Chapter Sixty-Four: Moving Into the Future

     Owen cursed at a toy he stepped on that made him almost trip. Toys were scattered around on the grass of their backyard. He doesn't know how an eleventh month old kid could make such a mess. He also doesn't get why a kid could need so much toys that it would spread outside.

  It had been a rough day for him with his child getting sick and then the hospital experiencing a freak power outage. Half of the generator worked but the other half didn't. Some floors had electricity, some didn't and the OR floor unfortunately was the one that didn't have electricity. It was a mess. It took hours for the electric company to get everything back and running.

  The only thing that got him through the day was thinking about how Cristina was coming home that night. He couldn't wait. Text messages and phone calls didn't suffice. He missed her.

  He put the last toy in a bin when he heard a sweet voice call for him.


  He turned around to find Cristina standing on the wooden floor of their patio, sporting her favorite leather jacket, with the late-afternoon breeze blowing through her hair. Even though she just spent about fourteen hours cooped up in a plane, he thought she looked beautiful.

  Owen flashed a grin and took large steps towards her and placed the bin on the floor before wrapping his arms around her small frame, burying his head in her hair. "You're here!"

  She laughed and responded to the hug, enjoying his warmth and smell. "I got an early flight and thought it'd be a nice surprise."

      "God, I've missed you," Owen softly said. They leaned in, letting their lips brush first. It started soft and gentle then turned rather intense with hands everywhere as if they haven't seen each other for months.

  Smiles were plastered on their face when they pulled apart, realizing how fierce and long that got. But then again, would it be a Cristina and Owen relationship without the intense passion and love?

     "Somebody did miss me," Cristina teased.

  He brought a hand up to caress her cheek, "Of course, I did. Although, I could show you even more of how much I missed you." He smirked before leaving a trail of kisses down her neck.

     "Owen," she laughed and gently pushed him off. "W-wait. Wait."

  He stopped and feigned a pout. "Yes?"

     "Where's the monster that I missed so much?" She asked with a tiny voice as she looked back at the open french doors that leads to their dining room.

      "He's at my mom's. He was fussy and had been throwing fits all last night because he caught a little cold," he explained and watched her frown. "So I took him to Mom's instead of the daycare. I was just cleaning up and desanitizing around here before I pick him up. We might've made a mess. We can go and pick him up now."

  She sighed. The first time her son was sick and she wasn't there. "Why didn't you tell me?"

     "It just happened last night and I was busy at the hospital dealing with the power outage. It didn't come to mind. I'm sorry."

  She looked down and nodded. Meredith told her about the power outage when she picked her up.

  Owen felt bad. He should've known better. "You want to go pick him up now?"

     "Yeah, but I need to talk to you about something first."

  He nodded and took her hand and led her inside to go to their kitchen. "How was Zurich?"

     "Great. That's what I actually want to talk to you about," she said as she sat on the counter. Cristina watched Owen rummage inside their fridge. "Owen?"

     "Mhmm?" He responded with his head still inside the fridge.

     "Tell me how much you love me."

  Surprised and very well confused, he slowly turned around and walked towards her to stand between her legs. Despite the confusion, he gave a warming smile. "I love you a very great deal."

  She took a deep breath. She hoped that it was enough because she was about to drop a bombshell on him. "So turns out the Klausman Institute is owned by Burke. He was the one that invited me there."

  On the mention of Burke's name, the softness and the smile from his face faded way. He hated how Sloan's stupid joke held to be true.

  The change in his face did not go unnoticed by her. They never talked about Burke. There was nothing to talk about him. But Owen never did like him. He thought that Burke sounded like a pretentious dick that did Cristina wrong; however, Owen did like Burke for leaving because if he didn't, then he wouldn't be with Cristina.

     "Burke gave me his job and I said—yes." There it was. Cristina waited for any reaction from him. She knew he wasn't going to be happy that she had accepted the job without talking to him first.

  His jaw visibly clenched. He broke their gaze, swallowing, then looked back at her. "You took a job that's across the world to work for the precious Burke?" His voice raising and had an accusatory tone.

      "God, Owen! No!" She pushed him back a little to give her space to jump off the counter. He leaned back on the adjacent counter with cross arms, waiting for her to continue. He was not happy. She was not happy.

      "This is for a job, for my future career. Not for the precious Burke," she used his words. "I want to print a functional, beating heart. And I just don't think that's possible by staying here. The institute has all the resources like money that will allow me to do it."

  His face was still blank so she assumed that he wasn't convinced that she wasn't doing it for Burke. "He's leaving to be with his family. He's giving me his job. I'm taking over for him."

  That seemed to have finally clicked in his head. Owen scrunched his eyebrows in confusion because he thought Burke offered her a job with some ulterior motive. "Wait. What? He's just giving you his hospital? No strings attached?"

      "No strings attached. And I said yes already. I'm sorry. I know I should've talked to you about it first, but Owen," she paused to smile. "This is a dream come true."

      "An-and I know you're the Chief of Surgery here and everybody's here. But we could work it out. It might be tough at first, but we'll work it out. We could—"

  Owen cut her ramble off with a kiss then with a kiss on the forehead. "We're moving to Zurich. If that's where you are going to be excellent, then that's we're going. I meant it when I said that as long as our family is together, I don't care where we live."

      "But your job," she said. She couldn't help but to be skeptical. She was over the moon that Owen was on board but what if he was just saying what she wanted to hear.

      "So? You know I've already been talking about stepping down and being the Chief of Surgery was never a dream of mine. It's great and all but it wasn't the plan. Webber just handed it to me when his wife was sick. I already have someone in mind who could take over for me and Kepner can take over the Trauma Department. And I could just get a job at the hospital you now apparently own."

  She cocked her head to the side. "Are you sure about this?"

  Owen laughed. "Hey, I thought you were the one trying to convince me. Are you sure about this?"

    "I am! It's just that when I'm busy running the institute and Theo knows German or French more than English five years from now, I don't want you to go 'Hey, Cristina. I regret leaving my life, family, and the perfect job where I ran a successful hospital. I'm miserable and I hate you'." She explained, changing her voice to impersonate him.

  He couldn't help but to laugh how ridiculous that sounded. "First of all, terrible impression. Second of all, I love you and I'll always do. I'm not going to regret anything. My life is you and Theo. Where you guys are is where I'm going to be."

    "Klausman will grant your lifelong dream. My dreams are becoming a successful doctor whether in the hospital or out in the desert, marrying the love of my life, and having a family. And last time I checked, I have and have done those things. It's your turn to complete yours."

  Cristina jumped up to give him a deep kiss. No words could express how much she was in love with him. Sometimes, he just says the right things that creates a flutter in her chest.

    "We're moving to Zurich," she said in more of as a statement than a question.

  He grabbed her hand and planted a kiss. "We're moving to Zurich."

    "Mom's going to freak when Megan and I tell her we're both moving. Megan's moving to California."

      "What? To California?"

      "Yeah. And I gave her shit for thinking about moving and now here I am planning to move across the world."

  She laughed. Owen felt his phone buzz in his slacks and fished it out.

    "Hey, Mom. We'll be coming over—woah, woah, woah. What?"

  Cristina watched him intently. It didn't sound good. She got even more worried when his eyes glazed over and became stiff.

    "Uh-yeah. We'll be there. Tell him we'll be there soon."

  She gasped. She prayed to God that it wasn't about Theo. Cristina tugged on his shirt, "Owen, please. What's wrong?"

  He swallowed the lump in his throat. "Uh-Theo had a seizure and he hit his head. Mom's taking him to the hospital."

[A/N: Sorry, if it wasn't as interesting but they needed to have a talk. Ya. Hope you still enjoyed! Oh and thank you for 20k reads!]
