Chapter Sixty-Nine: The Challenge

      They bathed in the leftover ecstasy from their quickie in a dark on-call room. Owen was nestled between Cristina's legs with his head resting on her bare stomach, a thumb tracing imaginary circles. Her hand soothingly combed through his hair.

      They were due to leave Seattle in two days and they made a challenge on having a last hoorah at their favorite spots in the hospital. It was honestly gross. But to them, it was exciting and romantic. To each their own.

      Their bliss was soon disrupted when they heard the door click open. Locking the door was apparently less important than tearing each other's clothes off.

She quickly pulled the sheets up to cover herself and Owen's ginormous body.

Light poured into the dark room. When her eyes adjusted, she yelled, "Alex!"

He didn't seem bothered by the obvious scene as he continued to close the door behind him, flipping the lights on.

"I did something," Alex declared.

Irritation etched on her face as the fluorescent light blinded her. She pulled the sheet higher up to her neck. "Can you tell me later? I was uh-trying to sleep."

He raised his eyebrows and scanned the lump on top of her underneath the sheet and the scattered clothes on the floor with his eyes then back to meet hers. She brushed the hair out of her face to evade his eyes.

"I proposed to Jo," he said. "Again."

A surprised smile plastered on his friend's face. "Wow."

"You know that she never wanted to get married before because she was technically still married to that abusive piece of shit." She nodded in affirmative. He took a deep breath. "Yang, I dug up everything about that scum and it turns out he just fucking died a week ago. Some freak car accident."

"Alex, tell me you didn't have anything to do with that. Right?" She knew he would go far to do anything for someone he loved, but she hoped it didn't get to her having to visit him behind metal bars. She couldn't handle that.

His face got grim for awhile. "Oh, trust me. I wish I did. After what he put Jo through?"

Cristina could only offer a sympathetic look.

"Anyways," he remembered what he wanted to tell her in the first place. "She said yes and now we're getting married today."


"Yeah. Just a little thing. It's simpler this way. I want you and Grey to be there," he let out a sheepish smile. "As my best men or whatever."

      Cristina laughed. "Aww, Evil Spawn is all grown up. I would hug you if I were hugger—"

      "And not butt naked," he finished for her with his lips twisting. She scowled in attempt to hide the rosey pink smearing across her cheeks. Owen wasn't helping either when he gave her a rather suggestive kiss on her bare skin. She could feel him smiling, so she reached down and flicked him on the forehead.

       Alex shoved his hands into the pockets of his lab coat. "We're going to the city hall during lunch so umm come if you can."

      "Yeah, I'll be there." Cristina smiled on how shy he was acting. He's been ready to take this step with Jo for so long now and now that it's happening, he couldn't be any happier. He deserved it.

      "Okay, you can go now."

      "Alright," he grinned. "See ya, then."

      He switched the light off and opened the door to leave. "Bye, Hunt."

      "Congrats, Karev!" The sheet slightly muffled his voice.

      "Thanks," Alex replied with a laugh and left.


      When lunch time came, Meredith and Cristina entered an empty elevator dressed in street clothes.

      "So Alex told me he walked in on you guys," Mer said with a laugh as she pressed the main floor button.

      "Well, he should learn how to knock. Good thing we were done. That room was part of our challenge."

      "Challenge? Oh god, you were serious about that?"

      The smirk on her friend's lips was good enough of an answer.

     "Gross," Meredith grimaced. She thought about how they have to sanitize the on-call, conference rooms, offices, and supply closets now. This is Seattle Grace-Mercy West. They should've been doing that in the first place.

     "It's hot."

     Mer scrunched her face. "How do you guys even have time to do that? You leave on Friday. Shouldn't you be busy with packing?"

      "The house is already sold. The stuff we're keeping is already sent to our new place there. We're packed. It's all good," Cristina assured her.

      "All orchestrated by Owen, of course," Mer gave a knowing look.

      "Yes," she groaned out. "He was so annoying about it." He liked being prepared and getting things done when they needed to be done. Meanwhile, she was the total opposite and the idea of packing the house they started a new page in their life, slightly tugged on her heart strings. So the packing mostly consisted of Cristina watching movies with Theo while Owen dealt with the 'fun' stuff.

      "You would have waited till the last minute. Second."

      "But I would have eventually gotten it done," Cristina mumbled.

     The steel doors opened on a floor to reveal an Alex Karev, also in street clothes. Little more dressed up than usual. He was wearing a button up with a suit jacket over it and some nice slacks.

      "Well well, here comes today's special boy," Cristina teased as he stepped in the elevator. "The groom is well groomed."

He stood between them and watched the doors close with a grin. What he can get from the blurry reflection, he did look good.

     "This is the last wedding of yours I'll be attending by the way. Better make it count," Cristina gave him a playful nudge.

"Cristina," Mer admonished in a whisper with her green eyes wide. Izzie and Alex's first wedding didn't come up that often. It seemed like a billion years ago.

      Alex took nothing from Cristina's tease and smiled even bigger. "Don't worry. I have a good feeling this will be my last."

      "Aww, Alex." Meredith cooed.

      Cristina laughed. "Who knew Hairball the intern would be the one to keep you straight."

      "She's a fourth year resident now. And once upon a time you were interns and residents getting it on with attendings. Multiple attendings." Alex gave Cristina pointed look on the last part, getting a roll in the eyes from her.

"But we're married and have kids with them," Mer retorted. "And the other one just gave her a hospital."

"And I have a feeling things will work out for Jo too." Hell, he's gonna make sure that she gets everything she deserves in the world.

When they reached the main floor, the elevator dinged again, and the doors opened to a nervous looking Jo Wilson. The look you wouldn't want to see on a soon-to-be bride.

"Alex!" Jo jumped in surprise. She was wearing a nice white sun dress that went down to her knees.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He asked as they all stepped out of the elevator.

"So I told Callie and Arizona about us getting married and they had a crazy idea of throwing us one. Here in the hospital, so everyone can be there."

"What? We just want a small thing."

"That's what I said, but they insisted. They said they'll plan everything and told me to be at the garden with you after work."

Alex rubbed his jaw in thought before speaking. "I mean if they're doing all the planning and we just show up and get married, then I don't really mind. But what do you think?"

       She looked at him and gave a sweet smile, almost nervous one. "I know I said I wanted a simple thing, but—I didn't get to have normal things growing up and if this is the most normal wedding I can get, I want it."

"Okay. You shall get it then," he grinned and kissed her. "You look beautiful by the way."

"Thank you." She leaned in to kiss him again. "And thank you for understanding."

"Hey, all that matters is that we're getting married."

Jo's heart swelled. She thought she couldn't love him more until at that moment.

"Okay, well since we're waiting till later, I have time to work on something," Alex looked back to Cristina and Mer, who he almost forgot were there. "I need your guy's help."

"Alright. I'll see you later after work," Jo said and they shared a quick kiss. Then the group headed off to their separate ways.

Before they reach the main doors, Cristina quickly turned back and ran to Jo. "Hey, Wilson."

"Yeah?" Her brown waves swooshed when she turned.

"As one of the best men, I'm just doing my job here. So umm, just promise me that you're not gonna get cancer, get better, then leave, and die on Alex."

Jo was speechless at first and merely tried to read Cristina's face, waiting for a punchline or something. She soon realized nothing funny awaits and that she was simply referring to Izzie. "I love Alex. I have no plans on doing any of that to him. I promise."

Cristina nodded. That was good enough for her. "Good. You guys are good together," she said and gave two awkward pats on Jo's shoulder.

"Thanks, Cristina," Jo replied back, almost in surprise. That was probably the only few times Cristina had said something nice to her.

Cristina ran back to Alex and Mer who have watched the interaction from afar.

Alex had a puzzled expression on his face. "What'd you say to her?"

"Nothing," Cristina kept walking towards the hospital doors. "Karev, you're gonna buy us lunch?"

Mer and Alex shared an amused look before following her. "We're just going to pretend like we didn't see you pat Wilson like you've never touched a person before?"

"Alex Karev. He came in as an arrogant, jackass intern. Still arrogant but less of a jackass," Miranda Bailey said which put their friends into laughter. She was happy to officiate the wedding since her and Jackson were the only ones actually ordained.

        Callie and Arizona held the small wedding on the stone patio of the hospital's garden. The flowers and greenery beautifully bloomed with it being in the middle of spring.

The gathering consisted of their close friends, whoever was free. Mer and Cristina stood behind Alex while Stephanie stood behind Jo. It was nice.

"And Jo Wilson came in as stubborn and scrappy one. Both have grown to become more, become extraordinary people, separate and together. These two are the prime example of that unfortunate pasts will not stop you from becoming successful and changing the world. We are family and we can't wait to see more to come from you beautiful beings."

The couple looked lovingly at each other with their hands joined in front of them. The rays of the sun setting beautifully glowed down at them.

"By the power vested in me by a slightly sketchy website, I now pronounce you husband and wife," Bailey grinned. "You may now kiss the bride."

       Alex didn't waste anymore time and kissed her. The best way he could show how much he loved her. The cheers and applauses that erupted around them were nothing but a blur now.

Joe's bar was filled with chatters, music, and clinks of glasses. They took the wedding party to the bar. The men in one table, women at another.

Mark grabbed Alex's shoulder and gave it a manly shake. "The wedding was last minute, man. You missed out on a bachelor's party."

Alex chuckled after taking a sip from his beer. "Ah, I don't mind. After yours, I think I'll survived."

Owen and Derek visibly flinched at the reminder of that day. That outing would go down as one of their weirdest and painful day.

"Meredith told me about yours and Cristina's parting gift to the hospital," Derek teased Owen.

"What is it?" Nathan asked.

"It's nothing," Owen replied as he hid his embarrassed smile behind the glass of his scotch.

"They're having sex for the last time in all of the places they've done it in the hospital," Derek explained.

"Nice," Mark chuckled.

"That must be everywhere then," Nathan commented with a flat tone, remembering the time he walked in on them in such a weird place. He wanted to burn his eyes after that.

Alex nodded in agreement.

Owen's cheeks might've gone up a couple shades of pink. He wasn't the type of man to be open about his sexual life.

"Wow, this is our Chief of Surgery," Jackson laughed. The group continued to laugh.

Owen cleared his throat. "I'll get the next round." He slid out table and out of the teasing circle.

"Yeah, you will. You sly dog!" Mark hollered after him. Owen laughed and kept on walking. His friends just know how to embarrass the hell out of him.

He leaned on the bar while he waited for the bartender to get the drinks when he felt a tiny hand rest on his back then slide down to his rear and felt a squeeze.

"Hey there," Cristina had the most mischievous smile on when he turned around.

"Hey, I didn't know we were telling people about our thing."

Cristina frowned a little. "It's just Meredith and I guess Alex too. She might've blabbed. Are you mad?"

He pulled her in for a side hug. "She did and no I'm not mad, but now they're going crazy with that idea." He looked at the group he was just with. They all raised their drinks at them, Mark giving a thumbs up.

"They're just jealous," she coyly played with the button of his shirt. "You know, I think the bathroom needs a last hoorah too."

Owen shook his head in amusement. "Oh, Cristina Yang. You'll be the death of me."

She grinned. "Is that a yes?"

He quickly responded. "Yes." They scurried off.

Joe was not amused when he had found out what they had done.

[A/N: Third wedding in the book. I couldn't help myself and it's Alex, he deserved a happy ending too. Hope you enjoyed!]

Happy Late Thanksgiving to those who celebrated it!! 🍁🦃 gobble gobble
