Need For Speed. (Knockout X Femme! Reader)

A/N: Requested by storyaboutHP cool idea XDXD, let me just *keyboard slam*

Megatron: We're actually doing this style today?

Anna: I would like to announce yet again that the fourth wall has been broken and I don't have the funds to repair them anymore; we'll just have to make do for today, Megs. BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN I LIKE IT!!


Oh well, frag it. I will be lenient for today.



Anna: I fucking hate yall.

*Turns back to the camera*

Hope ya like this chappy, fellow readers. Now excuse me, I need to go tally up the fees for this coverage...again. Soundwave, help me please!

Soundwave: On my way.

Lastly, I would like to say that I didn't make the ending with your favourite team hun...and you'll see why XDXD


"How's it hummin'!?" I smiled at the camera, getting the attention of my followers in a second through the live feed. Doing an infinity circle, I snagged up even more viewers and I am ecstatic!

Yes darlings, keep 'em coming! I love them stares!

Right, readers. Let me give you the honour of knowing me, aye? The name's (Y/N) (L/N), and I'm the fastest racer out there hun!






Shut up Anna, we don't talk about Overdrive here! He FRAG THAT! THIS is MY spotlight, not his!

(A/N: I didn't-!)

Ahem, ignore her. Sorry, got a lil' worked up back there!

Right, intro!

I originated from Velocitron. Ya know, Cybertron's sister planet? I must say, my...lust for speeding is insatiable and thus, I've got quite the fans flocking at my side.

I know, I know. You lots are jealous about me; I know. Trust me, if I was you, I'd wanna be me too.

Anyways, I should get back to my loyal viewers. Can't keep them waiting all day, right?

"What's that? You want me do 5 steep drifts? That's kinda hard..." I said, narrowing my eyes at the comments.


"O-Oh! 20k credits, you say!? 5 DRIFTS COMING RIGHT UP, BABY!"






Face-servoing, I spent my evening brooding by the window panes, annoyed with the neighbouring planet leader's stupid decision for the rest of the cycle. I am unable to process the fact that I'VE JUST LOST A MAJOR INCOME SOURCE in one day WITHOUT ANY. BLOODY. WARNING!

Primus, this is like taking away my wheels, damn it!

Days turned months and I grew even more ANNOYED with those rust buckets because SOMEHOW, they had a FRAGGING FIGHT GOING ON!?


Oh my Primus, this is dumb and I am NOT risking my beautiful paintjob for their stupid cause. TO THE PITS!


Checking the datapad (a newer one to replace my old, broken version), I realised that the war was worse than usual.





That's it.

That was the headline.

The end.

Because OBVIOUSLY wars are fun and amazing. Wow, I don't see ANY reason why I should NOT join it!

...Go jump into a smelting pit, you idiotic news writer. Can't you describe the situation even clearer to your viewers!?


Sighing, I clicked on the notification...only to get a LIVESTREAM of the latest situation in Cybertron.

Holy scrap! IT'S BAD ALRIGHT!

Explosion everywhere. Sparklings crying for their parental units. Burned down buildings. The once grand and majestic city of Iacon...down to rubbles.

Oh my...

"This is bad...and it's heading for...Velocitron!?" I gasped, watching the video uploaded by a reporter that the war waging on their planet NEEDS all the help they can get and will be involving OUR planet in their...fight.





"The council has fallen. With much hesitancy, we are splitting the war with our neighbouring planet in hopes to solve this situation with another ally backing us up."





"WHAT IN THE PIT?!!" I roared, throwing my servos up in the air. "IT'S OKAY TO TAKE A FIGHT TO ANOTHER PLANET NOW!? WELL SHIT, I'M OUT OF HERE!" I seethed.

Flopping onto the couch, I heaved out a frustrated sigh and stared at the ceiling, admiring the plain white paint above me.

"I wonder how Velocitron would arrange the war-"


"Huh?" I sat up at looked at the door, confused as to who would be banging on my door at this late hour. Shuffling awkwardly, I stifled a yawn as I opened the black door to reveal my friend, Resurrect.

"Uh...hi?" I said, raising an optic ridge at the panting femme.

She snapped opened her pink optics and lunged at me, tugging me back and forth harshly.


I managed to pry away from her death grip and slapped her dermas shut with my servos, fighting the urge to choke that femme.

"EASY, GLITCH! What's got you in a hurry!?" I snapped, glaring at her. She pushed my sharp claws away and sighed, scratching her helm in frustration.

"We've got a problem! A huge one!" she hurriedly said and barged into my domain. Pinching my olfactory sensors, I shut the door and turned to look at the femme pacing around my living quarters, mumbling incoherently.

"You didn't just trespass into my housing unit just to panic, right? Details woman, now." I sighed, taking a seat on the couch.

"(Y/N), how can you be so calm!? We're going ON A WAR!" She screeched, tugging back her audial fins in anguish. "I AM GOING TO BE SENT TO THE FRONTLINES TOMORROW!"

THAT got me serious.

"Wait-WHAT!?" I said, standing up from my spot. "But you're not ready! You've just graduated from the rescue response academy two months ago!" I added, not liking the situation.

Resurrect gave me a look of sadness as she hugged me tight, weeping into my chassis.

"I-I know..." she sobbed.

...Frag, I made it even more complicated, didn't I?

"Y-You'll be okay, I am sure of it." I tried to pacify her. "The Resurrect I know is a strong, determined and kind femme that won't let any injured bot out of her sharp optics." I sent her a soft smile and rubbed her helm.

"I-I'm...scared, (Y/N)..."

"I am too, but not for me; for you." I admitted, not willing to hide the truth. "It's going to be rough out there, Resy. But I want you to know one thing."

"W-What is it...?"

"My Resy is going to save the day like the heroine she is!" I smirked and lifted her up, spinning my best friend in circles before setting her down.

She burst into a laughter with me, momentarily snapping out from her depressing thoughts.

"Damn it, (Y/N)! I know I'm small but you didn't have to rub it in!" she huffed. Her smile faltered and she casted a look to the floor, playing with her digits sadly. "I'm am I suppose to carry those injured bots...?"

"Who said you need to be big to carry 'em?" I rolled my optics and slapped a servo on her back. "All you need to do is to drag them by the scruff of their necks. Trust me babe, I know strength when I see one AND you DEFINITELY have them in ya!" I flashed a toothy grin at her.


"Honey, I've seen you flipped a mech THRICE of your fragging size in self-defence class; you've got nothing to worry about!" I reassured the femme before me.

"I-If you say so..." she relented. "C-Can I stay the night before I go...?"

"I will personally set this house into lockdown mode if you even think of returning to your home after this."







Oh, how I wished she didn't go for that damned war.

Frag this bloody mess.

Resy...perished two months after she was sent off to Kaon, where the worst part of the war took place.

With a heavy spark, I cursed to the Pits for this outcome and left this dying planet of mine, venturing off to an unknown organic planet called Earth.

Scanning their local forms, I stayed incognito for years and blended in with the beings dwelling here. Deep down, I knew Resurrect would've loved this place. After all, that lil' friend of mine love nature with all of her spark.

'I miss you so much, Resy...' I thought to myself as I sat in this...human equivalent of an oilhouse, drinking alcohol, as they would call it.

...It doesn't mess up my system and it tastes bloody amazing, so why not?

Don't worry, I've got the credit to pay them...or should I say, money?

I do illegal racing, but at least I am still decent enough to pay for own stuff.


Location: Decepticon Warship.

(10 years after you have stayed on this planet.)

"Knockout! I demand your presence at the main brig in this instance!" Megatron yelled through the comms. The cherry red mech huffed out a slight cuss as he ran towards the room, not wanting to leave his master waiting too long.


"MY LIEGE! I'M HERE!!" Knockout yelled, skidding into the area professionally.

"TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH!" Megatron snarled, colliding his knuckles onto the medic's helm.

"ACK!" Knockout hissed in pain as he cradled the stinging area, lamenting on the fact that he was still SUBJECTED to Megatron's beatings.

"Now, I need you to get me this femme." Megatron threw a datapad at the Decepticon CMO. "Her designation is (Y/N) (L/N), the infamous Velocitronian racer, second to only Overdrive. If we are able to recruit that femme and harness her speed, I have no doubts that it would highly prove to be our advantage against those pesky Autobots!"

"Y-Yes, of course!" Knockout smiled. "As you command, master!" The narcissistic mech bowed before the silver gladiator and went off into the groundbridge, starting his mission immediately.

In less than an hour, the red Aston Martin had tracked you down and caught sight of your (f/c) and black Bugatti by an unknown pond, away from human civilisation.

"Good evening~" Knockout greeted and transformed, sauntering towards your vehicle.

"What the frag!?" I yelled, changing into biped mode. "There's Cybertronians on this planet too!?"

"Well...yes?" Knockout replied, peeking at his frame. "Last I checked, I am one hundred percent Cybertronian. The real package, sweetspark." He grinned.

'Damn, he's got some nice figure alright...' I noted mentally, taking a quick scan over the mech.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." The strange mech commented, posing before me. "The name's Knockout, by the way."

"Judging by the fact that you seemed like you knew where to look for me, I believe my designation is of no stranger to you." I replied with a huff.

"Ooh~ Beauty with the brains, I like it." he purred, taking a step closer.

I brought out my blades and glared at him, not in the mood for his theatrics.

"Cut the crap Knockout. What do you want?" I growled, (e/c) optics glowing with warning.

Is he sexy? Yes.

Am I impressed? Maybe.

Should I put my guards down? Absolutely NOT.

"A bright femme indeed! No wonder Big M wants you." Knockout tooted my horns but I saw past his deceptions.

The mech HAD something hiding behind his picture-perfect smile.

"Well, we would like to invite a dashing femme like you to our cause." He announced proudly.


"Why, the winning team of course!"


"The Decepticons!" Knockout said, red optics widened with shock. "Are we not popular enough to get your attention, sweety?!"







...You are POPULAR alright.

"I know your faction." I stated, shutting my optics close. I was trying my very best to calm the frag down and not burn my tires on his faceplate.


"Well, what's it gonna be? Don't keep me waiting all day!"

...Frag that calm of mine.

Roaring with fury, I tackled the mech down, baring my sharp dentas at him.

"JOIN YOUR TEAM!? THE MAIN FRAGGING REASON WHY OUR HOME WAS DESTROYED IN THE FIRST BLOODY PLACE!?" I snarled, swiping a claw at his face. He evaded the blow and sent me a scared smile, raising both of his servos in front of him as he tried to talk his way out of this.

"N-Now, i-it's not really l-like that!" Knockout dryly chuckled.

"Then please, ELABORATE!"

"Y-You s-see, we wanted to...we- well, we hadn't EXACTLY planned for the downfall of Cybertron! We were just...fighting for our rights! Yes! Rights! And then... well, you know what happened next." He stuttered.

Clicking my glossa, I released the mech from my hold.

I don't suppose I could give him a chance...with terms applied, of course.

"Fine. I will take into consideration of your...invitation-"


"-WITH ONE CONDITION." I finished, crossing both servos on my chassis.

"Name it!" he happily chirped.

"You win me in 7 DIFFERENT rounds of racing of MY choosing WITHOUT cheating. Then, and ONLY then, shall I join this...winning team." I grimaced at the last part.

"Well then, let's get started!" he smirked. "Not to be a braggard darling, but this mech right here, he's the fastest Cybertronian on wheels!"

...Not a braggard, my bloody aft!

Sighing, I pinched my olfactory sensors in frustration, absolutely ticked off (and sort of smitten) by the mech before me.

This is going to be a long night...


Timeskip: After all seven rounds of your race.

...Not going to lie; he's got some speed alright.

But SADLY, my tittle isn't just some pretty display; I've got the skills to match with them.

"H-How...are...y-you...s-so fast...? Primus..." He panted, leaning forward on his knees as he gasped for air, cooling his systems down.

"Tired out already? That's just a warm-up for me." I smirked, checking my talons.


"Why should I? I'm as chill as ever!" I beamed proudly. "And I thought you had something fun for me. Oh well, nice going on a smooth cruise with ya, I guess." I shrugged nonchalantly before walking away.

"N-No- wait, let's do it a-again!"

"Honey, you can barely stand straight let alone drive properly. Don't wanna ruin your beautiful finish by getting into an accident on the road now, do we?" I barked out a laugh and sped off, letting the mech eat my dust.

Nice paintjob, pretty face, perfect figure; he's got them all.

But speed though? Sorry, I am still the queen of the road.

If he wasn't with the Decepticons, I might ask him to join me for more than just a ride...but I know where I stand and so does he.

I belong in the wild, always driving and exploring around. He's a soldier, a mech fighting a war that I want NOTHING to be a part of.

"Sorry Knocks, but I feel fine going solo."
