Chapter Sixteen: Celebrate Good Times, Come On

    Almost a week had gone by since Megan's valve replacement and her gaining her memory back. All thanks to Zola's presents. Everything was almost back to normal. Well, normal as it can get at Seattle Grace-Mercy West.

Owen went back to being the Chief again. Bailey did hell of a job taking over for him and he was appreciative for that. He didn't want to go back to work right away but he had responsibilities and he was also missing some OR action. His right hand was healed so now his bandage that reminded him of that dreadful night is gone. His relationship with Megan stayed the same and they both took their emotional conversation last week as a step forward in her recovery. No nightmares for Owen recently and he was proud. Sessions with Dr. Wyatt and actually talking it out, payed off.

Megan was excited to be in a house and a proper bed. Dr. Yang and Dr. Webber cleared her and was promised her to go home possible the end of the week. Her family planned for her to stay at Owen and Cristina's house for a while then she'll move in with her mom. She remained the same to Owen with how she acts. She did forgive him but she couldn't help feel but disappointed of her big brother giving up on her like that. Megan took a major step by talking to Nathan Riggs. She heard him apologize for his mistakes multiple times but she never said she forgave him. Her hatred for him lasted for years, you can't just let that go. What Nathan was asking for was trust. Trust on him was not something she can handle again. In her incident, trust was blown to smithereens.

Alex was finally discharged and returned to work right away.  After passing Derek's neuro tests with flying colors, he went back into his scrubs and marched his cocky ass down the hallways the next day. He however couldn't go back to the OR that soon. He had to wait another week to be able to get back in the OR, making sure his arm was fully healed.

Cristina thought after Megan was all better and Owen is getting the help he needs that she would be less stressed. But as the day of the Harper Avery Award Ceremony gets closer, the heavier the pressure gets. She tries to not show it, not wanting her reputation to be ruined. She wanted this week to go by fast.

"Morning, Cristina." Megan greeted, cheerful as always. No one could understand how she remained optimistic.

"Morning," Cristina checked Megan's chart then checked her vitals, "Sit up."

Megan followed her orders. Cristina took the stethoscope off around her neck and placed the eartips in her ear then placed the bell on Megan's chest, listening to her heart. "Good. Now lay down." Megan gently laid down. Cristina placed her stethoscope back around her neck.

"You know I think a nurse or an intern can do this. I don't think a surgeon has to keep checking up on me," Megan said with a laugh. Cristina checked on Megan's incision site, checking for any infection then placing a new bandage.

" can't trust them. They're bunch of incompetents." She shrugged. Megan chuckled, she's used to Yang's blunt remarks by now.

"Am I allowed to go home now?" Megan whined.

Cristina sighed, "What about not until Friday?"

"Ugh. Tomorrow? Why can't I go today?" Megan crossed her arms and faked a pout, "I can just ask Owen, you know the Chief of surgery?"

"Well, we'll see who will win that argument," Cristina smirked then left the room. As she left the room, she walked passed by Dr. Bailey. They were heading opposite directions, but Miranda paused in her tracks.

"Yang!" She yelled, making Cristina turn around fast. One must always obey the Miranda Bailey.

"I haven't said it before but congratulations on the Harper Avery."

"Oh. Just a nomination," Cristina said nonchalantly and started to walk away but was stopped by Miranda.

"Cristina Yang! I taught you better than that. When someone congratulates you, you look them in the eye and smile and say thank you."

Cristina shifted and looked Dr.Bailey in the eye, "Thank you, Dr. Bailey."

"You're welcome, Dr. Yang," she said with sass, nodded and walked away.

Owen and Cristina's shift have ended and she was waiting for him outside, confused and annoyed on what was taking him so long.


Well, speak of the devil, she thought. He sent a message on her phone that only said 'Vent'.
She groaned and started to make her way to their vent.

She opened the heavy metal door of the vent room to find her husband standing in the middle of the room holding a bottle of champagne.


She laughed and walked over to him. This was not she was expecting. "What is this?" She looked at the blanket laid right next to the vent and two plastic cups sitting on it.

"Celebration." He said with such enthusiasm.

"Oh? For what?"

"Come on. Harper Avery Award? In a couple of days?" He sat on the blanket, opening the bottle of champagne with a pop. Cristina sat on the floor as well. "This is also a thank you for being besides a brilliant surgeon, you have also been an amazing wife. I know these past weeks have been tough with us, especially with me not going to Dr. Wyatt early and then with Megan's arrival and you-you've stayed strong. Thank you."

Cristina cocked her head to the side, always moved by Owen's "speeches". She closed the distance between them and gave him a tender kiss. "You're welcome," she showed him her appreciative smile.

"You know, I have looked at the other nominees research." Owen confessed, pouring them a cup of champagne.

"I have too," she hid her guilty smile behind her cup as she took a sip.

"What? Really?"

"Yeah, I even looked at everybody's abstracts and read their articles. I even called a friend to check on one of the nominees trials and it's not looking too good. I mean-"

"I think you're going to win," Owen cut her off, "I really do." Owen looked longingly at Cristina, which she returned.

"I think you are going to win," he repeated.

"Me too," she smiled like an idiot. Cristina was close enough to the vent and was hit by the air that shoots out of it. Soon, the room filled with Cristina's laugh. Owen grinned, marveling at his beautiful, brilliant wife.

[A/N: Obviously this chapter was heavily influenced by one of the episodes. Hope you enjoyed it! Drama comes next chapter. Muhaha.]
