Young Master ~Part 6 (Human! Optimus X Human! Reader)

A/N: Megatron: WE ARE BACK IN LINE!!! YES!


Soundwave: A gentle reminder to the readers that Anna will continue the introduction later. The crew wasn't cooperative during the last chapter. Soundwave proof-reads this chapter today.

Anna, on the couch: My whole

Optimus, holding an ice pack to his helm: I-I...I need to get in...a-action, have my ice...

Soundwave wishes the reader happy reading; Wheeljack will be dealt with later. Soundwave would also like to mention that the pic above was drawn by Anna to depict Human! Optimus as the butler.

Enjoy (owo)

TW: Gore.


The next morning, you woke up in an awful state of wanting to throw up and you rushed towards the bathroom. Bending over the toilet bowl, you emptied out the contents while grimacing at the horrible acidic taste left in your mouth.

"(N/N)?" Optimus's voice was soft as he held your hair away from your face, preventing them from getting stained with your puke. He helped you up and did all the cleaning, once again taking the time to take care of your sick figure...when you push him away.


Your head went down instantly, vomiting again. The whole process repeated for a while and Optimus was getting worried.

Thus, with much reluctancy, he called Medivac.

His instinct screamed at him to request for Ratchet, but he didn't want to raise any suspicion for calling his friend instead of the house doctor.

"Medivac, Lady (Y/N) is in need of assistance." He monotonously stated. The sound of tongue clicking echoed in his comms and Optimus struggled not seeing red at that moment.

"Bring her to my office..." Medivac yawned.

"Unfortunately, her condition allows not of such luxuries. I ask that you visit her room in this instance."

"It's only 6am! My work starts at 7, Optimus. Be glad that I'm answering your calls!" Medivac groaned.

Silence was all the sleazy, money-loving bastard received in reply and he sighed. "Fine, fine."

Cutting off the line, the butler's hands drove into his pockets and felt the familiar cold steel inside, blood boiling hot.

"O-Optimus-HURGGGHH!!" You puked again.

But this time, you threw up CHUNKS OF BLOOD.


Optimus's eyes sparked with panic and he gathered some tissue, hastily wiping them off your mouth and carried you bridal-style. You were still leaking blood and the Prime was, WITHOUT A DOUBT, worried. He dialled another call, hoping to God the receiver would pick up.


"DAD! (Y/N)'S DYING! HELP, PLEASE!!" Optimus's voice struck a chord inside Alpha.

It was the same tone he had heard when his wife died.

"Calm down-"

"DON'T FUCKING TELL ME TO CALM DOWN, DAD! GET THE CAR READY- JUST PLEASE, DO SOMETHING!" Optimus screamed, kicking down the door as he bolted down the carpeted floors.


"WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU- Oh!" Monica's harsh scowl morphed into something Optimus could only describe as glee. "Is she dead yet?"

Exasperated, Optimus wanted to dump the cold-hearted lady into an acid pool but he held his tongue back. "Please ma'am, we need to get her to the hospital or she's not going to make it!!"



"I said no." Monica said, crossing her arms in front of her revealing nightwear. "She has lived long enough; time to say goodbye to the girl."

Optimus could not believe his ears at all. Behind him, Ratchet, Megatron, Soundwave, Shockwave and Alpha Trion had heard the cruel words escaped her lips and was astounded.

"Don't give me that look, Alpha." Monica rolled her eyes. "I'm not keeping her alive and neither will Lucas. Go on, don't disturb my beauty sleep."

With that, she slammed the door at their faces.




"Optimus, get her in the car." Megatronus commanding aura snapped everyone out of their stunned selves.

"NOW!" Solus roared.

Nodding, Optimus disappeared from the area, running down the flight of staircases with an ungodly speed as he fought with the grim reaper for time.




Disinfectant filled the air of your room as you laid on the bed, motionless. Barely making it out alive, the doctors were surprised when they saw how horrible your conditions were and wondered why you had never been admitted to the hospital much sooner.

Due to this...mishap, you're destined to be in the wheelchair, FOREVER. Unable to eat or move without guidance and you will remain so until you die, or so the doctor says.

Optimus was...shattered.


He had completely lost it when the doctor explained your current state, grabbing his collar as his eyes watered.


Ratchet and Megatron to pulled him back, barely able to hold the berserk Prime down as his father apologised to the shaken doctor. Excusing himself, the doctor felt it was better to let them have some time alone to swallow the harsh truth and left the room.

"(Y/N) COULD'VE BEEN BETTER! IT'S ALL BECAUSE OF THEM! THEY NEARLY TOOK HER LIFE AWAY!!" Optimus screamed, trying his best to get out from his two partners' clutch.

"OPTIMUS! CALM DOWN!" Megatron said.


"YOU'RE IN A HOSPITAL, OLD FRIEND!!" Ratchet butted in.



Upon hearing your name, the Prime went still and calmed down from his fit.

"N-No..." he stuttered, eyes darting towards your sleeping figure.

You were in an induced coma and was expected to awake only tomorrow, giving your body some time to heal after some minor surgery and check-up.

The doctors had to pry out some clogged up food inside your intestines, so you were stuck with tube feeding for the time being.

"Easy, son..." Alpha Trion spoke, trying to pacify his son. "She's going to be okay."

Optimus, with his blood-shot eyes, glared at his father for an absolute answer. "Dad, with your clairvoyance, PROMISE ME she'll make it." he demanded, breathing heavily.

The house butler gulped, unable to speak.

As much as he trusted his gifts, he was no Primus.

"ANSWER ME!" Optimus snarled.

"THAT'S ENOUGH, OPTIMUS!" Solus growled, smacking her nephew's head. "Don't you DARE speak to your father in such tone, boy!"

"(Y/N) is my top priority, Solus!" Optimus bared his fangs at his aunty, making the gardener take a step back in shock.

"DON'T. TOUCH. ME." He growled.

Ratchet and Megatron let go of the Prime, both feeling a shiver running down their backs.




"Kid, she's not gonna die so soon." Megatronus boldly responded, making his wife and his brother-in-law snap their heads at him.

"How sure are you?" The young butler eyed his uncle suspiciously, ocean eyes now turned into electric blue with hints of malice swimming inside his iris.

"If she is that weak as you speak, the girl would've long joined the Wells." The guard said. "Look kid, I know you've got your eyes set on the girl-"

"HER. NAME. IS. (Y/N)." Optimus seethed.

"-Right, (Y/N)." Megatronus coughed. "She's going to be okay. Have a little faith in your princess, alright?"

Eyes averting, Optimus turned his head away, letting his bangs cover his face. "I'm just her butler, that's all..."

"If you bullshit me with your lies, I will snap your wrist." Megatronus smiled in a sickly-sweet manner, cracking his knuckles.

Solus Prime nudged him roughly, earning a whining look from the mech.

"What?! Only a blind fool would not notice his infatuation for (Y/N) and YOU know it, Solus!"

"Doesn't give you the right to cuss in front of our nephew, let alone our sons!" Solus chided.

"My dear, I love you so, so much...but they are all adults. I'm pretty certain they can handle a few strong languages here and there." The old guard sighed dramatically.

"They are MY babies!" Solus defended.

"They wiped out the (L/N)'s in cold blood, but okay, yeah sure." Megatronus dug his ear in a bored manner as he dropped the bomb.








"Oh, WE KNOW ALRIGHT." The three old Primes said, eyes showing no expressions.

"How you five have this secret hideout in MY shed?" Solus smirked.

"And that you've hacked into the surveillance camera, Soundwave?" Alpha Trion pointed out.

"AND the fact that you five have your weapons inside your pockets as we speak. Yes Optimus, I can see your knives protruding from here." Megatronus chuckled.

Rubbing the back of their necks awkwardly, the crew of twisted-minded children gave the adults a guilty look.

"Dad...y-you knew?" Megatron asked, ruby eyes meeting with his father's red ones.

"I'm a Prime too, son. I'm no Alpha or your mom, but I can smell blood pretty easily." His father replied. "Same goes to the both of you, Soundwave and Shockwave."




"But we aren't mad with you guys."

Surprised, the crew stared at the trigger-happy guard in confusion.

"Personally speaking, Monica is a bitch." Megatronus snorted. "She pisses me off and I can't do shit because I had you guys, I couldn't risk my family getting hurt. I guessed I can now breathe a sigh of relief knowing my kids are a bunch of badasses."

"Besides, I never liked tending to them. My hatred grew when they treated my son like scraps." Megatronus snarled at the end of his sentence. "They had it coming."

"What he said, minus the swearing." Solus cleared her throat. "Though, I feel a scary shiver every time I walked past Edmund. That boy is really...weird, like in a VERY bad way."

"He KILLS AND TORTURE baby animals for fun, sis." Alpha commented. "Laserbeak, Ravage? Rings any bell?"

"You know Soundwave's pets!?" Soundwave squeaked, earning a faint smile from the bearded man.

"Why yes; one cute raven and an adorable black cat." The butler replied. "Both which you saved. Such a kind hearted child you are, Soundwave."

"Though I may not like violence," Alpha Trion said, gazing upon his son with a fatherly concern. "I believe this is their karma...for what they have done to Maria."

"...What?" Optimus lifted his face to meet eyes with his father.

Biting his lips, Alpha Trion knew he couldn't hide the truth anymore. Solus and Megatronus went silent, worried for their sibling's wellbeing.

"Your mother, Maria...She didn't just p-passed away for no reason, my son..." Alpha rasped as tears threatened to fall. "Do you know why we are all here and not with the rest of our siblings?"

"Uncle Prima...Uncle M-Micronus? Them? What about them?!" Optimus's heartbeat quickened. He couldn't believe this in the slightest.

Nodding, the grieving single father sent his child a sad smile. "We're all pay back our fees with the (L/N)'s. Me, Megatronus and Solus. We stayed back so that the rest of our siblings d-don't...suffer."

"WHAT ABOUT MOM!?" Optimus balled his hands into fists, frame shaking with anger.

"Your mother tried to ...negotiate. It cost us her life but she saved yours; the (L/N)'s wanted to take you in as a slave, not a butler."


"I had no c-choice...I'm so sorry..." Alpha Trion bowed his head low, shame filling his soul for hiding the sad reality from his son. Optimus lost a mother figure and went to the wrong path. For that, the man feels like he had failed as a parent."






"Huh?" Megatron whipped around. "What was that?"


"(Y/N)!?" Optimus gasped.


"Oh Primus..." the young Prime flew to your side, gently cupping your fragile hands into his. "H-Hey..." he cooed, instantly covering up his emotions for you.

Frowning, your dull (e/c) eyes gazed into his blue ones with regret.

"E-Eiy...y-yim...S-s...sor..rry..." (I am sorry.)

"Why are you apologising!? Don't be, love." Optimus kissed your hands, disregarding the rest of the humans in the room as his only focus was you.


Tears dripped down your cheeks, staining your pillow.

You heard EVERYTHING during your sleep-like state and you couldn't help but to feel bad for carrying the (L/N)'s name.

Seeing that it was a sensitive moment between you and Optimus, the team quietly went out of the room to give you two some quality time.

"(N/N), this has got nothing to-"

A slight squeeze in his palms halted Orion's speech. He saw the sadness in your eyes; those glassy yet hopeless (e/c) ones...

"I'm not mad at you." he whispered and leant in, placing a soft kiss on your forehead. "I love you so, so much, my precious..."

"O-Oh...Oh-...r-r...i..i-i...onn.." (Orion...)

"I'm here, love. I'm right by your side whenever you need me." Optimus said. "I won't leave you. I can't leave you; I will not leave even if you want me to."

"...T-Teh..." (Take me away from my family. Take me with you.)

You were bawling hard now and you felt the harsh stinging in your throat, but you didn't care anymore.

This tiny amount of agony was nothing than the guilt gnawing inside you, screaming in your mind for all the dirty things your family had done all these years.

Your barely intelligible words made Optimus's heart lurch with resolution, for he had understand every single word you've spoken.

You had given him the green light to go with him.

Thus, the Prime set his mind onto one goal; to end the rest of the (L/N)'s alongside with whomever associated on hurting you ...and his family.

"Your wish is my command, milady."


Timeskip: 10 years later...

Humming softly, you were enjoying your novel when you felt a pair of snaking hands coiling onto both of your hips before the faint smell of fresh cologne lingered in the air.

"Hello, beautiful." Optimus chuckled, placing a butterfly kiss onto your neck.

"Stop it, Paxy." You blushed at his touch, feeling a rush of heat onto your cheeks.

"You seem to be enjoying the book. Mind if I join you?"

"Aren't you busy with Megs and the team?" you retorted, raising an eyebrow at the pouting Prime.

"No, no. He's currently out of town; election day, remember?" Optimus replied while snuggling tightly behind you. "You smell so nice..."

"I think it's your cologne, Orion." You giggled. The Prime shook his head, slightly purring into your ears.

"I like this position; I'm staying like this."

"Yes, yes..." You gave up retaliated and leaned back, putting your weight on your husband. "Time flies, huh?"

After that incident of you landing in the hospital, Optimus hunted both of your parents down and ended their lives alongside with his team to aid him.

Their screams of agony and fear were nothing but music to his ears as he skinned them alive, piece by piece, making the two horrible parents pay for their sins. Obviously, you were spared from the details, but you knew the plan...and you went along with it.

Well, not exactly.

You weren't keen of murder, so they avoided the topic when you meet up with the crew. Though, you were clear about their actions because they had nothing to hide from you.

Ratchet tackled on his father's situation; the young medic's heart flared with fury as he sent Medivac to hell. His last words to the screaming medic were: "I have no father."

-Before he burnt the bastard alive.

With no one else to fight for the throne, you had inherited ALL of the (L/N)'s possession. Some of your father's business partners wanted to set up a murder mission to steal them away from you (ie: Sentinel), but your trusty butler made sure those slaggers are now six-feet under, rotting with the soils.

You were finally at peace. You couldn't do much activity besides reading, but it was much better than before.

You are happy now.

"I'm finally home..." You said, tipping your head up to connect your lips with Optimus.

Forming a smirk, the butler-turned-husband of yours nodded in agreement, for the man had received his salvation at long last too.

"Yes indeed, master."  
