Beauty And The Beast. Part 2 (Human! Megatron X Human! Reader)

A/N: Enigma chan is going to get her second jab tomorrow so wish her luck! Also, her wifi is HORRIBLY out but thankfully (actually, no) the maintenance people will arrive on SATURDAY.



I hate this.

Anyhow, enjoy this chapter and hopefully with a day or two hiatus after my vaccination, I’ll be able to move my bloody hands again~

I would like to ALSO point out that once again, please throw away your usual thoughts of TFP because this CHAPTER is going to be haywire!

Be prepared for all of the surprise…I think.

(It’s not really following the original movie because I kinda forgot, so if there’s any mistake I’m soo sorry!)


“DEAL!” Megatron declared and rummaged his keys out, unlocking the cell. Dragging my old father’s body, he sent my father down and out of the castle.

“No! L-Let me go!”  Ratchet coughed out, fighting against the beast’s grip.

“Go home!” He roared, striking the whip of the magical horse carriage. The black cabin rode off to the darkness as the wailing of your father faded away into the distance.

Satisfied, Megatron went back inside, ready to meet the strange girl that wandered naïvely into his castle.

Meanwhile on your side…


That terrifying creature had all but dragged my poor, ill father on the ground and banished him from the castle!

Me, on the other hand, had taken over the cell and was locked inside with no ways of escaping.

‘Oh, I hope Papa’s alright…’

Sniffling, I held a tight grip on my dress before scooting closer to the talkative candelabra.

“I-I…don’t know what to feel…” I said, lips quivering with sadness.

“How about love?” Knockout said, trying to make a light out of this situation.

“I don’t-”


The beast’s roar was enough to keep me silent as I scooted deeper into the cells, shielding myself with the darkness blanketing the prison. My breath hitched when the dark, creaky door opened, revealing the beast.

“You.” He snarled, taking a step closer at me. “Come with me!” he said, wagging a finger before disappearing into the darkness.

“M-Me…?” I tentatively asked, still fearing for my life.

“WHO ELSE!?” The silver beast seethed, red eyes cutting right into my (e/c) ones. “DO YOU WISH TO STAY IN THIS CELL THEN!?”

“N-No sir…”

“THEN I SUGGEST YOU TO FOLLOW ME!” He replied and stormed off, leaving me behind to catch up. The smug candelabra skilfully hopped into my hands, providing me some warmth as he guided me to my designated room.

“Don’t you worry mademoiselle; I’ll light the way for you.” he assured, pointing the direction till the very end.

…Surprisingly, the clock tagged along (begrudgingly.)

We arrived at a nicer room and the beast left me there, slamming the doors at my face, but not before saying his last words.

“You WILL join me for dinner! It is not a request; it is a command!”

And he left, stomping off from my room to God knows where. Biting my lips, I took a survey of my room, inspecting everything since I was pretty much trapped in this god-awful place FOREVER!

I sat on the soft, queen-sized bed and pulled my legs in, hugging them tightly.

“Yoo-hoo!” A voice rang out behind me, making me instantly snap my head around. There stood a large wardrobe SMILING at me, waving in delight with its doors.

“AH!” I yelped; eyes widened at the being before me.

“Sorry sweetspark, didn’t mean to give ya a big fright!” he apologised, bending forward. “My name’s Breakdown and I shall be your greatest fashion designer sweety!” he giggled.

“B-Breakdown?” I repeated his name.

“Yep, that’s me!” He beamed, frame twitching left and right with happiness. “So hun, how’d you get in here?” he asked innocently, not realising that it only made things worse.

My lips went into a thin line as I fell silent, shaking my head slowly.

Gasping out loud, the bulky blue wardrobe bowed, ranting out his apologetics words profusely.

“OH MY PRIMUS- SWEETY, I’M SOOOO SORRY! D-DON’T CRY HONEY, P-PLEASE DON’T BE SAD!” he exclaimed, panic building up inside him.

“O-Oh! I know!” he said and opened his doors to reveal a set of fancy fabrics and expensive clothing.

“H-How about a m-makeover?” he stuttered, trying to cheer me up after his accidental mistake.

“Breaks! Did you make our dear sweetheart cry!?” A calming voice enters the room, startling both of you with the sudden presence.

“I-I didn’t do it on p-purpose, I swear!”

“Mama, she’s so pwetty!” A tiny voice complimented, momentarily taking you out from your state of despair. 

“Yes, yes she is!” the lady teapot chuckled, nuzzling against the chipped cup. Turning to look at you, the old lady/teapot gave you a nod in respect before pouring some hot tea into the tiny cup.

Breakdown pushed the cart closer towards you, delighted to have a companion to help him out.

“Here, a nice cup of Jasmine tea to keep you warm.” The pearl-white ceramic pot said. Tiny teacup hopped closer, hoping you would pick him up. With a gentle hand, I took the cup to your lips and sipped the contents slowly, eliciting a giggle from the tiny one.

“Ahaha, it tickles!” He laughed.

Blinking in surprise, I turned the cup around to see a smiley face at me.

“Hello, I’m Bumblebee!” he introduced himself, rocking his body back and forth in reply.

“And I’m Solus, pleasure to meet you sweetheart.” The teapot greeted.

“H-Hello…” I trailed off, glancing down at the two tea accessories. “I-I’m (Y/N).” I said, returning their hospitality.

“Aren’t you such a loving dear?! Breakdown, how dare you make our little princessa cry!” Solus chided the poor wardrobe, who was in a fumbling mess as he tried to wiggle his way out.

“No- I-You-I mean- I didn’t- It’s not-”

“It’s okay ma’am, he was just being curious.” I said, giving the flustered furniture a pat. He straightened up, thankful for my answer.

Sighing, I was about to open up when a series of rapping on my door broke my attention.

“AHEM- Y-Young lady! A-Are you ready t-to eat dinner- I MEAN- You SHALL come out AT THIS INSTANCE AND J-JOIN ME FOR DINNER!” The beast yelled. I gasped and scooted into my sheets, tears on the verge of spilling as I gave my tiny team an afraid look, not wanting to go out at all.

Apparently, the beast’s got a sharp hearing too.

“YOUNG FEMME! COME OUT AT THIS INSTANCE!” he roared, pounding his large fist against the door.

“N-No!” I blurted out, not knowing where the hell did I ever discover the courage to do so.


My words flew from my mouth before I could even process the thoughts, letting them on autopilot. “I-I WON’T JOIN YOU! G-GO AWAY!”

Thunderous snarls echoed from the halls, making me cower in fear as I shielded my face within my knees.

“FINE! IF YOU DON’T JOIN ME FOR DINNER, YOU SHALL NEVER AGAIN EAT, FOREVER!” he finished and stomped away, leaving me to weep in my duvets as I prayed for my safety in this unknown location.

Solus and Bumblebee went silent and they kindly excused themselves, giving me some privacy. Breakdown stood at the far corners, not wanting to pressure you even more with his presence.




Outside of your bedroom, Knockout and Starscream were twirling around, trying to get their bearings together after that loud, ear-piercing cry. Shaking his head, Knockout got Starscream on hold and shook him wildly, trying to get his guy to listen.

“Ugh..WOAAHH!!” Starscream yelled, fighting the urge to puke as his comrade violently pulled him back and forth.


“G-Get off!” The clock seethed, prying away from the candelabra’s hold only to fall face first onto the dusty carpets.

“I-In my defence, you did ask me to get away.” Knockout smirked, offering a hand at the annoyed butler.

“Frag off!” The clock snarled, picking himself up and swiped away the remaining soot out of his frame. “What do you want!?” he asked, crossing his arms in front of him.

“We need to get the girl to love our master! THEN, WE CAN FINALLY BE HUMANS AGAIN!” Knockout declared, waving his lit-up hands in front of the moody clock.

Noticing the silver and red clock wasn’t having the same enthusiasm as him, the flamboyant candle did what he had to.

Knockout left his right hand under Starscream’s behind, making the clock jump up as he howled in pain.

“HOTTTTT!!” Starscream pranced around, trying to douse the fire in his aft. After minutes of running around in circles, the fire was put out and what’s left was the SIC’s charred butt.


“HELP ME make those two FALL IN LOVE!” Knockout abruptly cut the mech off. “All we’ve gotta do now-”

“IS TO SKIN YOU ALIVE!” Starscream growled, tackling the highly-flammable item. Knockout skilfully rolled out of the way and left a tiny ember on Starscream’s leg, elicting another wave of screaming.


Raising an eyebrow, Knockout watched by the sidelines as his subordinate danced around like a jester, pleasing his optics with the mech’s impressive footwork.

“Wow, didn’t expect to have you showing me your rare talent, Screamy.”


It was now nearly passed midnight and your stomach was growling, forcing you to awake from your slumber. Groggily, you got off from the comfy bed and headed towards the door, peeking around the cold hallways for any passer-by.

“Mademoiselle, good evening!”

It took ALL of your willpower to NOT scream as you placed your hands on your chest, clutching them tightly in fear that your heart might just pop out.

“K-Knockout!” I whispered, picking him up from the floor. “W-Were you here…all night?” I asked.

“Indeed I am.” He replied, suppressing a yawn. “But worry not of me, my precious! What is it that you require?” he asked, red eyes sparkling with delight.

Biting my lips again, I mumbled out the truth. “I-I…I’m hungry.” I said, tints of red forming on my cheeks.

“Mon Dio! This cannot be allowed!” he gasped dramatically. Wiggling out of my hands, the candelabra landed straight onto STARSCREAM’S back, kicking the wind out of his system from the sudden landing.

“OOOF!” Starscream choked, eyes bulging out.

Glaring at the culprit, the clock was about to lay his servos when he saw your figure standing by the door. Growling, he dusted himself before returning to his professional state.

…Or at least, tries to.

“Ahem! Young lady, I ask that you go back to your quarters-OW OW OW HOT HOT!!” he screamed, pulling away from his fire-loving friend.

“Wanna try that again?” Knockout teased, making his fire burn brighter.

Gulping down his fear, Starscream grumpily took you away with Knockout to the kitchen, hoping to find you some supper to eat.

The three of you arrived at the spacious area and Knockout had you seated down while he fetched for the worker to prepare you some hot soup. Starscream kept a watchful eye out of his leader, afraid of waking the ferocious master up.

“H-Hurry up! Drink a soup or something and get to bed!” the red and silver clock ordered, skipping around the table worriedly.

Alas, his efforts of being discreet were FUTILE when a certain teapot heard of your presence. She immediately WOKE the whole crew up, demanding them to prepare you a feast.

Obviously, that made Knockout HAPPIER!

“BE OUR GUEST, BE OUR GUEST! PUT OUR SERVICE TO THE TEST!” Knockout sang, skidding across the long table as the plates and cutleries joined him, dancing in sync as they laid out various dishes for the young femme to savour.

“Soup du jour, hot hors d’oeuvres! Why, we only live to serve! Try the grey stuff, it’s delicious!” he said, spinning the turntable and let you have a chance to taste the scrumptious meal.

The alarm-ed (pun intended) clock nearly passed out when he saw the fuss you lots were making BUT, in the end, he had JOINED the bandwagon, laughing and singing along till the very end.

…Strict butler, pfft.


“T-Thank you for the meal! It was absolutely amazing!” I said, bowing in gratitude towards the kitchen before heading back to my room.

Looking around the darkly-lit area, I gave the two loyal servant a gentle smile as we slowly walked around the big-tiled floors.

“What’s that place for?” I asked, pointing up at the west staircase.

Knockout and Starscream shot up in alarm and quickly thought of a plan, hoping to Primus you would NEVER go to that space.


“NUH-UH! NOPE! I-It’s a…it’s a… S-STOREROOM! Why, yes it is!”

Raising an eyebrow, you decided to head over the stairs but you were pulled back by the two.

“T-This way, my lady!” Knockout said, trying to drag you away from going to the uncharted territory.

“W-We’ve got-got a...a...library!” Starscream blurted out.

Gasping, my interest was piqued and I obediently followed them. Though, on the back of my mind, I was still eyeing on the forbidden area.

‘What’s so special about it to have them closed off?’
