Chapter Thirty-Four: One Who Lost Too Much

Cristina woke up to the sun beaming down on her face. She was confused at first, as she found herself in Alex's bed and not on the cold bathroom floor. She vaguely remembers him carrying her. She wondered where Mer was. She remembered their conversation from last night before dozing off.

"Cristina...You can't think like th-"

"People die," Cristina cut her off, "Or get hurt. My dad died. You almost died. Izzie died. George almost died. We almost lost Alex not that long ago. Megan almost died again. Nathan could be dead..." she paused before continuing.

"Saul died," she inhaled then continued again, "Ivy's dead. Sabine came to the hospital with three kids and now she's down to one. What kind of life is that? It seems like I'm always losing. If he dies, I don't think I could ever come back from that or face Owen."

"Cristina, you're not some special freak." Meredith started, "That's just life. I know you have a reputation for being cold but Owen and I know the real you. You're allowed to be scared. When I was pregnant, you knew I was worried as hell. Scared Bailey might get affected by my crappy genes. Callie was a mess when she was pregnant too. You have a perfectly healthy fetus boy growing in you." The flow of her friend's tears have finally stopped. "Cristina I know it took you awhile to finally embrace being where you are now. And I get it. We both have had too many losses in our life but I learned that shouldn't stop us from living. That would make life just suck even more. Too scared to do anything."

"How very un-dark and twisty of you." Cristina finally piped up, now looking at Meredith. But no emotion was still apparent.

Meredith sighed, relieved that she got through her. "I know. I sometimes hate it but look I just helped you."

Sighing, Cristina turned to her side and was surprised to see a pair of blue eyes looking at her longingly.

"Hi," she said in a small voice. He was laying on his side, his head propped up on his hand.

"Hey," he brushed a strand of hair away from her face. "Are you okay now? Meredith told me what happened."

Cristina groaned. "Yes, Owen. I'm fine now. Where's mom?"

"She's pretty strong you know that. Maybe that's where you got it from." He said, unfolding his arm.

She sighed and shrugged, "She acted like that when dad died."

"Well, she already left. You've slept through most of the day. Lexie and I helped her with the paperwork and I dropped her off at the airport. Saul is already being transferred. So they can start the..."

"Shiva." She finished for him.

"Yeah, Shiva. As soon as possible."

She nodded. "Thank you for doing that. I should've been the one doing that," he let out a sad appreciative smile, "I have to fly over there."

"Yeah, I know. I already got you a ticket. Want me to come?"

"No. You have Megan think about. How is she now? And Nathan?"

"Still asleep. Shepherd basically said she's in a slight coma and play the waiting game. Nathan's in recovery now. But he needs to go back to surgery again so Callie can fix his leg."

"She'll wake up. They'll both be fine." He nodded. He was just too tired of thinking about the possible horrible things that could happen. There was silence, Owen just admiring her face.

"Last night was the first time I've seen Saul for the longest time. And now he's gone." Cristina broke the silence.

"I'm glad I met him even if it was only one time." He commented. She snuggled up him, his chin resting on top of her wild hair.

"...I beat O'Malley and you in Dead Dads Club. I had two and I lost two." She said in his chest.


She pushed away and looked up at him, "Promise me you won't die."

He was taken aback. This reminded way too much of how she acted after the shooting. "You know I can't promise that," he said looking in her eyes.

"Fine, then promise me that you'll try not to get into deathy situations."

"I promise. Now, I need you to promise me the same thing." He said as his hand went up and down on her back.

Her face softened. "I promise." She snuggled back to him.

"I love you." He stated and hugged her tight.

"I love you," Cristina replied. We'll be fine. We will all be fine, Owen thought.

"Is it weird that we're snuggling in Alex's bed?" Owen asked.

"Yes." Both bursting into soft laughter.

Three days have gone by since that horrible night and Megan still hasn't woken up yet. Derek wasn't worried since she'd been responsive and she'd moved multiple times. But Owen was getting anxious.

Finally, Megan fluttered her eyes open. Fully aware of surroundings.

"Megan." He and Evelyn ran up to each of her bedside.

"Who...are you?" She looked at the both of them.

Owen's face dropped. Not again. Evelyn teared up. Then a smile started to form on Megan's face.

"I'm just kidding." She said with a weak laugh. But had to stop herself when it hurt to laugh. "Ow."

"That's what you get because that wasn't funny." He playfully scolded with teary eyes.

"Yeah. I know," she looked at Evelyn. "Hey, mom."

"Don't scare us like that." She held her daughter's hand tightly and used her free hand to wipe her eyes.

"I'm really sorry. What happened to me?" She asked touching her bandaged head.

"You and Nathan were in a car accident. A few days ago." He informed her gently.

"Wow, I've been asleep for that long. Is Nathan okay?"

"Bailey saved him. His abdomen was a mess but now he's okay. Torres fixed his leg, which was pretty badly broken. But now he's okay."

She sighed and absorbed all the information. "Good. Good." Then suddenly, she remembered a fuzzy memory of him kneeling on one knee and flashing a ring in a box.

"Do you think that he can get switched into my room?"

Owen furrowed her eyebrows, "You want that?"

"Yes. Can you please do that?"

"Alright. If Bailey said he can be moved then he will be moved."

"Thank you." Megan sunk back in the bed, getting tired. "Tell him I can't wait to see him."


Her eyes started to close. "Where's Otis?" She asked.

Evelyn and Owen looked at each other and laughed a little. They've only known each other for two days and they're already bonded, he thought.

"He's fine. He misses you though. So get better soon."

"I will, I'm going back to sleep now." And She was back into slumber. Owen sighed but at least they know she woke up and no neurological problems. He reached over and held his mom's hand and gave it a squeeze. They always manage to survive through it all.

[A/N: Probably didn't do Saul any justice, sorry. Hope you enjoyed it though!]
