I'm Not Drunk! (Human! Megatron X Human! Reader)

A/N: Anna isn't really in the best situation to speak now. Optimus is typing here, so I hope you all will enjoy this.

Though, she did ask me to pass a message to everyone.

Until further notice, production rates will be significantly slower and requests are closed. Thank you everyone for dedicating your time into reading her books.

With much gratitude, the crew, Anna and I bid everyone a nice day or night, and once again, enjoy the chapter.

Thank you all, we are very honoured to have you guys joining us.

Downing my FIFTH cocktail in one sitting, I felt the bitter-sweet liquid flowing down my throat and I let it be, wanting to do anything to drown my feelings and sorrows away.

"Ugh. Another, please."

The bartender sighed and shook his head before setting a cup of warm water on the counter.

"I believe you need to be sober enough to go home alone, (Y/N). That's enough drink for tonight."

"Aren't you supposed to be happy I'm giving you more earnings for the night?" I mumbled, eyes barely opened. "I doing you a service, Skyquake."

"And you're MY friend, (Y/N). I worry for you, if you must know." the gruff man said in reply, pushing the empty alcoholic glass away from your loose grasp. "What happened? It's not like you to have that much drink, especially not downing FIVE martini's without stopping."

"Henry happened." I briskly spoke.


"Henry- kiss -me -once -Henry." I growled. "That- HICCC - slagger gave me a smooch in front of everyone -HICCC - in the office, proclaimed his fake love and this BITCH took the -HICCC- bait like a dumb fool that she is, to which I - HICCC - ended up as a laughing stock of the day."


"His buddy, Jeremy barged into the quarters with a video camera along -HICCC - with some assholes behind them. Turns out, I'm -HICCC - nothing but a challenge that they decided to pull the prank on."

"Oh..." Skyquake scratched his sideburns, ruby eyes darted to the left. "That's quite the dick move." he admitted.

"Yeah, so hurry up and give me my drink. I want a stronger one, this mix isn't good enough."


Knockout, who was busy drying the cocktail glasses, dropped threw his towel on the counter and sauntered towards my place.


"Yeah, it's too mild. I'm still holding on great, by the way." I smirked, pulling the cherry red-haired man's tie closer. "Don't tell me you can't make a stronger drink for me? Hmm?"

"NONSENSE!!" Horrified, Knockout took a grab on my slender hands, gritting his teeth at my accusation. "I'LL SHOW YOU HOW IT'S DONE IN MY BAR, YOU LIL MINX!"

"I'd like to see you try, small fry~"

"That's enough, both of you." Dreadwing stated, appearing by my left with a round tray above his shoulders. He gave his co-worker a disappointed look before turning towards me.

"(Y/N), don't provoke something you can't handle." Dreadwing chastised.






Sighing, Dreadwing set a colourful tall glass on the counter. He tapped my back twice before pointing towards it.

"I personally made that, it should do the trick if you wanna get drunk SO BADLY." he said, eyebrows raised. 

"BUTTTT,"  He cleared his throat and gave me a stern gaze. "Final warning; it's REALLY not a good idea to drink that one shot."


Without hesitation, I yanked the cold drink and chugged it down instantly, letting my system to be infiltrated with more toxic liquid that I have no idea what it is, nor do I give the slightest damn about it.

All I know is that this drink is spicy and hard, JUST HOW I LIKE IT.


"Uh...." Knockout raised an eyebrow. "How in the world are you still able to talk?"


"I said how-"

"Whuuuhhhh... eveer
-HICCCC..d-duhh- HICCC- yuhhh mweannnn...?"

"Yeah, right. Never mind." the sassy bartender shook his head. "Breaks, come and give me a hand here!"

"What's seems to the problem....oh."
The bulky guy came over only to see a familiar (h/c) femme smiling like a daft person. "She drank Dreadwing's special concoction, didn't she?"

"Hey, I warned her." the older twin said, setting a hand on his hips. "She didn't want to listen."

"DRREAAADDSSSS~"  You slurred, giving him a dopey smile. "Yuh have a nwiceeee phaaaaseeee...."

"I have a nice WHAT now?"

"I think she meant that you have a nice FACE." SkyQuake snorted, picking up your unwanted glass.

"So...who's picking her up tonight?" Breakdown asked, poking your side.

You jumped at the touch before sluggishly turned towards the source of your disturbance. You saw a vague shadow looming before you and burst into giggles, pointing an unstable finger outwards.

"Big bayybyyyyyyyy~"  you cooed, leaning forward as you tried to reach and cup the startled mech's face.

"Oh, I'm soooo getting a video of this." Knockout snickered, taking out his phone and started recording.

"Oi, help your husband here please!?"

"Keep her entertained; I'm getting the help...soon..."

Rolling their eyes in unison, Skyquake strutted out of his area to come to your side while Dreadwing went and look into your purse, trying to find your phone to call someone.

"Gib... Mhmm....backk.."  You whined, stretching to reach your black purse. You managed to slap the cellphone out of your friend's hand and caught it, much to everyone's surprise.

"Dish...mineee...." you declared, giggling like a fool again. "Me phone... Onwy me - HICC- can..shee...."

"Call someone to get you home, (Y/N)." Skyquake said.

"I CHOOSEEE MEHGGSSSTYYY~" You raised a fist and drunkenly dialed his number. "MHAIYY FAVOURITE HOUSEMATEEE~"

You only had ONE housemate, by the way. Megatron was your housemate, but the crew didn't know about this....until now.

"M-Megsty?" Knockout asked. "What kind of name is that?"

"A nickname. Problem?" Megatron growled, towering behind them.
"BOSS!?" The crew gasped.

He glanced towards your bopping figure and muttered some indecent words under his breath. Glaring at his team, the boss of Decepticon's Lair crossed his arms over his chest and spoke.

"What in the Pits is this bullshit?WHO LET (Y/N) TO DRINK THIS MUCH!?" He demanded an answer.


"It's uh... Uhm..."


"I uh... I didn't - I mean-"

"Tsk." Megatron shifted his focus onto you instead, his steel silver shoes clicking on the floor as he slide to the stool next to you.

"(Y/N), wake up."

Roughly shaking your shoulders, you lulled towards the large mech's chassis, mumbling softly in your drunken haze.

"Megsssy, yuhhh came!! "

"Foolish femme..." he sighed, pinching his nose bridge tiredly. "Do you know how much trouble you're causing me?"

Sitting up straight, you pursed your lips as you gave the boss of this bar a hard stare.

"Why are you staring-"

"YUH NUH MEGSY!"  You hollered, shaking your head profusely with denial.


"MEHGSY - HICC - NUHHBUHH SCOLDS MEHHHH~"  Your eyes started to pool with tears. "My handsome -HICCCC- housemate....w-would...neverrr..

The 7 feet male went silent at your statement. Face-palming to hide his blushing expression, the silverette once again relented to your whims and fancies.

"Oh, you're good..." he chuckled, knowing full well you had so much effect on him without you even trying.

"Here I am again, following your wishes like a fool. I do wonder who is the idiot in this sometimes...." The head of  Decepticon said, leaning in to put a palm behind your back. He pull you close before lifting your tiny figure up into a bridal-style, securing you safely in his broad arms.

"Close the bar without me." Megatron gave his team a nod before walking off, leaving the Cons alone in the luxurious entertainment ground.

"HE'S HER HOUSEMATE ALL THIS WHILE AND WE DIDN'T EVEN KNOW!?" Knockout screeched, going pale at the scene. "OH FUCK, SHE'S BEEN GRUMBLING OF A SILVERETTE- oh, I'm such an idiot..."

"You can say that again." Skyquake snorted, high-fiving with Breakdown.

"I'm-such-an-idiot."  Soundwave's replayed the words, his electronic visor doing the trick again.

"Thanks alot, Soundwave."

Bonus Part

"I'm definitely...not...drunk..." Anna giggled madly, head bobbing back and forth as she sat on her bed typing.

"I think the term is 'you're high in drugs'." Optimus sighed as he pluck the device out of the writer's hands, earning a whine from the girl.

"Hey, I needed that!"

"What you need is sleep, NOW." Optimus stated, pointing towards the clock which read 2am in the morning. "You have class tomorrow, and you're still weak after the booster dose."

"I don't careeee!!" Anna nuzzled against her pillow, still in her medicine high.  "Eheheheeh~ My Megsy is shoooo cute in this~

"Oh Primus..." The Prime let out a soft exhale before taking a seat with the author. "Sleep. Now."


"That's an order." Optimus raised an eyebrow, blue eyes looking down at the smiling femme. "I can't believe you wrote this with a barely functioning hand and in this hour to speak. That's not good for your health, young one."


Anna stifled a yawn and nodded absent-mindedly, her mind barely able to comprehend the brunette's words, besides his velvet, commanding tone which she grew to love of.


Optimus saw the teetering frame of hers and steadied the author onto her bed, setting Anna down softly before tucking the writer in. Tiny snores filled the room and the Prime cracked a slight smile, sighing inaudibly for the third time as he stayed by her side.

"Goodnight, little one." he whispered, before turning towards the hidden camera over her bedside rack. Picking the tiny camera up, he raised an optic ridge as he gazed into the blinking dot.


A series of voice came from the tiny item, making the Prime give up with his team's crazy antics.

