Chapter Seventy: Tomorrow

The couple happily walked in the hospital. In the middle was their son, each hand holding tightly to his parents' hands. Once he saw his favorite uncle approaching them, he let go and ran to him.

    "Hey, little man!" Alex scooped up Theo with a grin.

    "What're you doing here? Shouldn't you be off with your wife doing honeymoon things?" Cristina asked. She and Mer helped him plan this elaborate honeymoon where he takes her to the Caribbeans.

    "Turns out, I used up all my days off from visiting family, amongst other reasons. It sucks 'cause I had planned a great honeymoon," Alex explained then gave Owen a sad, innocent look. Cristina realized what he was doing and looked at her husband too.

    "Oh, what? Alright, I'll give you days off. Count it as my wedding gift."

    Alex grinned excitedly. "So, fourteen days?"

    "Fourteen?!" Owen was bemused. "Seven."

    "Ten," Alex negotiated.

    Owen looked at him for awhile before saying, "Alright, fine. I won't be the Chief for long anyways."

"Yes! Thank you," Alex handed the boy back to Owen. "I'll tell Jo the great news. Oh and Happy Birthday buddy! All grown up."

    Owen and Cristina looked at each other with wide eyes. Oh, they might've forgotten something really important. Really important.

    "Alright, I'll see you later." He gave the kid last tousle in the hair before walking away. "Thanks again!"

    The couple just watch Alex walk away, oblivious that he had just dropped a bomb.

    "Oh my god," Cristina was the first one to speak. "We totally forgot. We're terrible, terrible parents."

    "No, we're not," he countered but then he looked at that face of his cute son. "Okay, maybe just a little."

    "I mean he's one. It's not like he's gonna remember," she tried to reason.

    "But we will and the first birthday is important. It's a huge milestone."

    "Ah, shit," she frustratedly ran her hands through her hair. In the midst of packing and finishing last minute paperwork, they managed to forget their son's first birthday.

    "Shit," Theo repeated.

    Cristina laughed and absent-mindedly muttered again, "Oh, shit."

    "Shit," Theo repeated again with a laugh this time. He liked seeing his mother laughing.

    "Cristina, stop." Owen tried to admonish her but he couldn't help but laugh too. Well, that's a new word to add to his growing vocabulary.

    Theo kept repeating it, a little louder each time. They were getting looks from people, who some found it entertaining and some just shameful.

    "Okay, we should probably drop him off before we actually become terrible parents."


"Hey, do you know what this is for?" Meredith asked as she stood beside her friend.

    Cristina was busy scrolling on her phone and mumbled, "I don't know. It better be important though." She looked up. "What's the place you order your cakes from when you had parties for Zola and Bailey?"

    "Cakes? You're looking at cakes?" Mer asked with a smile after taking a peek of her friend's phone.

    "Obviously, I can't bake one so I'm ordering one. I've never thrown a birthday party before, let alone for a one year old!"

    "Well, if you didn't forget your son's birthday then you would've had more time to plan."

    "Nice one, Mer. Anymore insightful comments?"

    Her friend laughed. "Yes, in matter of fact I do. I'll call the place where I usually order from. Have the party at Alex's. We'll start telling everyone."

    Cristina smiled from ear to ear as she felt her worries ebb away. "I like you again. This is why you're my friend."

    "Oh!" Meredith looked like a great lightbulb went on. "We could also have it as your guy's go-away party since tomorrow is your last day."

    Cristina's smile faltered. Tomorrow. It seemed to finally have hit her. She was leaving this. Her people. Her home for the past ten years. She's leaving tomorrow.

    "Everyone listen up!" Owen yelled while standing a few steps up on the stairs, which quieted the murmuring sea of hospital staff in front of him.

    "Thank you. As many of you know, I will be leaving the hospital, tomorrow to be exact, and I'll be stepping down as the Chief of Surgery and Head of Trauma."

    Tomorrow. There it was again. Cristina's chest tightened a little. She's watching her husband step down from an honorable job, one would call a dream for some surgeons.

    For example, Mark Sloan. He stood among the group, antsy. He really wanted the job, despite how stressful it was for Derek and Owen. But he wanted to be the Chief. The title. The experience. The respect. The ability to be the hospital's first ever plastic surgeon to be the Chief. He wanted it all.

    "I am happy to announce that Dr. Bailey will be Seattle Grace-Mercy West's new Chief of Surgery."

    Applauses came from the staff. Bailey happily walked up the stairs to shake his hand. "Thank you."

    Lexie looked worriedly at Mark and gave his arm a soothing rub. He looked like a kid who was so disappointed after learning Santa Clause or the Tooth Fairy wasn't real.

    "I'm also proud to announce that Dr. Kepner will be taking over for me as Head of Trauma."

    April joined Owen and Miranda as applauses surrounded them again. She was underestimated when she became the Chief Resident but she proved everyone wrong. She was about to prove people wrong again.

Owen thanked the staff for their time and let them disperse. He went up to his wife and Grey.

"Party at Alex's. After what you did for him this morning, I think he will have no problem with using his house," Cristina explained to him.

He chuckled. "You're right. Maybe I will give him 14."

"Mark's probably crushed that Bailey got Chief," Meredith commented.

Owen sighed, almost forgetting about his friend. "Yeah, probably. But everyone knew it was going to be Bailey. Besides, I know how I'll make it up to him." The three started to walk and head down a corridor.

"Him?" Cristina squinted her eyes at him. "Better make it up to me for I am planning a whole birthday party when you care more about decorations and cakes more than I do. You're in charge of Theo's and anymore kids we have, parties from now on."

His steps halted. "Kids? Plural?" Owen grinned at her. His face mixed with hopefulness and surprise.

"No," she said quickly and ran away from him, dragging an also grinning Mer with her.

Freudian slip?


    Lexie quickly walked past the lunch table, trying to not be noticed by her friends.

    "Lexie!" Meredith called to her sister.

    The younger Grey sighed and slowly turned around to approach the table. "Yeah?"

    "After your shift, do you mind running to the store to get some supplies and booze for the party while Cristina and I pick up the cakes?"

    Lexie never met her eyes and glued them to the floor. She replied low, "Umm, yeah sure thing." Her friends shared a look.

    "I can come with you if you want," Megan offered since other Grey seemed uncertain.

    Meredith scanned her sister up and down and concern grew. "Lex, what's wrong?"

    Lexie finally looked up at them and sighed. "Mark is still very upset by the whole Bailey being Chief. I don't think he likes Owen right now and I don't know if he wants to go later." She said in one breath.

    "Are you kidding me?" Cristina looked at her incredulously. "You guys are coming. Not only because you're buying supplies but also because it's Theo's first birthday. Everyone is coming." Owen wanted their son to have a good first birthday and damn it, she will make it happen. Geez, when did she become this mom.

Her friends' eyes widened in surprise while Alex just laughed.

    "Okay," Lexie squeaked and took a seat next to Alex, quickly munching on her giant chocolate cookie that she pulled out from her lab coat. Her stress coping mechanism.

    "She's doing it again," Alex pointed out. They remembered the time she was stressed out when Mark and Derek had major beef, and she had a pocket full of chocolate candy.

    "Wait, did you ask her to get booze for a kid's birthday party?" Jackson asked as if he wasn't listening to what just happened.

    "For the adult party afterwards," Meredith explained.

"Hi, guys!" April plopped herself next to Jackson. She was still beaming from her new position. She was holding her head higher than ever.

"Can't believe fricking Kepner is going to be running our ER now," Alex teased with a chuckle.

    April hadn't even taken a bite from her sandwich and she already gotten crap from Alex. "Karev, no one believed that someone will marry your jackass but here we are. God does mysterious things."

    The whole table bursted into laughter.

"Yeah, Alex. You better shut up," Megan was able to get out, still in the middle of laughing.

Cristina said, "Oh, I'm gonna miss you Apes."


    The sound of metal clubs hitting golf balls joined the orchestra of traffic noises below them.

    Right after work, Derek decided to take Mark up on the roof to play some golf as they often do in attempt to make his friend feel better. None of them spoke and just let their stresses go with the golf balls they whacked.

    Cold wind hit Owen as the elevator doors opened.

    The two heard the ding of the elevator and turned to see their unexpected visitor.

    "Ah, why is he here?" Mark asked with a hint of disgust.

    Owen approached them with hands up to say he came in peace. "Alright, I know you're mad at me, but Bailey just had the best records and experience. I'm sorry. I thought she was a better fit and the board saw it too."

    Mark scoffed and turned around and continued to aggressively swing at golf balls. Some friend Hunt was, he thought.

    Owen looked at Derek for some help and his friend just shrugged in return. Derek might've told Owen where they were and told him to fix it. Hey, he just wanted this to be over since they are going to Owen's son birthday/going away party later, sparing the awkwardness.

    "Look Sloan. I didn't think you were right for the job anyways," Owen cleared his throat for some suspension, "Because I had another position in line for you."

    Intrigued, Mark looked back over his shoulder, waiting for him to continue.

    Getting his full attention now, Owen grinned. "Avery came to me with an idea to add a verified burn center at Seattle Grace. He wanted you to be the head of it and I thought it was a great idea. The board approved it and the center is set to be built by the east wing at the end of the month."

    Mark dropped the golf club to the ground and walked up to him. "What?"

    "Avery and I convinced the board that you'll be the only one to make this hospital to have the top level burn center in the state. And they agreed as well. So the job is yours, if you want it."

    He laughed as the answer to that was obvious. "Of course, I want it."

    Before Owen could even react, he was suddenly engulfed by Mark's hug.

    "You sneaky bastard, Hunt," he chuckled, still in awe about the whole job offer.

    "Thought it'd be a nice gift before I take off since I know you guys will miss me," Owen joked after they pulled apart.

    Derek chimed in, "Hey, what about my gift?"

    "Shepherd, you had your moment and work for the president. You're good," Mark argued. Their former chief nodded in agreement.

    "Alright, point taken," Derek chuckled. "Since you girls made up, can we go now? I want to eat cake."


    "Ugh!" Cristina groaned in frustration as she tried to light the big number one candle on top of a blue cake. The switch on the lighter was being finicky on her.

    She felt a familiar hand touch her back. "Here, let me try."

    "It's being stupid," she muttered and made space for him.

    He lit the candle effortlessly like some dumb magician which made her loudly sighed in annoyance, causing the fire to be blown out. Which made her grunt in exaspiration again.

    Owen looked at her oddly. She was acting like a rubber band that's about to snap. "What's wrong?"

    "Nothing," she replied rather too quickly. She tried to wave him off.

    He pulled her to his chest and planted a kiss on her head. "I'm not letting you go until you tell me." He felt her body soften in his embrace.

    She savored the comfort of being in his arms before speaking up. "Do you know what we're doing tomorrow?"

    Her husband couldn't help but look at her oddly again, amused smile playing on his lips. "Flying to Switzerland? Our belongings aren't packed without your help for nothing."

     "Hey. I tried to help but you kicked me out."

     His chest bounced with laughter. "Yeah, well because you and Theo would just make even big of a mess every time we open a new box."

    She sighed and pulled away. "It just finally hit me that we're leaving tomorrow. We're really moving. You seem totally fine. Like do you not regret stepping down at all? Leaving this?" She gestured around the space. "I feel that you're—"

    He cut her off with a deep kiss. "Sometimes, you need to shut up and stop over thinking."

    "Well, that's not happening," a smile pulled at her lips. But maybe she does need to do that sometime.

Cristina has changed. Being married to someone and becoming a mother, change is inevitable, sure. But one thing that changed that she didn't like was how she doubted herself now. She used to take action. In surgery, it's all about the hands and the patient. She doesn't listen to her gut but looks at the facts. With Owen, she pursued the relationship with him even when she knew he had inner demons to battle with after getting discharged because she believed they were going to be alright. Well, obviously that didn't go well.

Perhaps, that's why she doubted herself. Cristina does one thing and it fucks her up. She goes to the church in a white wedding dress to marry Burke, he leaves her. She still went out with Owen after he warned her that his issue was just more than a bad dream, he chokes her. She saves Derek with a gun to her head, PTSD invades her. She goes through with the abortion holding his hand, he cheats on her.

So she wanted to keep making sure that Owen was alright with this life changing move because she had herself and Theo to think about now. She didn't want to find herself standing on a seemingly beautiful, patterned rug just for it to be pulled right under her.

    "I feel like we've gone through this a billion times, but I'm ready to leave," he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "This is once in a lifetime kind of offer and I'm not letting you miss this out. You deserve this more than anyone. You're gonna be even more amazing, going to change the world."

Cristina never knows how to respond to the heart warming speeches that makes her fall in love with this man all over again. Words that throws doubt out of her vocabulary. So she just kissed him. It was the only way she'll make him feel loved as he makes her.

"Are you guys serious right now?!" An annoyed Mer interrupted. "Do that later. You're son and everyone else are waiting. For the cake. Hurry!"

[A/N: just something silly. I want cake now. Hope you enjoyed! 😊]
