Chapter Fifty-Six: Fallout

   Cristina sat on the edge of their bed with hot, angry tears spilling from her eyes.

She didn't bother turning around when she heard the door open, hear him walk in, and hear the door close. She made a quick glanced at him and noticed that Theo was not in his arms anymore.

"Where's Theo?" As heated and boiled up she was, she managed to soften her voice regarding their son.

"Fast asleep in his crib," he said. Owen walked over to the nightstand on his side and put the baby monitor on high volume just in case they get into a really heated argument and aren't able to hear Theo.

After, he reaches out a hand and gingerly placed it on her slightly shuddering shoulder.

      She winced at his touch and quickly got up, "No."

       "Cristina," he sighed. Owen took her place on the bed and watched her standing a couple feet away from him, biting her bottom lip.

      "Talk to me," he begged in a low voice. The flow of her tears have now stopped.

       "It's just...I found out through a bunch of nurses who were gossiping like they're in junior high," Cristina finally said, hurt was evident in her voice.

       "I'm sorry. I'm sorry you had to find out that way. Of course, I was gonna tell you but it all just happened so fast. You gotta understand that."

        She pressed her lips together and broke their gaze before looking at him again, "Tell me now. I need to hear it from you."

        "A boy rolled in the ER earlier tonight and that boy is apparently my son," Owen carefully said. "His name is Zack. Zack and his mom got into a car accident. Shepherd had to perform a craniotomy while Megan worked on his liver laceration."

       Cristina leaned on the dresser that faced their bed and crossed her arms. "Is he alright? I guys in the ICU."

       "Yeah," Owen cocked his head to the side. "You were there?"

        She looked down at her feet and nodded.

       "Why didn't you say anything or show yourself?" He asked which he got her rolling her eyes in return.

        "Gee, I don't know Owen. I just finished having an anxiety attack after hearing my husband is a baby daddy and finished getting assaulted by Shepherd's pity look," she retorted sarcastically.


       "Is he awake now?" She changed the subject.

       "N-no," he sputtered out. "He was still asleep when I left. If he did wake up, I didn't think it was right to introduce myself right after him having a major surgery. I'm going back in the morning and we'll see then."

       She didn't say anything and just looked down at the floor, adjusting her thinking to the new information.

       When she didn't reply, he said, "You said you were there. So did you see her?"

      Cristina let out a soft scoff. She had a lot of names to call the woman but she went with, "The blonde bimbo? Yeah, I did."

     "Is it the same woman from you know...or someone else?" She asked. She honestly didn't know because he might've gotten with someone when she left for Minnesota.

      "What?" He was surprised she even had to ask. "Yeah. It's her. I've never slept with anyone else."

       He continued on, "Cristina, I'm sorry. I wish we aren't in this situation, but-"

      "We wouldn't be in this situation if you didn't cheat in the first place!" She exclaimed, she didn't mean for it to come out loud. Although she regretted it, she did not take it back.

       That hurt Owen. She might've as well physically slapped him. That wasn't where he was going when he opened his mouth.

       "That's not fair. You know my mind wasn't in the right place and hurt an-and messed up from..."

      His voice trailing off at the end.

     "Abortion," she finished for him. "It always come back to this. It's like you haven't forgiven me."

     "Of course, I have! We have Theo-"

     "Oh, so it took you for me to give you a kid before you fully forgave me? Real nice, Owen."

      Owen stood up quickly from his place on the bed because he did not appreciate her words. "Don't be ridiculous, Cristina. I have forgiven you way before our life with Theo. You know that."

      "It wasn't even about me forgiving you," he softened his tone. "I just needed time. A lot of time. To process...the loss of the baby and...the idea of ever having kids."

      He sat back down on the edge of the bed with a sigh, reaching to grab her hands. To his surprise, she let him touch her now. He pulled her close so she was now standing between her legs.

      He kept his hold on her hands and raised his head to look deeply into her eyes. "Cristina, I will be forever grateful that you gave us Theo. And I learned from him that back then wasn't our time. We got this second chance because this was our time and we were ready."

      She was relieved that he felt them the same way too. She always had that question but was afraid to ask. She didn't give a reply and merely sincerely nodded as showing him she understood.

      That was only the start to their roller coaster of a night that awaits for them, opening closed feelings that they thought that was long resolved.

      "Did you guys talk?" Cristina asked. She was now sitting next to him on the edge of the bed with her head resting on his shoulder.

      "The important stuff? No, not really. She told me how they got into an accident and she told me a little bit about Zack. He's two and about to turn three. He loves dinosaurs," he said with a hint of smile on his face. "I told her I wanted to talk to her tomorrow. That's okay, right?"

      "Yeah. It's the responsible thing to do." She said through her gritted teeth. It was the right thing to do regarding about Zack but she didn't like the idea of them talking.

      He took a chance and asked, "You want to be there?"

      "No," she reluctantly said. "You guys talk it out first then—we'll see."

      "Okay." He agreed.

      "You haven't said her name," Cristina mused out loud.

     "Who?" Owen asked, genuinely confused.

     "Zack's mother. The woman. You haven't said her name," she stressed.

     "It's because I...I don't know it," he confessed. He honestly didn't know it.

      She looked at him with disbelief. "You seriously don't know? I don't believe it."

      "No," Owen stated. "It never came up. She didn't say. And I was more focused on Zack and seeing him like that."

      The surprise expression on her face eased away as she was weirdly relieved by that.

      She's still nothing to him, she thought.

      Cristina was now off of the bed again and pacing back and forth in front of him.

      "I have the right to be mad," her voice loud and angry. "That woman is going to be part of our lives. My life." She stabbed herself with a finger.

     He looked at her deeply and full of sympathy, waiting for her to finish.

     "I have to see her, Owen. See the woman," her voice broke and she finally stopped pacing and looked at him.

     "That gave you pleasure when I...couldn't because you didn't want me. She's a reminder that at one point, I wasn't doing it for you. You didn't want me anymore."

       A tear rolled down her cheek. Owen leaped towards her and grabbed her face, attacking her lips with fierce yet passionate kiss. When they came for air, he let their foreheads touch.

      "Cristina," his voice was shaky. Both now had more tears rolling down their face. "That is not true. I loved you then. I love you now and I will always.

      We were broken and had massive issues but loving and wanting you was something that never broke."

       Owen was now laying on the bed with Cristina laying on top of him. She rested her chin on top of her folded arms, his fingers combing through her hair.

     "I'm sorry," he started. "For putting you in this situation. I know it brings up old wounds and I know this is something hard to get used to. And I wish it wasn't like this but it is. Zack is here. I know I only saw him for a night but he's my son. I have another son. Theo has an older brother."

       She could see his eyes glisten with hope and excitement. She let out a small smile and laid her head, still unsure of how all it was going to work out.

       When the clock hit three o'clock in the morning, they were tired emotionally and physically. And overly talked out.

      Both agreed they should get some sleep. Cristina told him that she doesn't want him to sleep in their room tonight.

       He was disappointed and can't help but to feel a pang of pain. But she assured him that she wasn't angry or anything at him. She just needed time for some space by herself. Owen ached to sleep with her wrapped in his arms but he understood.

       She was already in bed, half asleep, when he finished getting ready for bed. He pulled more covers over her and planted a tender kiss on her temple.

      When he was making his way out of the room, she called for him.


     "You have to learn her name eventually," she sleepily murmured.

      A little of bit him didn't want to know as it makes that part real and he didn't want it to be. But she was right. He has to learn it eventually.

     "Goodnight, Cristina," he said in a mellow tone and closed the door.

[A/N: Another chapter?! Who's is sheee?

Break lines meant they switch to different topics if that wasn't obvious. I wanted them to cover a lot in their talk but I didn't have a clever way to transition one to another so line breaks it is.

I'm taking Anatomy right now and we're learning about the heart. And damn now I know and understand most of the things Cristina said.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed!]
