Chapter Twenty-Two: Shiny Award

    Cristina woke up to someone giving her multiple tiny kisses. It was the one and only, Owen.

    With her eyes still closed, a smile crept up on her face. "Quit it," she mumbled and pulled up the covers to hide her face which made Owen laugh.

    "Come on. Get up. We have to get ready to leave for the airport. Meredith and Alex are coming by soon."

    Cristina complained something inaudible to Owen so he added, "With food."

    She perked up to the sound of food. "Alrighty," she threw the covers off of her and went to the bathroom.

    About thirty minutes later, Meredith and Alex knocked with their luggages and breakfast in tow. Owen just finished packing his and Cristina's items out in the living room when he heard them knock. He let them in and  Cristina walked out of the bedroom, already dressed.

   "Morning!" Meredith greeted way too cheery.

    "We got food," Alex stated and headed to the small eating area, Owen followed.

    Cristina's eyes widened at the sight of the shiny thing that Meredith was holding. Meredith noticed.

    "Yes, you forgot your lovely Harper Avery." She handed it to Cristina.

    Cristina grabbed it and thanked her friend. She ran a finger around the shiny rectangular award. "I can't believe I won one...Burke can suck it," she absentmindedly said out loud.

    Meredith heard it and smirked, "He definitely can."

    Cristina looked up at Meredith, both grinning at each other.

    "Dude, will you guys stop grinning at each other like a couple of Jokers and eat? We have to leave soon." Alex butted in.

    "Alright. Alright," both the Twisted Sisters said with a laugh.


After spending hours in the plane, Alex pulled up at the driveway of the famous Shepherd-Grey dream house. He had to drive everybody home since he drove them to the airport and just left his car there. Meredith was the first stop.

Meredith got out of the car and thanked Alex. Owen followed and helped Meredith carry her things in. Cristina and Alex were left in the silent car.

Alex broke silence, "Did you tell him?" He looked at her in the rear view mirror, she was sitting in the back passenger seat.

She immediately knew what he was talking about. She kept her eyes on her shoes. "Yeah, last night."

He nodded and asked a risky question, "Y-you're gonna keep it?"

Cristina was surprised that he would ask and had the urge to say that it wasn't really his business. But it kind of his, since she made her take the ultrasound. "Yeah."

Alex noticed the smile on her face when answered him.

A pause. "Good. I think you'll be a kickass mom."

His not-so Alex statement made her look up to meet his eyes in the rear view mirror. She was astounded, making her smile. She would've never expected him to say that.

"Oh and here," he popped opened the compartment of his car's center console. "You've missed a lot of weeks. Thought you'd want some before you get a real check up." It was a small bag with some prenatal vitamins.

She took it and was even more astounded. Before she could even ask him how he knew what her decision would be, Owen got back in the car. And Alex started to drive to their house.


Cristina used their keys to open their front door. Owen was behind her carrying their luggages.

Megan heard the jingles of the keys and went to the foyer to see who it was. She watched Cristina throw the keys in the bowl that sits on the table in their foyer and Owen shut the door with his foot.

"Cristina." Megan walked over and gave her a hug, "Congratulations on the Harper Avery. Owen texted me. Mom said congrats too."

"Thank you. It was an amazing night." She laughed a little.

"I bet it was." She went over to Owen and gave him a weird hug since he was still carrying the luggages, "Owen."

"Hey. Where's mom?" He asked and peered his head around, looking for his mom.

"She just went home."

Owen furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, "Mom left you alone?"

"Oh no. Umm, Nathan's here." Megan pointed towards the living room with her head.

Nathan decided to visit Megan. He hadn't seen her since she got discharged a couple of days ago. They've been talking and they've talked about the important subjects but now they don't know where they stand in their relationship. Nathan knew he had to start slow and gain her trust back. He's trying so Megan decided she'll try too.

"Hello," he popped out of the living room, "Congratulations to you, Dr. Yang."

"Thank you." Cristina shyly thanked. She will never get used to people congratulating her.

Owen couldn't help but feel uneasy having Nathan there. They did make up but they didn't technically went back to being friends. And he didn't want Megan to be hurt by him again.

"H-hey. Well, I'll just bring these in the bedroom." Owen said without looking him in the eye and quickly headed to their bedroom.


Owen closed Megan's door behind him and went on to find his wife. He just finished talking to Megan about Nathan and his concerns. Megan understood Owen's concerns but he assured her that she's fine and knows she's not going to rush into anything.

Nathan left few moments after Cristina and Owen came home. He felt the awkwardness that Owen felt and thought it was best to leave early.

Owen found Cristina in their home office, admiring the trophy award on the shelf he built specifically for that. "I know it's very beautiful but we should probably go to bed," he said with a smirk, leaning on the doorway.

She turned her head to his voice and rolled her eyes, "Ha. Ha."

Owen stuck his hand out, "Come on let's get to bed." Cristina turned off the lights in the room and grabbed his hand.


The television played while they lounged in their humongous bed, preparing for bed. With their backs on the rested on the headboard, his arm draped around her.

"I—umm—made an appointment tomorrow morning. Like an official one and not done by Alex." Cristina spoke up.

He chuckled, "Good. I can't wait to see he or she."

They sat in silence for awhile. Cristina was slowly dozing off when Owen asked a question "Cristina?"


"Can I feel?" He was shy at asking since last time he tried to feel on her first pregnancy, she denied him.

"What?" She looked up at him with a confused but soon realized on what he was referring to, "Oh. Yeah, I guess but there's nothing really to feel yet." She unwrapped herself from him and scooted up higher.

He flipped onto his stomach and placed his hand on her abdomen. As he started to move his hand around, he beamed. "It's small. But I can definitely tell the difference." He was so fascinated about it.

She chuckled. "You're going to be really gooey and yucky this whole nine months are you?"

"Yup. And you better get used to it," she smiled and looked at the joyful Owen longingly, running her fingers through his red hair.

Then she remembered the bag that Alex handed to her. Apprehension creeped up.


"Hmm?" His head was now resting on her chest with his hand still enjoying the feel of the new change to her body.

"I didn't know I was pregnant for 12 weeks. I've done things that weren't really safe for a fetus. What if I messed it up already?"

He quickly sat up, cradling her face. "Babe, many mothers don't know they're pregnant early on and their baby still turn out fine. Our kid is going to be alright."

With a kiss on his lips, she hoped everything will be alright.

[A/N: very very cheesy and gooey in the end, I know. Hope you didn't throw up. I need to stop. Hope you enjoyed it! Probably not]
