Chapter Ten: Remember Me

It had been a week since the arrival of Megan. She has been working on her memory very hard but nothing still came back clearly, only blurry childhood memories. She has not been showing any signs of PTSD, which was surprising and amazing, but they're still not going let their guard down.

Nathan Riggs was nowhere to be found. That's a lie. One would find him in the ER, OR, or a patient's room. One might not just see him around Megan's room. He could not handle being with her if she doesn't even remember his mistakes. He knew she wouldn't want that.

Cristina has been stressed the whole week. She and Ross had been finalizing Phase 1 of their clinical trial to start Phase 2. She's proving the Harper Avery Award Foundation that she totally deserves the award. She hasn't told anyone why she has been working hard, but everybody can tell. Cristina just being Cristina.

Owen tried to spend as much time as he can with Megan and his mom. They've been helping her with Megan to regain her memories. They were also there when Megan had to talk about what happened to her. It was heartbreaking. Megan however did not really have an emotional reaction. Owen did his best to be there for her. Being there for her had a consequence. Owen couldn't sleep for the past week. His nightmares had gotten worst. He would have nightmares about Megan and also his own past trauma. He tried his best to push it down and hide it. Cristina hasn't noticed since she'd been spending late nights at the hospital for her trial. Cristina's presence would greatly help him. He would have occasional bad days but his wife's presence would calm him down.

Owen looked around the room. He looked at the fish tank that he would always look at when he gets asked by hard questions.

"What brings you here today, Owen?" Dr. Wyatt said, trying to get his attention.

" sister, Megan, is back." He said looking down. Owen promised and trusted Cristina he would go when he needs help. He can't lose her trust again.

"So I've heard. How do you feel?" Dr. Wyatt knew she would be seeing him soon after hearing about Megan's story and arrival.

He scoffed and looked at the floor, "Happy. Of course I'm happy. I finally got her back. But...but the nightmares are back."

"At least you can express one of your feelings. Does Cristina know about the nightmares?" She started to scribble things on her notebook.

"N-no. She figured it out when I first had my nightmares last week, but she doesn't know I still have them. Cristina's busy with her trial. I don't want to bother her."

"How bad are the nightmares? Do you still know the difference between nightmares and nigh terrors?"

"Yes. Mine are nightmares. I know it's not real. I just can't sleep through them."

"Hmm...tell me about your sister," Dr. Wyatt said, making him look up.

So Owen did tell her about his sister. Wyatt taking notes with each thing she says in her composition notebook. They continued this gut punching session until they got through one hour.

Cristina Yang decided to visit Alex before starting her shift in the morning. She was happy to find Meredith and Zola in Alex's room too.

"Aunty Cris!" Zola ran up to her, giving her a hug around her legs.

"Hey Zozo!" She patted the little girl's head.

"Can you give something for Uncle Owen and his sister? I've heard they're not feeling okay, especially his sister." Zola said digging in her pink tiny backpack.

Cristina furrowed her eyebrows in confusion and looked at Meredith. Her person just shrugged as a response.

"Here, you go. Eeyore is for Uncle Owen." Zola took out a medium size stuff animal of Piglet and Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh. "I gave Uncle Alex one too, but it's Tigger." Alex waved his Tigger to show Cristina.

"And I love it." Alex said, making Zola beam even more.

Eeyore. What a coincidence, she thought. "Well, thank you Zola. They'll love it."

"Come on, Zola. Let's get you to daycare." Meredith said.

Zola zipped her backpack up and followed her mom out the door.


It was lunchtime. All of Cristina's lunch buddies got pulled into surgery and Alex was in physical therapy. Having no one to sit with, she decided to hangout at Megan's room, hopeful she wouldn't mind. Those two have been getting a long pretty well. They had a connection right away.

"Hey, Megan." Cristina walked in with a tray full of food.

"Cristina! Hi!" Megan placed down the book she was reading, while enjoying her lunch.

"Everybody got pulled into surgery so I decided to visit you and eat here. Hope you don't mind." Cristina offered a smile.

"No! I don't mind at all. Sit here," she padded her bed. Cristina obeyed and they both started eating their lunch.

"Wow. You're really hungry, huh?" Megan laughed while pointing at Cristina's tray.

"Oh," she laughed, "I guess so."

"Owen's been grumpy and mean lately." Megan said slowly.

"What? To you?" Cristina quickly asked.

"No no. Around me, he tries to hide it and be all fake happy. I just see him out in the hallways and I can hear nurses and the interns talking. I think I'm stressing him out."

"Well, I don't think it's fake happy when he's around you." Megan shyly smiled.
"And no you're not stressing him. It's something else up his butt," Cristina continued. Megan giggled at her last statement. Sudden wave of guilt hit Cristina. The nightmares. He still hasn't gotten help. I said I would be there for him but I've been staying at work late for the trial. He has always been there for me but I'm not when he needs me.

"I hope not. But whatever it is, hope it goes away. I want the big bro that I met last week." Megan added, interrupting Cristina's thoughts.

"I'll talk to him. Don't worry." Oh, I will definitely talk to him. They continued to talk about other things. Cristina was halfway through her giant lunch when she remembered Zola's gifts.

"I almost forgot. Zola, Dr. Grey's kid, gave you and Owen presents. Let me go get it." A few minutes later she came back holding the stuffed Eeyore and Piglet. Megan was touched and loved it.

"Piglet is for you. Eeyore is for Owen." Cristina handed Piglet to Megan and placed Eeyore at the foot of her bed. Megan took her gift, but her eyes were fixated at Eeyore.

Eeyore? Eeyore. Eeyore. Megan repeated in her head.

Owen walked in his sister's room, surprised to see his wife. "Cristina! What are you doing here? I've been trying to call you," slight of annoyance was evident in his voice. He needed someone after that emotional session with Dr. Wyatt.

"Oh, I'm so-"

"Eeyore." Megan interrupted in a whisper. She was starting to remember it all.

"What?" Cristina and Owen said in unison.

Megan met Owen's blue eyes and smiled ear to ear, "Eeyore."

I've never told her about that being my nickname she started, Owen thought in slight confusion. Cristina understood right away.

"Guess you're still grumpy as ever, Eeyore." Megan said still grinning. Owen's face grew the biggest smile, he ran up to her bed and engulfed her in a hug.

"You remember," he started to cry.

"I remember," Megan was crying and laughing.

[A/N: Sorry I took a while. But yay! Megan's memories are back, but is it really good to remember though 🤔. Hope you enjoyed it!]
