Wrong Choice, Idiot! Part 2 (Brother! Megatron X Femme! Reader X Optimus)

A/N: Hiya everyone! Sorry for the wait but ta-da~ second part!

*bows* I apologise if I take a while to update, my WIFI is uncooperative with me pls send help ORZ




Also, >///< ehehe I'm quite busy and I choose to write according with my time! Sumimasen for the long wait! UWU Above all, I would like to give my thanks for the continuing support, I'll continue to write more for everyone!

Oh btw, Idk if its just me or my wattpad comments is IN A MESS ORZ can you not glitch with me ohmygod-

Okay, okay. Enough dilly-dally~

Enjoy the chapter!


After that whole shenanigan of you running off on your own, Megatron made an extra effort to keep you confined in base, not wanting another weird scenario happening again.

Case in point, the overly-protective brother of yours made Soundwave to babysit you today as he and the team went off to Primus knows where, leaving to mope around with the silent techy fella.

"Soundy, can we play?" I asked, swinging my peds on the counter boredly.

He turned around and nodded, playing a series of voices in reply. "How-would you- like to-play?" the mech asked, tilting his helm.

Beaming up with happiness, I scooted closer to his side and tugged his arm.

"Can we go out?!" I asked


"Please!?" I begged, giving him my best sad optic looks.





"AWWW!" I pouted, tugging his arm again. The quiet mech merely shook his helm in reply and flicked my forehead, chiding me in my brother's voice.

"You-must not-go out! Ever!"

"B-But..." I whimpered, audial fins drooping sadly. Soundwave made a sad emoji at me before pulling me into a hug.

"I- apologise-for-not being- able to-let-you out." he said. I nodded sparkbrokenly.

Hopping off the table, I slowly made my way off from the room, wanting to have some time alone. I mindlessly walked around, greeting some off-duty Vehicons as I gloomily stroll through the empty hallways of the ship. I turned to a sharp corner to see a room with its door opened ajar.

Curiosity got the best of me and I went in, peeking through the darkly-lit space.

"H-Hello?" I called out, looking around awkwardly. I couldn't see the insides of the room and stepped a button, marking a DEVASTATING mistake at my part.




I got ejected from the ship.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH" I screamed on the top of my intakes as I tumbled rapidly through the sky. I decided that this is probably the worst...and the best idea I could ever pull off as I transformed into a jet, blasting off to nowhere.

"WOOOHOOO!" I cheered, doing a spin mid-air. I had a similar alt-form like my brother, only different in colours. I had a striking (f/c) while he had gun metallic grey as his choice.

I flew down to the ground and landed to a stop, transforming back into my biped mode happily as I stretched in joy.

"Such a fine day for flying!" I giggled, running through the grassy valley happily. I've taken it to myself on learning a few Earths' customs and phrases, so I have quite the vague familiarity with the place.

In this case, I was at this large empty valley filled with flowers blooming beautiful, bobbing back and forth as the cold wind blew through the area.

"I LOVE THIS PLAAAAACEEE" I shouted and did a cartwheel before tumbling freely onto the soft ground, landing without a care as I laughed whole-sparkedly at myself, unaware of a few pair of optics trained on me.

"Well, looks like she's having fun."

"AAAAHHHHH!" I screamed, slamming my servos harshly to the ground, accidentally stomping a few precious flowers. I stood up warily, looking for the source of the voice. My optics landed on a group of bots...


Oh, wait-

"OPTIMUSSSSS!" I called, running full speed at the mech.

The Prime opened his arms and I crashed onto him, sending the both of us tumbling through the tall grasses. My boisterous laughter echoed through the vast hill, spreading the humour with the rest of them as they all followed suit, bursting into giggles with me.

"S-Scrap! S-She's got a contagious laugh!" the bulky green one said, clutching his abdomen as he lets out another guffaw. The yellow and black mech nodded his helm, making a whirring noise as he snickered too.

:-O-Oh my Primus, h-how did we came into this?-:

"Did you guys- AHA- see Optimus's reactions?" the femme asked in between laughs, bending forward and gripped her knee to steady herself. The red and white mech snickered, unable to hold his posture.

"S-Scrap...w-what- Pfft!" he caved in, joining the laughing ceremony. I look up to see Optimus staring back, optic ridges raised in amusement.

"You caught me!" I said, hugging him.

"I did." He said, carefully lifting himself up and sat on the ground, still holding me tight.

"Who's the femme, Prime?" the blue and pink one asked, setting a servo on her hips.

Woah, she's elegant!

"T-Thank you?" she said, blushing at my sudden compliments. I slapped a servo at my mouth and sputtered, realising I have accidentally spoken out loud.

"I-I I'm s-so sorry- I mean, you're beautiful and-" I stumbled with my phrases, scratching the back of my neck cables, blushing bright blue.




"She's cute."


"Yeah, can't deny that alright."

"She...has some qualities..." the old one coughed out, turning his faceplate away. I smiled, waving at them.

"You guys are so nice! My name's (Y/N)!" I introduced myself before gesturing towards Optimus. "He found me the other day and helped me out!" I grinned, hugging the big guy again.

"W-We had crossed path. You can say faith put us together, in a way..." he replied, setting his large servos on my helm. I giggled again, prying his hands off and made them cup my cheeks, mumbling onto it.

"Are awhll bwig bots use to pwetting smwaller bots or ish it just you and my bwother?" I asked, blinking my (e/c) optics at him.

Optimus suck in a harsh intake, optics widened at your cuteness.

'Scrap...' he calmed himself down and made a smile appeared on his dermas, nodding at my comment. "Perhaps it is a... thing for us..." he played with the notion.

"I'm small," I said, shifting my frame as I brought my knees together. I blankly stared out at the golden plain, smiling a lopsided grin. "You know, sometimes I wonder why my brother is so strong but I'm not..."

"Who's your brother?" the red and white mech asked.

"Megatron." I replied, letting out a sigh and continued my words, not noticing the team's shoulders stiffen at my remarks. "He's so perfect and all, b-but I'm...defected. Maybe he shouldn't have brought me along..." I said, burying my face deeper into my knees.

"What ever do you mean?" Optimus gently asked, rubbing soft circles on my back. The team gave him a baffled look but he discreetly shook his helm, letting them know that he'll handle this.

"I was born with a weak constitution. Our parental units dumped us in the middle of nowhere one night. Brother could have easily fended for his own but he took care of me, nurturing me together with him. He suffered throughout his life for me..." I said, leaning my helm on Optimus's shoulders.

"Is that so...?" he mused, not bothered with my actions. He slowly caressing my shoulders, comforting me. "He must be a great brother, isn't he?"

"He's the best." I said, letting out a yawn.

The sun was beginning to set, drowning the valley into a golden gleaming sea. The flowers seemed to be shining and glitters sparkled throughout the spacious plain, shimmering with blinding beauty.

"How did you know that I was here...?" I trailed off, optics getting heavy. Optimus took notice of my posture and set his servos carefully on my back, preventing me from falling backwards.

"As I've said so earlier; faith seems to be bringing us together." He whispered, secretly admiring the honey colours cascading down your silverish cheeks, reflecting the golden colours perfectly.

"I wish we can meet again everyday in this manner..." I said, optics fluttering rapidly. "It's nice to be out here, enjoying our time together." I succumbed to the inviting slumber and powered down, recharging without a thought on the Prime's embrace.

He chuckled, pulling me up into a bridal-style. I shifted but didn't online, too tired from today's spiralling events. Turning to his team, the wise Prime broke his stature and whispered, urging them back to base.

"It's getting late. Shouldn't you guys be dropping the kids off to their homes?" he asked.

The crew gave their leader a knowing grin, wagging a digit at the flustered Prime.

"Oh, we're being a nuisance to him. Come on Ratchet, bridge us back now." Arcee joked, shaking her helm.

Ratchet snorted, typing something on the back of his hands as he spoke. "Yeah, it seems like our presence is a hindrance to them." He chipped in, sending a few taunting glares at his oldest friend.

"Let's give the two some quality time. Boss, you know what they say; don't go overboard with a gentle damsel like her~" Bulkhead smirked and headed into the portal, not staying any longer. Bumblebee shook his helm in amusement but said nothing, running back to base.

Though, his optics spoke of a whole new story.

"Have fun~" Arcee teased and jumped into the bridge, disappearing alongside with the Autobot medic. The portal closed and Optimus lets out an annoyed sigh, rolling his optics.

"Tsk." He clicked his glossa, chewing the insides of his dermas at his colleagues' taunting. Looking down at you, his frustrations and annoyance dispersed in a flash, ebbing away into pure love and adoration.

"You've gotten me so enamoured with you, (Y/N). I must ask that you take responsibility of me." he chuckled, sitting back down on the grassy plain.

'I can't believe you're making me do this, doll.' Lifting a digit up to his audial receptors, Optimus chuckled at the thought of him dialling the ONE commlink he didn't think he would be ever contacting again after eons of years.

"Megatron, come get your sister."


He cut off the connections, watching the sun go down as you peacefully snored in his chassis, murmuring incoherently mumbles in your recharge. He placed a soft kiss on your helm and felt a little greedy today, so he took a quiet snapshot of your sleeping figure, waiting for a certain silver gladiator to come pick his sister up.

"Rest well, my dearest."
