Chapter Forty-Nine: Jealousy

     "Damn, Cristina!" Meredith praised. Callie turned around smiled at their friend.

     Cristina had her curly locks down and parted to the side and had a piece softly pinned to the side of her head. Her black dress was tight around the chest and hugged at her curves but the skirt flowed loosely down to her feet. The dress only being held by thin spaghetti straps.

     "Yang, you look hot!" Callie stated with a proud laugh.

     Alex raised his eyebrows. "The twins look very nice in that dress, Yang." He said and took a sip of his scotch. Cristina didn't hold back a glare.

     "Hunt, let you out of the house looking like that?" Callie teased. Cristina looked at her with an unamused expression.

      "Well, they're not on speaking terms. Remember?" Meredith told them with a smirk.

      "You guys are annoying," Cristina pushed past them and ordered two flutes of champagne at the bar.

      "Mommy's drinking?" Alex asked, eyeing the two glasses in her hands that were just handed to her.

     "Don't ever call me that," she said, getting chuckles from Meredith and Callie. "I left my baby enough milk, he's safely at home with Megan so yes, I'm drinking."

     "Mommy," Callie whispered with wide eyes.

     "Again, don't call me that word," she told straightly at Callie. She's a mother or mom, not a mommy.

      "Now would you excuse me and let me do my job! I'm ready to flirt my way to getting us bank." Cristina walked away, shaking her head amusedly as she could hear them laughing behind her.

      The gala event had been in full swing of motion for a couple of hours now and it has been a success. The doctors were very clever with their tricks. The guests enjoyed the entertainment and the amazingly decorated venue.

      Cristina has been the celebrity of the night. A prestigious award can do that to someone. Many of the funders or donators knew about her and were very willing to open their wallets or scribble on their checks.

     She had just finished talking to someone, who was very interested in the ambitious trials that the hospital has been harboring and whipped out his check, when she saw her ginger husband for the first time ever since she got there. They had been distracted and didn't have time to look for each other.

      There he was, talking to a bubbly brunette woman by the bar. Cristina had to take a moment and take in how handsome he looked. He looked hot in a tuxedo. His red hair spiked up at the tip of his head, she loved it when he does his hair like that. And that smile. That smile with his blue eyes shimmering.

      She watched them laugh and the lady who was talking to him looked so enamored by him. They laughed more.

     What could they be laughing about? He's not that funny, she thought.

      Cristina did not like that one bit. I'm not jealous. I just don't like that. I'm not jealous.

      She started to walk towards him after she watched that bitch—that lady walk away from him. He was still smiling. What the hell?

      Cristina changed her route so she'll end up behind him. She stood barely a foot away from him. "Stop doing that," she told him through gritted teeth. 

      Owen knew it was his wife without turning around. He felt her eyes on him earlier already. "So we're talking to each other now?" he asked with a smirk, still not turning around.

     "I'm serious. You need to stop it," she said a little more mad.

      He laughed and finally turned around, "Stop what?" His breath was taken away. She looked even more beautiful to him. That dress on her, just hugging at the right places. She did not look like someone who just had a baby.

      Cristina tried to hide a smile, knowing what he was thinking, and answered his question. "Stop doing that charming thing you do. Stop it with the sparkly blue eyes and the stupid smirk. That brunette would not stop looking at you like you're some piece of meat."

     "Dr. Marling? She was not-"

     "Oh, she has a name. And she was definitely drooling over you. I'm telling you to stop it now, Owen."

     He looked at her with the biggest smile as she was never for one to get jealous.

     "You're my hot and beautiful wife. You have nothing to be jealous about. My eyes are only on you," he said with a serious, sincere tone before attacking her lips with his. A kiss so passionate that turned everything around them into a giant blur. It was too good for Cristina to even care about the people looking at them.

     "As they should be," she said with a grin after pulling apart. "And I wasn't jealous."

      Owen chuckled, "O-kay." Then giving her a short kiss on the lips. "Heard you've been kicking ass with getting funds."

      Cristina shrugged, "Well, where would we be without the hospital. Just helping out."

     He let out a small laugh. "That's true."

     Owen ran his eyes over Cristina again, spending more time at the chest area. His mind couldn't just process how amazing his wife looked. Maybe too amazing for others to see.

     "Are you cold?" He asked suddenly but tried to be casual about it.

      Cristina scrunched her eyebrows. "What? No."

     "You sure? I could give you my jacket," Owen said, starting to unbutton the jacket of his tux.

      "I'm not cold. What's your problem?"

      He groaned. "Well, if I'm going to stop whatever you want me to stop, you should at least cover up." He said motioning to her dress.

     A smirk grew on Cristina's face. "You don't like it?"

     "Oh, trust me. I very much love it. But I feel like I should be the only one able to see you like this. It's a little bit too much for the public." He was half serious and half joking. He has seen some wondering eyes from men on his wife.

      "Okay, Dr. Prude. Thanks for the offer but I don't need a jacket. I'm very much warm."


     "Oh, look Mr. Henderson's over there. I haven't had a chance to talk to him and I heard he loves the hospital. I'm just going to go over to him. Maybe he might love my dress too."

     Owen watched her walk away with an amused expression. He did not know how lucky he got with her.

     "Cristina, where are you taking me?" Meredith whined as she followed her friend.

     "The place with food. I know the waiters are hiding the good stuff in there," Cristina said, pointing at the double doors of the kitchen in the venue.

      They both had been hard at work and now Cristina was hungry and well in need of a break.

     "You're ridiculous," Meredith said, laughing.

"Am I wro-" Cristina started to say but was cut off by a large sound of a crash coming from the other side of the kitchen doors.

"Help! Somebody help him!"

Mer and Cristina looked at each other then rushed through the doors to find a man on the floor, being crushed by one of the large metal shelves in the kitchen. There were boxes on them, making it more heavier.

The man was making weak attempts on freeing himself. It was obvious that he was struggling to breathe. Meredith barked at the workers around them to call 911 and help her and Cristina to slowly remove the heavy shelf.

"Careful. Be careful. We don't want to worsen his injuries," Meredith sternly told them. After they lifted the heavy object off of him, the man still struggled to breathe.

Cristina tried to assess him the best she could without proper equipments and waited for the paramedics to come. From watching how the man was acting and the obvious symptoms, one of his lungs collapsed. Which was not good at all.

The paramedics had come through the back entrance of the kitchen and were able to safely take the man, Cristina told them who she was and that they should take him to Seattle Grace-Mercy West. They let her get in the rig. Cristina happily got in the back and helped the paramedics to help tend the young, injured man.

Meredith watched her friend do her thing as she knew there was no way she could've stopped Cristina Yang from her hands getting blood and she knew her person needed this. They said their goodbyes and the ambulance doors closed. There was no need to for Mer to come along knowing her friend got it covered.

"Hey, I just heard what happened. Is the guy okay?" Owen asked Meredith, a bit out breath. He ran as soon as he heard, but he was late. He watched the ambulance rig that just started to drive away.

"Bad pneumothorax, broken arm, and possible rib fractures," Meredith told him, her eyes also on the rig.

"She's in there, isn't she?" Owen asked with laugh.

"She's in there," she looked at him with a grin.

[A/N: obviously 'inspired' with that MerDer thing. I wish Owen and Cristina were actually together during the gala. I think they would've had fun. Probably inaccurate medical jazz. I try. Let me know any suggestions if you got some. Anyways, hope you somewhat enjoyed it.]
