Chapter Eleven: Dark and Twisties

"You remember," he started to cry.

"I remember," Megan was crying and laughing, then it faded. Owen felt her lose her grip on him. Her body became limp.

"Megan?" Owen caught her body then giving it a shake. "Oh my god, Megan. We need help over here! Cristina get a crash cart!"

Cristina did not need to be told twice and ran out of the room to grab a nearby crash cart, while also ordering some nurses to follow and help. The nurses helped Owen and Cristina properly lay Megan's body and put a board underneath her.

Cristina grabbed the paddles. "Nurse, get Dr. Hunt out of here. Now!"

"Cristina?!" He looked at her with disbelief.

"Owen, so help me God. Someone get him out of here! Now!" A nurse helped him out of the room, he put up a fight but the nurse did her her best to follow Dr. Yang's order.

Outside, all he could hear was Cristina's commands for the charges and yelling clear. He waited anxiously and did not know he was crying until he felt a drop on his hand. He heard the door open and watched his wife come out of the room with a face he couldn't decipher.

Dr. Webber and Dr. Yang were not happy with the news they have to give to an already on edge Owen. They made him wait in one of the conference rooms, while they tried to figure out what caused Megan's heart to suddenly stop. Webber was there to see the connection between the heart and the infection she already had. Owen kept trying to help but he was not allowed because irrational him is not needed right now.

Webber opened the door to the conference room, followed by Cristina. "What is it? Is it bad? Is she gonna need surgery?" Owen frantically asked, standing up from his chair.

Richard cleared his throat, "The infection we were observing before was treated but some managed to her heart." Both men looked at Cristina.

"Which explained why her heart stopped before. She has Bacterial Endocarditis. The infection made its way in one of her valves. She's gonna need a valve replacement."

"You'll do it. You have to do it." Owen pleaded.

Cristina did not want another life of someone important to her and her family to be in her hands, but she knew Owen would not want anyone else but her to do the surgery. "...Of course, I'll do it. Dr. Webber, can you give us a moment?"

"No problem. You are in charge of her case since it's a cardio case now, anyways. I wish the best for you guys." He stated and started to walk out of the room but was stopped by Cristina. "Wait, Dr. Webber. Can you schedule Megan's surgery tomorrow morning at 8, animal donor?"

"Yes. I'll handle it."

"Thank you." He nodded back and left the room.

"Owen, you okay?" Concern was evident on her face.

"I'm fine." He said looking down at the floor. He'd been doing that a lot.

"No you-"

"Of course I'm not! I just got her back and now she's suffering again! Then you just basically benched me and not let me help out!" Owen bursted.

Cristina was taken back and she snapped as well. "Are you kidding me? You know damn well that you would've done the same thing to me if I was in your situation! It's the fricking hospital rule, Chief!" She saw his face dropped, she knew he obviously knew about the rule.

"I'm sorry," she sighed, "Are you having any trouble sleeping again?"

"Well you would know if you bothered to come home once," he muttered.

"Excuse me?" Cristina was stunned. "Well I'm sorry I had to do my work, Owen. You know do the trial that you've pushed me to do so great on?"

He scoffed. Owen was pissing of Cristina and that she keeps forgetting that he's possibly triggered. "Even Megan noticed how much of a jerk you've been. She told-"

"You guys talk about me?! What did you tell her? Did you tell her about my past too? You have no right."

What the actual hell is going with him? "No. It wasn't like that. She was worried about you. We actually ta-"

"You know what? Umm, I can't handle this right now. You go home. I'm just gonna stay here tonight," he fished his car keys out of his leather jacket pocket and handed it to her, "here." He walked off, leaving a dumbfounded Cristina in the conference room.

Owen found an empty on-call room and laid down at the bottom bunk. He laid there with his thoughts. He knew he was being irrational and probably didn't make sense, but he just found himself unnecessarily yelling stuff at his wife. He dozed off, which he knew sleeping was a risk. One session with Dr. Wyatt wasn't gonna put a dent on his nightmares, not being with Cristina also didn't help.

About thirty minutes have passed when he woke up to a loud crash and pain on his right hand. Owen sat right up and saw a shattered glass flower vase right in front of him that was sitting on the bedside table. Then he noticed his right hand covered with glass and blood. He gathered that he hit the vase, slamming it into the wall, making it shatter.

"Fuckkkk," he groaned out loud. He did his best to pull out the bigger shards of glass. Someone heard him yell in pain and walked in the on-call room.


[A/N: My attempt on adding medical stuff again! I'm not even sure endocarditis can even cause a heart to stop. And sorry if their argument is not that big, I did my best. Anyways, hope you enjoyed it! Leave a ⭐️ and a comment]
