
s i x t y - t w o

April took place, the cherry blossoms started blooming and fell oh-so-elegantly to the ground. The place looked absolutely mesmerizing, but in his eyes—everything looked dull, colorless, dysphoric. It had always been like this ever since the day he left, the world would look dull and lifeless.

He walked down the pavement with his hands buried deep within his pockets, he looked up a cherry blossom tree and smiled. Running his fingers through his raven locks, he grabbed a piece of petal from the ground and stared at it.

After a year, he's back again. He was assigned back to Seoul for another project, and he couldn't help but feel happy by the news. He could still feel the memories lingering around his mind, the same comfort he felt every time it was April, and the same scent he has always craved for every day.

Beomgyu was about to continue walking when his eyes caught sight of a petal falling of a tree and flowing gently with the wind. His eyes followed it and suddenly—he caught sight of a pink-haired boy across the street he was stepping on.

His heart started to beat fast again, it echoed throughout his ears. The adrenaline he hadn't felt for a long time came bursting out and overflowed his veins again. And for some reason, the world didn't look as dull as it was before.

Yeonjun was surprised to see him again, it was unforeseen for him honestly. He couldn't avert his eyes from the little one at the street across him, they just stared at each other—just like how they always did before.

There you were...

Standing across the street in front of me.

And there was still a small part of me wondering...

Will I still be able to take in that scent of newly bloomed flowers in April again?

Beomgyu felt his breath hitched as he clenched his hand into a fist, he could feel the tears slowly breaking like a dam and make him bawl again. He was afeared about everything that can possibly happen right now.

Their love was fascinating actually, like a dreamer and dream that were meant to be. Unfortunately, the dreamer stopped dreaming about a dream that would never come true.

And no matter what they did, no matter what they thought, they knew to themselves that everything was hopeless now. That everything will always remain a mere appetency.

All that was left now is the bitter scent of withering flowers from April that once bloomed when they first met.

Yeonjun breathe in a large amount of breath before continuing to walk down the pavement with his hands inside his pockets, while Beomgyu just stared at him—feeling a sting in his heart.

Maybe in another lifetime, when April comes and flowers bloom again...

We'll wrap ourselves around each other,

take in our scents,

and fall in love all over again.

