Chapter Twenty-Nine: Surprises

     Megan walked in the kitchen, looking through the stacks of letters and junk mail in her hands.

     "Wow, a lot of Cristina Yang's." She said as she kept looking through them.

     Owen was leaning behind the kitchen island with his chin resting on his hand, going on his computer. "Yeah. They're trying to get her to do lectures or even try to switch hospitals," he said without looking up from his computer.

     "Oh, the struggle of being a Harper Avery recipient," Megan dramatically said.

     They laughed. Megan saw a letter that was designated to her from the U.S. Army. Her body tightened. She glanced at Owen, checking to see if he saw her froze. He didn't, he was too focused on whatever he was doing on his computer.

     Megan didn't feel like dealing with it right now knowing what it says so she did her best to tuck in the letter in her back pocket.

    "Baby wants food!" Cristina walked in the kitchen, ready for work. She stood next to Owen.

     Owen finally looked up from his computer and smiled and kissed her on the lips. "Morning to you, too."

     She greeted him and Megan. "Food?"

     "I'll start making it now, ma'm." He said and opened their fridge.

     "A lot of people want to see the amazing Dr. Yang," Megan said as she slid the stacks of letters across the island to Cristina.

     Cristina scoffed, picked it up and started looking through them.

     "You need to respond to them soon," Owen said with his head still in the fridge.

     "No, I don't." She said a little bit irritated. Owen took out a pack of bacon and couple eggs out of the fridge and placed it next to the stove.

     "Yes. Yes, you do." He said sternly.

      Megan gulped, feeling the tension. "I'm going to get ready. Nathan is coming over," Megan quickly stated, giving them sometime to talk alone, and left to go to her bedroom.

     "Why do I have to respond to them?" Cristina asked, making Owen stop what he was doing and turned around to face her.

      "Because it doesn't look good when you're just ignoring them."

     "I don't care what they think about me," Cristina said frustratedly.

      Owen sighed, he knew she really did care though. "You're not even going to look at your options?" He asked with a softer voice.

      "No." She said, softening her tone as well.

      "And," he lifted her up gently and placed her on top the kitchen island and stood between her legs, "why not?"

     "Because Owen. Everybody's here. Our life is here. And we have a baby coming in a few months. Remember?"

      Owen rolled his eyes. "Cristina, I get that. I really do. But I want you to be excellent. You are excellent right now. But what if you can even be more excellent somewhere else? Offer you something that would push your trial even closer to the actual printing of hearts? Moving is not going to be a problem. When we're with you, Owen Jr. or Marjorie and I don't really care where we live."

      She laughed at the names and started to tear up a little because of what her sappy husband just said and probably her hormones too. He told her to be excellent before and he still wanted her to be that. Damn, this Owen. He just knows what to say. All he wants for me is to be excellent. But boy, he is not good at picking names.

      Cristina was moved by what he had just said and it sounded amazing. But she knew it wasn't that easy. They're life was there. Meredith was here. Megan was there.

      She chewed her bottom lip as she thought about it, "Okay."

     "Okay?" He lowered his head to match his eyes with Cristina's.

      "Okay. I will look at their offers, think about it and actually agree to do some of the lectures."

     Owen went it on for a tender kiss as his thank you for hearing him out.

     "I'm still hungry," she said after they broke apart.

     "Coming right up," he said and rubbed her small swollen stomach before continuing to make breakfast on the stove.

     "What's so important that you had to wake me up so early," Megan asked groggily, she was following Owen. He'd woken her up and claimed he has something important to show her.

     "It's nine o'clock. It's not early," he said with a laugh.

     "It is for me," Megan argued. Owen stopped walking right before one of the entrances into the living room, making Megan stop.

     "Okay, remember when you said you didn't like being alone in the house," Owen started.

     "Owen..." Megan didn't really want to talk about that anymore. She was fine now, well she was trying to be fine.

     "Hear me out. Well, I've done some research about war veterans with PTSD and I've read that dogs help."

      He grabbed her wrist and pulled her gently into the living room. "Ta da!" He pointed with both of his arms out.

     It was a grown golden retriever wearing a red vest, sitting obediently on the living room floor. It had its tongue out, almost looked like it was smiling at them.

      Megan quickly went up to the dog and sat next to it, gently petting its head. It's been awhile since she'd seen a dog. "Oh my god, Owen. He's so beautiful." Megan was beaming.

      "You are a beautiful dog. Yes, you are." She talked to the dog but without the nonsense gooey baby voice.

     "Meet Otis, your E.S.A." Owen stated with a wide smile.

     "The name just makes it better. And E.S.A.?"

     "Emotional Support Animal," Owen kneeled down and started to pet the calm dog as well. "Research showed that it helped many vets with PTSD with their anxiety and emotionally support them throughout the day. I hoped having Otis with you, will help you get better and feel more comfortable in the house," He continued.

      "You and Cristina have literally done so much for me already. Thank you," she gave him the biggest smile and hugged her brother.

     "You're my sister and technically you're Cristina's sister too, there's no such thing as doing too much for family," Owen said. Cheesy as that was, it was true for him.

      "Okay, I'm going to get Cristina because she wasn't really aware about any of this-"

     "Oooooo, somebody's going to be in trouble Otis." Megan playfully teased, while petting the dog.

      He chuckled. "Stop it, this was a last minute plan. So keep up with the grateful act and continue acting all cute with him."

      Megan laughed, "Okay."

       Owen came back to the living room with Cristina in tow, "You better have a good reason for waking me up..." she stopped when she saw the golden beast in her living room being pet by Megan, "What is that?"

     "Our dog!" Owen joked.

     "Owen, what?! You got a dog without consulting with your pregnant wife? You're an id-"Cristina was frustrated and annoyed that he would just do something this big without talking to her.

      He quickly cut her off and regretted for trying to joke. "Okay. Okay. I'm sorry. I was kidding. It's Megan's dog as emotional support."

      Cristina let her shoulders drop, "Oh. Okay then."

      "He's so cute, Cristina. Look at him," Megan said while she put her face right next to Otis's.

     "I don't do cute," he really was though for her. Cristina and Owen joined Megan on the floor and admired the dog. Otis was loving the attention.

     "It's been a long time since there's been a dog around here. Meredith used to have one," Cristina stated.

     "Really?" Owen was surprised. Most of their friends in the surgical staff didn't really have time for pets. And Meredith? Out of all people?

     "Yeah. He died," she said with no emotion really as she scratched the dog's ear. Megan and Owen took their hands off the dog, a bit surprised and looked at her incredulously.

      Cristina noticed they were staring at her. "What? He did!" Cristina shrugged. The siblings shook their heads in amusement and smiled. She just likes to say stuff at the wrongest time.

      Ding! Dong!

      Cristina was the first one to stand up, "I'll get it. If it's Meredith, I'm going to kill her."

      She opened the door. It was not her person. It was a person. A person she hadn't seen for a long time, dressed in rich Beverly Hills pretentious outfit and radiating the smell of a strong expensive perfume.

      "Hello, daughter."

      "Ah!" Cristina yelled and slammed the door shut.

[A/N: sorry for the long wait! I don't think that's how ESA dogs work but I try. The scenes were a couple of days apart. Hope you enjoyed!]
