Chapter Twenty-Five: Night Terrors

Boom. Crash.

Owen sat up quickly to the noise. He knew it was too much for him to hope to not have any nightmares. But as he looked around, everything was in place. He also realized that he doesn't even remember dreaming about anything.


He heard it again. Now he was for sure it wasn't him.

He heard another crash and this time it followed with someone yelling "Let me go!"


He quickly got out of bed and raced towards her room. He quickly opened the door and opened turned on the light switch. The scene he walked into was not something he ever wants to see again happening to his sister.

It was Megan thrashing in her bed, her hands tightly gripped to sheets of her bed and pillows were scattered on the floor. The lamp and drinking glass that were sitting on one of her nightstand were shattered on the floor as well.

"Let me go! I know nothing! Please! Let me go!" Megan yelled with such desperation.

Megan's happiness was too good to be true. Everybody were baffled on how fine she was after what she experienced but now here she is, crying and sweating. Megan trying to repress all her trauma so far back in her head and it finally came back to bite her on the ass.

Owen headed to Megan, cautious with his walk due to broken glass everywhere. Her cries for help broke Owen's heart. He wanted to just to go up to her and shake her awake but that could do more damage.

"Megan!" He tried. But it didn't work as she still continued to yell about letting her go.

He suddenly remembered what Meredith did to wake him up a couple of nights ago. He grabbed a pillow off of the floor and aimed it at her head while yelling for her name. It wasn't ethical but it was practical. Fortunately, one pillow was enough to wake her up.

Megan sat up, covered in sweat, heavily panting and tears rolling down her cheeks. It was just a dream. It wasn't real. She looked around the room and met her cloudy eyes with her brother's, making her burst into more tears.

"Hey-hey. It's okay." Owen got on the her bed and wrapped his arms around her, cradling her head. "It's okay. You're fine. Shhh."

About fifteen silent minutes have passed when Owen have managed to calm her down. They laid on their backs on her bed side by side, their eyes fixated on the room's ceiling fan.

"First one?" Owen broke the silence. He felt her nod as a response. "I thought your sessions with Dr. Chase were going well?"

Megan just shrugged. In all honesty, she has been going to Dr. Chase but she wasn't cooperating with him. She rather talk about something else than her trauma.

"So, what do you think did it?" Owen had a flashback to what happened to Megan earlier and flashback to when he hurt Cristina for the first time. He remembered that Cristina's simple ceiling fan triggered him to do such tragic thing. Luckily, Megan wasn't sleeping next to anyone.

"I-I don't know," she spoke with a hoarse voice, "Maybe just seeing everybody together and talking about the before." Not the first time Teddy's arrival triggered someone.

"I know it's not what you want to hear right now but you should try seeing Dr. Wyatt. She helped me with mine a lot."


"Yeah. I actually just saw her yesterday."

"Hope you don't mind me asking but what happened?"

Owen took a deep breath. "About six years ago on my last my tour, my unit got caught in an RPG ambush. There were twenty people in my unit, including me, and nineteen died. Then I got honorably discharged. I came back a mess and didn't want to admit I was sick."

Wow. He went through shit too. Megan grabbed his arm and gave it a squeeze. Wait, that happened years ago and he's still having problems. "Did I cause you to get your nightmares back?"

Owen was unsure on how to answer her question. "Y-yes. It was really me though. Don't blame yourself. I was already messed up."

Megan merely nodded. She wanted to believe him but she still can't feel bad for causing it again.

"We're one messed up people." Megan said matter-of-factly.

Owen couldn't help but to chuckle. "Yes. Yes, we are."

"Hey, wanna know something?" It wasn't the right time and he was breaking Cristina's promise again but he wanted to change the mood. Megan replied with a nod.

"You're going to be an aunt." Owen watched her face, waiting for an expression.

"What?" Megan's face has the biggest smile. She definitely needed something to bring her up.

"Cristina's pregnant." Owen was now smiling as well.

"But I thought she didn't want kids?" Megan remembered their conversation when she got discharged.

"Cristina said she wants it and she can do it. And I believe she can. It's already a part of her."

"Wow. Congrats then," Megan smiled. She was excited to be an aunt to her big brother's kid.

"Thank you." He got off of her bed and stood by the doorway. "Come on," he pointed out the door with his head, "You should try to get more sleep in the other guest room. I'll get this cleaned up."

"Can I sleep on the couch instead?"

"You can but don't you think a bed will be more comfortable?"

"Your couch is comfortable." She just did not want to be confined in a room again, she wanted open space.

"Okay then." Megan got out of the bed at his approval. "Watch out for the glass," He warned her.

Then they headed to the living room. Owen waited for Megan to get settled first on the couch before he started to clean up.

Megan was sure she wasn't going to get anymore shut eye after that. She can't handle feeling like this. She wants to move on and keep her past as the past.

"Owen!" She yelled for her brother.

He walked into the living room holding a broom and a dustpan, "Yeah?"

"Are you going to Dr. Wyatt later today?"

"Yeah, most likely."

"Can I come?"

He cocked his head to the side. "You want me to be there when you go?"

She nodded.

"Well, Okay" He said with a smile then walked back to her room.


Owen arrived at the hospital early. He dropped Megan at their mom's house due to that he didn't want to leave her all alone and she wanted to spend time with their mom anyways.

Dr. Wyatt had time for the both of them in the afternoon. She was surprised yet glad that Megan was coming along. She knew it will benefit the both of them.

Owen found Cristina looking at the OR board. He walked towards her and grabbed her by the hand and led her towards a supply closet.

"What are you doing?" Cristina asked a bit annoyed as they entered the supply closet.

After closing the door, he kneeled down and gave Cristina's stomach a kiss, making Cristina playfully roll her eyes. He quickly stood  back up, grabbed her face and gave her a toe curling kiss before she could get anymore words out.

They pulled apart, grinning from ear to ear. "Remember just how great that kiss was because I have to tell you something," he said out of breath.

Cristina's expression changed to worried, "Okay?"

"Last Friday night, I had a night-"

"Owen," Cristina interrupted with a sigh. She thought he has been fine.

"I have been seeing Dr. Wyatt ever since we've gotten back home but I've not slept since then," Owen continued.

Cristina crossed her arms, "And you didn't bother to tell me?"

He shoved his hands in his front pockets and looked down on the floor. "I...I didn't want to tell you because I was...ashamed. I said I'll be there for you and I am here for you but I don't think can be fully there if I'm still messed up. So I thought I would just get whole and fixed without letting anyone know. But Wyatt said that's not helping anyone."

Cristina knew where he was coming from. She would've done the same thing. Each of them have a very strong stubborn side. She looked at her watch. "Well, come on." She walked out of the closet and Owen simply followed even though he was a little confused.

He followed her into an on-call room. She was already underneath the bed covers when he walked in the room. He put on a mischievous smile.

"Stop it. You said you haven't slept so come here," she patted the bed. "We're just going to sleep, Dr. Goodtimes."

He laughed and got under the covers with her. Owen soon fell asleep with her head rested on his chest. Fortunately, for about four hours he did sleep. It wasn't long, but it was the best sleep he has had in awhile.

[A/N: I mess up sometimes with the publishing and stupidly don't proof read, bare with me. Hope you enjoyed it!]
