Thanksgiving Is Fun When You Have Guest! (Decepticons/ Autobots X Human! Reader)


Requested by @KaitlynGlovick! I am so sorry for the late chappy but I swear this was on my mind for a while now!!

I did some tiny research about Thanksgiving meals, but if there's some mistakes I'd like to apologise, I have never celebrated it >o<

Without further ado, enjoy this crackhead chapter!!





"Turkey, turkey..." I murmured, watching my Thanksgiving bird being slowly roasted in the oven. The timer showed '13 minutes' and I nodded, eager to get the poultry out and serve it to my guest.

"Ara, ara! I guess I'll bring out the steak pies too!" I giggled, twirling around and grab a mitten as I carefully brought out two trays of hotpot pies and set them on the table.

Taking the protective gloves off, I blew air into my hands and rubbed them together, feeling a little chilly in this autumn season. Glancing at the wall clock, I realised it was a little later than normal and I sighed, hoping my guests are okay.

"Oh dear, I hope it doesn't rain now! It must be tiring for them to be out till late..." I murmured and continued to set the table accordingly, peeking at the clock every few minutes to check the time.

With one last huff, I finally got the table prepared. The turkey was roasted to perfection and I had some cranberry sauce ready for the meat. Sitting on the sofa, I checked my phone to see no message or notification, making my worry deepen.

Punching in the familiar number, I pressed enter and placed the mobile by my ears, biting my nails as I prayed for them to pick up.



"I-Is it a bad timing? I'll call later, s-sorry!" I squeaked.

"SCRAP! No, no, NO! Don't put down!" Megatron said and I heard him grunting before letting out some curses to someone. "(N/N), I swear I'll come by this evening! I'm just- I'm REALLY busy now, apologies!"

"O-Oh, don't worry! J-Just be safe, Megs! I'll wait for you!" I smiled and severed the connection, not wanting to further disturb my friend in his activities.

Megs, or Megatron, said that he works in a mining area and he's the head of his mining team. I met him in at one of his work stations by accident and he saved me, getting me out of the blue crystal area before I could possibly trigger something bad.

I don't know much about Megs, but what I do know is that he may be a hard and angry fella, but he has a nicer side that I'm privilege enough to witness.

Humming in delight, I scrolled down my contacts and rang another number. It took a few rings before a familiar baritone voice resonated through the speakers.

"Optimus speaking."

"Hey Orion! Are you alright? I hope you are able to make it for the Thanksgiving dinner, sweety!" I said.

To my surprise, I heard some loud bangs and grunts too.

"Worry not, little one. I will b-be certain to arrive...p-perhaps in a little while." He trailed off and clicked his tongue. "Is it o-okay-TSK- if I cut this conversation short, sweetspark?"

"Oh please, go on! Bye-bye!" I agreed and put the line off.

Hmm, everyone seems to be busy lately...

Ah, right! Orion!

I met Orion, or Optimus, in a forest. The man was taking a short break and I happened to stumble upon the brunette resting against his semi-truck. Long story short, he was very charming and we kept contact ever since, messaging and updating each other with our daily lives.

He was in the military and I must say, it suits him VERY well! He must be a professional judging by his height and size!

Giggling to myself, I tapped my fingers against the coffee table, barely able to contain my excitement for my special guests to arrive.

"Oh scrap!" I slapped my forehead, nearly forgetting a crucial person. Grabbing my phone, I swiftly called him up, hoping he would be available in such short notice.

"Hello, my dear." Albert said, old raspy voice immediately warming my heart. He was the old librarian in Jasper and I frequently go to his place for a nice evening reading session. Albert Terrence is a nice old fellow and he reminds me a lot of my late grandparents.

"Is there something I could help you with?"

"Good evening, Mr. Terrence! I was wondering if you're free now?" I asked, looking out at the window to see some stray leaves flying by. "I'm having a Thanksgiving dinner tonight and I would love if you could join us!"

"Oh dear, that's very nice of you." he chuckled. "Hmm, I don't see why not? I will be there in a short moment, sweetheart."

"Okay, see you then!" I smiled and ended the call, doing a tiny dance as I hoped for my people to arrive safely.

"I'll go warm up some nice hot cocoa for them!"


Meanwhile, in the Decepticons' side...

"FRAG!!" Megatron snarled, shooting at his mortal enemies as he tried to secure the Energon mine. "Piss off already, Primus damn y'all!!"


"OH, FOR THE LOVE OF PRIMUS-" He hastily placed a digit to his audial receptors and roared, anger getting the best of him. "WHAT IS IT, DAMN IT!?"

"I-Is it a bad timing? I'll call later, s-sorry!" Your cute voice made the mech's fury dissipate and he regretted his actions.

"SCRAP! No, no, NO! Don't put down!" Megatron said and checked his internal chronometer.

'FRAG! THE DINNER!!' he cursed inwardly, forgetting an important meeting with his ONLY human friend. His thoughts were cut off by Arcee firing at him, causing him to slip back to his hard exterior once again.

"CURSE YOU PESKY AUTOBOTS-" he slapped his intakes and turned around, not wanting you to hear any more than necessary. "(N/N), I swear I'll come by this evening! I'm just- I'm REALLY busy now, apologies!"

"O-Oh, don't worry! J-Just be safe, Megs! I'll wait for you!" And the line cut off before the silver mech could add his goodbyes.

Sighing, the warlord shook his helm and tried to focus on his surroundings. The mine was about to collapse and his Vehicons had took in most of it, no harm in leaving some scraps for the lousy Autobots just this once.

"DECEPTICONS, RETREAT!" Megatron declared and transformed, blasting away from the area as he fired some remaining shots at Optimus. Hearing their master's commands, the Cons obliged and cleared the area.

"COWARDS!" Bulkhead taunted.

Optimus said nothing as he too picked up a call mid-battle from you. Switching off his comms, the Prime swiftly gathered the remaining Energon before forcing his team to retreat.


"MOVE IT!!" Arcee yelled, putting metal to the pedal as they made into the groundbridge just in time to miss the fatal lick from the explosion.

"Cutting it a little close." Ratchet grunted, walking over to check his team. "Is everyone okay?"

"Damn the Cons! We didn't get anything!" Smokescreen whined.

"Not quite." Bulkhead smirked and pointed at Optimus, whom revealed his collections to the team.




Nodding, Optimus gently set the shards on the table before heading towards the groundbridge controls. Typing in your coordinates, he pulled the trigger down.

"I'm going out." he briefly said, giving his team a look of hesitancy. He didn't know if it's okay to bring them along and he was afraid to ask. Thus, he opted to just notify them and went in before any of them could question.

"Wait-" But the Prime was long gone, leaving Ratchet to grumble out loud. "Where is he going to in such a hurry!? I haven't got to check him up yet!!"

"Beats me." Smokescreen shrugged.

:-I heard boss had a call from someone, but I don't know who it was. -: Bumblebee noted, placing a servo on his hips.

"Should we tag along?" Miko suggested, wiggling her eyebrows at the team.

"NO." they said in unison.

"If Prime wants to do something alone, you let the mech be." Bulkhead said firmly.

"You got that right, Bulk." Arcee smirked.


Location: Decepticons' base.

"TSK!" Megatron huffed as he ran towards the wash racks, getting the dust off as quickly as possible. "FRAG, I'M RUNNING LATE!!"

"M-My liege?" Knockout poked a helm in, curious about his master's weird acting.

"NOW IS NOT THE TIME, KNOCKOUT!" He snarled and got off, sprinting away from the wet aisle as he headed straight to the main brig.

"B-But," Knockout merely watched as the silver gladiator left him in the dust. "I haven't even given you a medical scan yet..." he sighed.

"Boss is in a hurry?" Breakdown commented, also peeking into the wash racks with his helm above Knockout's.

"Yeah. Don't know why though." The sassy medic replied.

"What's the commotion about?" Dreadwing asked, leaning against the door. Pulling their heads out, the two lovers fell back with a thud to meet the lieutenant seeker casting them an optic ridge.


"Ugh, I just buffed this!"




In the main brig, Megatron had located Soundwave and nodded, letting the silent mech to open a groundbridge to your house.

"Come along with me. I'd like you to meet a very special guest, I'm sure she won't mind." Megatron smirked, extending a servo to his third-in- command.

The communication specialist obliged and they went in, leaving right on time for the rest of his crew to arrive.

"Master?" Starscream preened, looking left and right for the sight of his liege.

"Yoo-hoo?" Knockout stepped in, equally confused. "Soundy? Big M?"

"They left." Dreadwing stated.

"But why?"

"None of our concerns. Get cleaned up and report back to Lord Megatron when he returns." The blue and gold seeker ordered and left, earning a scoff from Starscream.

"That's my line, damn you!"


Location: your house.


"COMING!" I yelled, nearly tripping over an ottoman as I grabbed the door handle and yanked it opened. "Albert!" My face lit up as I ushered the aging man inside. "So glad you could make it! Sorry for the late notice!"

"It's quite alright, my dear. I live alone these days, so it's nice to know that I've got a darling keeping an eye for an old fella like me." Albert sighed, patting my hands softly. "Your home is very warm and cosy, such perfect mood for Thanksgiving."

"Thank you." I replied, handing him a cup of hot cocoa. "Here, warm yourself up. The guests are coming soon."

"Orion and Megatron?"

"Yes- WAIT- H-HOW DID YOU KNOW!?" I gasped.

"Oh, I happened to...stumble upon them and they have mentioned your name. Trust me, they speak of nothing but good things about you." He said, sipping his drink slowly with his eyes closed. "Hmm, perfect."

That statement made my heart melt; I didn't think that Orion and Megs are such big sweetsparks!

"I fear they are going to arrive a little later-"


"Oh, speak of the devil!" I excused myself and headed for the door, ready to invite them in. The door opened to reveal Orion and Megatron...having a stare-down with each other.

...Oh, there's an extra guest too!

"Hey guys! So glad you could make it!" I announced, breaking their attention.

"The honour is mine, young one." Optimus went in first, petting a hand on my head.

Megatron's red eyes twitched and he butted in, tone hinting an edge in it as he gave me his greetings too.

"Hello, (N/N). I told you; I'd come." He smirked proudly, emphasizing on your nickname.

"Yes, yes. Come in, all of you!" I said and tip-toed, personally inviting the slim man behind Megatron. "You too, sweety! Everyone is welcome!"

'Ah, too bad for my team then...' Optimus noted to himself as he went in, feeling the instant change of temperature.

"Please, make yourself at home!" I said and went behind the kitchen. "Dinner is ready! I'll reheat the soup again!"

"Please, no hurry."

"Take your time, darling."

"At your own pace, (Y/N)."

"Slowly, miss."

The four mechs stared at one another as they saw your figure disappear in the back.






"How in the Pits did you know of (Y/N)!?" Megatron hissed, switching to Cybertronian as he broke the silence first.

"None of your concern, Megatron." Optimus replied, blue optics contrasting with his nemesis red ones. "I see you've brought Soundwave along too."

"Because I can and I will."

"Try bringing the rest of your crew; they'd cause you havoc and make this place a mess."

"To think a Prime like you would be quiet; seems like there's still some old, feisty Pax in ya."

"I believe this is what humans would refer to as 'Pot calling kettle black.'"

"You-would know."

"Of course I would, Soundwave."

"Highly doubt it. It's probably that Miko girl feeding Optimus with all of these...human culture."

"And you dare say not of (Y/N) with you?" Optimus narrowed his eyes at Megatron. "Thanksgiving? The Megatron I've remembered vowed to never be involved in HUMAN celebrations. "

"Are you three done bickering?" Albert's eyes were still closed as he took another sip of his hot cocoa, sitting in the middle of the heated argument.

"Please do not be bothered of us. We are merely having a conversation." Optimus made an eye contact with the silverette, switching to English in a flash. "Isn't that right, Megatron?"

"Indeed." Megatron gritted his teeth as he mustered out his answer.

"Where have all of my lessons gone to, ORION!?" Alpha Trion snapped in Cybertronian language, startling the young Prime.

"A-Alpha Trion!?"

"No fragging way!"

Soundwave's visor was displaying a shocked emoji as he resumed his silence once again.

Slightly annoyed, Alpha Trion channelled his powers and the two leaders' neck were yanked back, eliciting strangled yelps from both of them.

Soundwave excused himself and went behind, hoping to be of help to you.

"S-Soundwave! D-Damn it!"

"ACK! S-Sir- this-isn't- appropriate!!"

"AND SO IS WITH THE TWO OF YOU ACTING LIKE A SPARKLING!" Alpha Trion chided, putting more pressure with his aura.

...The man may look like he was drinking his cocoa peacefully, but the facial expressions of Optimus and Megatron said otherwise; Alpha Trion was using his abilities to put them both in their places for disrespecting your household.

"BEHAVE." The old librarian warned sternly.

"Y-Yes sir!" the two struggling men relented, fearing for their lives.

One was questioning the presence of his former mentor while the other was contemplating the possibility of Soundwave going rogue, because the silent mech just did so.

Satisfied, Alpha Trion hummed and released his hold, making the duo cough out in relief.

"Now, dinner." He announced and stood up, just in time for you to walk in and call them.

"Food is served!" You beamed. "Thank you, Soundwave! You're very helpful!" I commented, looking up at the visored man. "And your mask is very pretty too!"

"You're-welcome-and-thank you!"

"Oh, I b-bet you (N/N), I am absolutely famished!" Megatron stumbled out from his seat and made his way to you. He gave his partner a betrayed look to which Soundwave ignored, the purple and black hoodie guy choosing to entertain you than Megatron.

Each taking a seat on the table, the five of you were about to dig in when you heard a loud crash outside.

"Oh my!" You gasped, placing a hand on your chest as you hurry towards the door. Pulling it open, your (e/c) eyes went wide as you saw a whole pack of transports ranging from cars to JETS parked outside your humble abode.

In front of your porch, what you could best describe as a ball of humans tangled together, growling and huffing profanities until the noticed your presence.

"Uh...hi?" Knockout grinned, his red haired tousled and messy.






"Oh! You all must be friends of Optimus and Megatron! Come in, come in!" You beamed, innocently assuming their places. "I see you guys came in a hurry! Don't worry, the food is sufficient for everyone!" you said, pointing at the few jets parked AWKWARDLY on the grass plains.

With a gentle smile, you brought everyone in, happy to have more guests for your dinner party, not bothered at how each of them was practically murdering one another with their death glares, only to receive the same treatment from Alpha Trion later on.

...How lucky that your house was at a quiet hill with no neighbours in the next 2-mile radius.

Though, the Bots aren't exactly sharing the same fortune as you.

"Come and spy Optimus, they said." Arcee muttered bitterly. "It'll be fun, they said."

"Remind me to NEVER trust you EVER again, Starscream." Dreadwing hissed.

"Shut up. You joined in; you're as much of trouble as me."

"AHEM." Albert smiled at the team, knowing full well that you were busy getting extra cutleries.

"Who the hell do you think-" the air around the table soon felt heavy as the two factions went quiet, afraid of pissing of the trigger-happy old strange man in the front seat.

"Be nice or I'll personally end the war MYSELF." Alpha Trion's demanding presence made Starscream nearly leaked his pants. Watching you return and take a seat by his side, the seeker gulped down his threats and grabbed the cutleries obediently, following suit like the rest of his teammates and enemies.

"Huh? You guys waited for me?" You asked, tilted your head to one side. "Ah, sorry for the delays! Now then, happy Thanksgiving everyone! Please, dig in!"

And ate they did. For once, the Autobots and Decepticons had a tiny moment of truce as they devoured your meal quietly.

'This is supposed to be a date for me and (Y/N)!!' M

'Alpha Trion is ALIVE?!' OP

'Who the FRAG is she?!' SS

'Why, exactly, are WE here?' DW

'What am I even doing here? I should be back at base!' R

'This is probably the WORST party of my life!' Smoke

'Miko would be so glad to not sneak along in this...' BH

'Note to self; never join another crazy mission with Smokescreen ever again. You're better than this, Arcee.' A

'I like this cranberry sauce...' SW

'I wonder if Raf's family is like this too...' BB

'I want that sausage but my hands are too short!' KO

'Such tiny equipments...but the food is good!' BD
