proceeds to lean closer. "Fuck him up."

With a pat on the back, Soundwave walked away and left a sighing Prime.







"One round will suffice."


With the help of Ultra Magnus and Megatron as the judge, and the ground rules set down, the two Prime finally have their showdown.

Nemesis gleefully took the black pawns, confidently allowing Optimus to have the first move. The evil Prime was confident in his tactical skills, and he wanted to rub that into our beloved Optimus's face.

And with that, the dueling began.

Optimus moved a pawn upward two steps, Nemesis took out his pawn and moved once. The action of taking pawns and relocating them a step forward were repeated a few times until Nemesis decided to turn it up a notch and took his bishop straight down, killing off one of Optimus's pawns.

"Your move, Optimus." Nemesis smiled, the cogs in his mind churning as he continued to draw out his plans to destroy the nice Prime's ego.

Unfazed, Optimus took his pawn and exchanged the black bishop.

A bunch of 'Oh's were heard as it seemed that the Prime took down a big hit, but Nemesis had plans. He brought out his knight took down another pawn closest to the right.

Optimus albeit shocked, maintained his posture and took out his rook, 'eating' the knight right away.

Nemesis clicked his tongue, not expecting Optimus to be that ballsy.

The two continued on, chess pieces exchanging back and forth. It came to the point that Nemesis had taken the lead and had many of Optimus's pieces taken by his Queen.

A powerful piece indeed.

But the wise Prime somehow saw a chance and took down Nemesis's queen.

"...Fuck off. You can't move rooks that way." Nemesis snarled in disbelief. His priced possession is gone and he's now in a check.

"Who's the sore loser now?" Smokescreen chuckled.

"He cheated." SG Ratchet backed his boss.

"He did not." Megatron said, rolling his eyes.

"He can't just move the piece as he wish!" Nemesis shouted before turning towards the calm Optimus. "Do you even know how to play chess?"

"More than you do, apparently."

Just like that, Nemesis snapped.

He flipped the table, scattering pieces everywhere as he held Optimus down by his neck. The brunette somehow remains unfazed, his blue eyes calmly stared at Nemesis's crazed yellow orbs.

"YOU CHEATED!" Nemesis snarled, raising his fist in the air. The rest of the Decepticons and Autobots were SURPRISINGLY held back by the SG Autobots.

"We outmatched you lots by sheer power, and yet you seem to think of us lowly!" Nemesis ranted. "Today shall be the day that all of you witness my true capabilities!"

Nemesis threw Optimus against the wall, but the latter made no sound. In fact, Optimus barely even winced, as if he was a puppet without emotions.

"Don't act so tough, Prime!" Nemesis taunted and sent a mean right hook at Optimus.

"If this is what you call tough, Nemesis" Optimus finally spoke as he captured the fist with one hand. "You are very juvenile."

"What the-"

Optimus yanked Nemesis to the side, HARD, practically throwing his counterpart like a ragdoll. The latter collided with some chairs, breaking them in the process.

"You are weak, Nemesis." Optimus smirked. His usual blue orbs sparked, and everyone stopped in their tracks.

This wasn't their usual Prime.

Something is wrong.

"You threw all your strength, only to leave unscathed." Prime chuckled. "I am programmed to be humbled by the Matrix, but I am only a bot."

He stepped forward, and Nemesis scrapped backwards.

Optimus knelt, icy cold glares pinning Nemesis down at his place.

"You do know that I can kill you right this instance, no?"

For the first time, Optimus made Megatron do a double take at his presence.

There was no ounce of Prime-ness in his words.

This was ORION speaking.

Optimus raised his right hand, transforming them into a smaller version of his blades. The mech did not bother to let Nemesis plea as he slammed the weapon down, eliciting a loud scream from the latter.






The blade drove deep into the concrete floor, just right beside Nemesis's neck.

"Check. Mate." Optimus smirked.

