Wrong Choice, Idiot! Part 3 (Brother! Megatron X Femme! Reader X Optimus)


 T^T I'll try my best to get those part2/3 up sdfsdfdjkl- my WIFI is really bad here, so please bear with me guys XD



With that last encounter of the Autobots at the hill, Megs was anything but pleased.

"(Y/N)!" he groaned, face-servoing. "How MANY times do I have to tell you to STAY AWAY from Optimus!?" he frowned, looking at you with disapproval.

"But he's NICE!" I whined, pouting at my brother.

"Absolutely NOT! He's a bad influence and I've known him long enough to tell you that!"

"Meeeggssssss!!!" I huffed, crossing my arms in front of me.

"No, don't do that!" Megatron said, faltering in his angry posture when saw you giving him those damned cyber-puppy optics. "I'M NOT FALLING FOR THAT!"

Pursing your dermas a little deeper, you slouched your shoulderplates as the coolants threatened to spill from your very optics.

"N-Nope! Not going to budge!"





"Pweaaaaseeee?" I whined, edging closer to my loving brother. Tugging his arms, I nuzzled into his froze up frame. "Mhmmmm..." I purred, trying to get that silver jerk to cave in already.


"Lord Megatron!" Shockwave suddenly barged in, panting vehemently. "P-Please, come w-with me in this instance!"

"WITH MUCH PLEASURE!" Megatron yelled, hopping off the Cybertronian stool to tag along with the Decepticon scientist. Before he left the room, the ex-gladiator gave you a stern look. "STAY. HERE."

Clicking his glossa, he took off and left you alone to reflect on your thoughts.






Grinning up a mischievous smile, you sneaked off from the room, tailing after that brother of yours to see what they were up to. You soon arrived up top only to see a GIGANTIC Predacon going berserk, chomping down some Vehicons along the way.

"Predaking! Stop this at once!" Your brother yelled, unsheathing his blades. "DON'T MAKE ME SAY TWICE!"

The large beast replied with a stream of lava-hot fire to the warlord's face. Megatron had barely ducked in time just before he was melted down alive by the sheer intensity of that blow. Growling, the Decepticon leader decided to take no slag of this any longer and charged at it, letting out a battle cry.




Predaking long, spiky was met with the warlord and it slammed the mech off, sending him to the air before ending at a wall.

...Yeah, not quite the glorious ending he'd presumed.

"MEGS!" I shouted, running after my brother. Predaking perked his audial fins up and snapped his helm at me, making me freeze in my tracks. My optics went wide as I fell to my butt, suddenly fearing for my life before the majestic creature.

"G-Good sweety..." I cowered, raising one servo out. Predaking stomped closer and I made a high pitch yelp, close to lubricating myself. Shutting my optics tight, I prepared myself for the worst.




"Grr..." the Predacon lowly breathed out, stopping his helm just right at my palms. He pushed in deeper, rubbing his large, scaly helm on my black servos. I opened my (e/c) optics to meet with the beast NUZZLING closer to me.

"H-Hey there..." I chuckled, petting him even more. His tail swished back and forth rapidly and he laid flat on the ground, mewling at me softly. My spark melted at his cute sight and I buried myself into his neck, hugging the big, adorable Predaking.

"Aren't you so cute!? I LOVE YOU!" I giggled, pushing his helm away as the big guy gave me one hell of a licking. "AHAHAHA- S-STOP IT!" I laughed, truly enjoying my time with the massive creature.

"It seems like Predaking likes you." Shockwave stated, tapping something on his datapad. "He was going out of hand moments ago and now he's...tamed."

"Maybe you just need to understand him." I replied, still engrossed with entertaining the large sweetheart. Shockwave gave a curt nod before walking back to his original place, retrieving more info and data from a distance.

...He was pretty much watching the two of you interacting happily.

"U-Ugh, what the frag..." Megatron groaned, shaking his helm slowly as he wobbled towards Shockwave. His spark nearly stopped when he saw you PLAYING with Predaking.

"(Y/N)!!" He yelled, ready to jump into action when Shockwave held him down.

"Sir, wait!" the one opticed mech said, catching his boss's arms.


"No. Predaking is peacefully interacting with your sister; quite the opposite of harming, actually." The purple mech replied monotonously, pointing a digit at your direction.

Loosening his hold on the warmonger, the two bulky mechs watched from afar as you had the time of your life with the vermilion beast.

"GAHHHH! WHERE WAS THAT WRETCHED BEAST!?" Starscream yelled, getting up from a pile of boxes. Apparently, the seeker was thrown into it while he was training with Predaking and was knocked out for a moment. Turning his helm to the beast, the Decepticon SIC failed to noticed of your tiny presence and threw his Energon prod at the beast.

Unfortunately, the staff was AIMED directly towards your body and you had your backs turned, completely unaware of the impending danger.

"(Y/N)! LOOK OUT!" Megatron roared, dashing towards you but he wasn't able to make it in time to block the impact.


The electrocuting device was caught mid-air by Predaking before he swiftly broke it with a crunch, decimating the weapon immediately. The ferocious beast glared at the spooked seeker, who was close to running off after he had finally saw your tiny frame poking out of the beast's neck.

Letting out a loud roar, Predaking encased you within his body, curling up and blew fire around the area, forcing all bots to retreat.

"P-Predaking!" I called out. He finally stopped his fire-breathing and looked down, checking at my frame.

"I'm okay." I said, hugging him.

"(Y/N)!" Megatron yelled, making his way closer to me.

I heard the beast's displeasure and stopped my brother. "NO-DON'T COME CLOSE!" I yelled, but it was too late.

Predaking went into his protective mode. Standing on all fours, the beast gave out a low growl and dipped his helm by my side, yellow optics scanning his perimeters for any suspected attackers.

"Predaking, it's alright!" I yelled, worried that he might hurt my brother in the process of defending me. "They won't hurt me!" I said. The beast snarled and TRANSFORMED into his biped form, startling everyone ESPECIALLY ME!

"NO ONE HURTS (Y/N)!" He roared, claws out and ready to paw the mechs before him.

"BACK AWAY FROM MY SISTER!" My brother seethed, waving his sword furiously.

"DROP YOUR WEAPONS FIRST!" The large mech retaliated, crouching to my level. "I won't allow this femme to be touched until I can be assured that you mean no harm to her; familial bond OR not!"

Stopping in his tracks, the silver warlord begrudgingly put away his weapons, backing off from the beast-turned-mech. Huffing, Predaking slowly released his hold on me, allowing me to run to my brother.

"Megs!" I cried, tackling him. "Are you okay!?" I asked, worried about my only sibling.

"If anything, I should be the one asking." He replied, placing a soft kiss on my helm. Turning towards Starscream, Megatron clicked his glossa in frustration and fired his cannons at the seeker.

"AHHH!" Starscream yelled, blasting off to the skies as he ran away from the ship.

"I'll be back in a jiffy." Megatron stated and followed suit, hunting down a certain grey jet for putting his sister in harm's place. Predaking changed back into his beast form and rose to the skies, also trying to catch his target.






"I-It's not that bad, y-you guys..." I muttered, chewing the insides of my dermas as I heard the SIC howls of pain before a loud clang to the ground. Predaking had skilfully captured the mech, holding him down with his heavy claws.

"M-Mercy!" Starscream pleaded, looking at you innocently. "I swear, I was targeting the Predaking!"



"I don't think that's a good idea to say when Predaking is the one deciding your fate." I chuckled. "But um- it's okay, I'm not mad at you." I shrugged, giving a tiny smile at the Cybertronian dragon. Predaking breathed out a wave of hot steam before releasing his grip on the seeker. Starscream let out a sigh of relief only to be dragged on the collar by his master.



And the warlord pulled the poor mech away, ready to pound him to scraps.




"So... I guess I can go meet Optimus now!" I grinned, ready to run off when I was held down by a few long appendages.

"Megatron- said-no." Soundwave chided, taking you inside.

