
t w e n t y - o n e

It's been a week ever since that conversation was made  between Beomgyu and Yeonjun. And since then, the older wasn't the same like before.

I mean, sure, he would still talk to him from time to time and protect him from abusive people, but something was off, he wasn't the same clingy and cheesy Yeonjun as before.

And it pained Beomgyu so so much.

The sun's rays crawled down every corner of the school, it was sunny but cold breeze was circulating around the place. They were currently at the gymnasium to prepare it for a school event the next day, and their section was assigned to fix everything.

Beomgyu was currently fixing the chairs when his eyes landed on Huening Kai and Taehyun, but even though he saw them together—obviously flirting and clinging to each other—it didn't even hurt him. He didn't feel anything.

No pain, no jealousy, and no tears.

But when his eyes landed on Yeonjun talking with another girl while decorating the stage ; all sorts of emotions enveloped his little heart—be it pain or jealousy.

[ a/n : idk if gymnasiums have a stage, but ours do so that's why ]

They were laughing, but what was the reason? Yeonjun looked so happy whilst talking with the blonde girl. Little Beomgyu felt a bang in his chest just by seeing how wide the yellow haired boy was smiling to the point that his cute little eyes would squint in an undeniably cute manner.

Does everyone replace me that fast?

"Hey, are you alright?" Soobin wraps an arm around Beomgyu's neck, but the little one just kept on staring at Yeonjun and the girl with those sad little eyes, and of course, the taller one noticed it.

"I see," Soobin nods, "Are you jealous?"

Beomgyu blushed a cute shade of pink, "N-no... It's just that... he's been unusual lately, he doesn't treat me the same like he used to before. I kinda... miss him."

A thought formed on the taller one's mind causing the edge of his pink lips to curl up into a smirk, "Do you like him?"

The little one flinched, "N-NO!"

His loud voice caught all of his classmate's attention, even Yeonjun's.

Beomgyu blushes out of embarrassment and bowed his head as an apology, the quickly grabs the hem of Soobin's shirt to pull the taller one after him into a corner.

"I-I don't l-like him, Hyung," He repeats, this time in a quieter tone.

Soobin lets out a chuckle, "Sure you don't."

"But it's the truth! I just m-miss him," Beomgyu furrows his brows as he lets out a frown.

"Tell that to your jealous self," Soobin teases, whilst pointing his index finger towards the little one's flushed face.

Beomgyu sighs, "Again, I am not jealous."

Soobin playfully rolls his eyes the nods, "Yeah sure. But admit it or not, you don't like seeing Yeonjun talking to other people~" He says as he takes his leave.

The little one's eyes wandered to where Yeonjun was at and saw him still talking with that blonde haired girl, he massaged his temples out of frustration, "For the love of god, I don't understand."

They were now almost finished in setting everything up for tomorrow.

Yuna, the girl Yeonjun was talking to earlier, climbs up the ladder to hang the tarpaulin in the midst of the stage.

Hyunjin and Seungmin were playing around near her and Hyunjin accidentally bumps onto the ladder Yuna was in causing her to lose balance and was about to fall to the cold cement floor if Yeonjun hadn't caught her in his arms.

"Oh my god, Yuna! I'm so sorry!" Hyunjin bows his head as an attempt to apologize.

Yuna smiles, "It's okay!"

Beomgyu clenches his fist because of the sight ; Yeonjun was carrying Yuna in a bridal style and he still didn't let go of her after she said that she was fine.

He lets a loud sigh and grabbed one of the boxes near them then walks down the stage's stair in the middle edge.

Yeonjun puts the younger girl down and eyes Beomgyu who was now putting down the boxes in one corner as sweat rolled down on the side of his pretty face.

Felix was playing around with the balloons when an idea pops inside his head, "Guys, how about we pop the balloons?" He says in his deep and husky voice, with a hint of his Australian accent.

"That sounds like fun, I wanna pop one too," Changbin says and held out a red balloon.

"Bet they'll be shock, now that would be so funny," Felix grins.

Changbin, Felix, and Hyunjin held out a needle and points it to their balloons, "On three."

Taehyun was currently fixing the chairs when his attention was grabbed by the three boys who looked ready to pop the balloons, his eyes automatically widens, "Shit."

"One," Taehyun hears which made him walk over to them.


"Wait, guy—"


The loud sound of popping balloons echoed inside the large gymnasium causing everyone to flinch, but what caught their attention right after was little Beomgyu sitting on the floor with his legs folded near his chest and his hands covering his ears, "No more please..."

Taehyun sighs and massaged his temples, "Beomgyu's afraid of popping balloons, morons!"

He was about to approach Beomgyu, but Yeonjun beat him to it when the yellow haired boy practically jumps down the stage and runs towards the little one who was clearly shaking.

"Gyu? Are you alright?" Yeonjun cups the younger one's cheeks and wipes away the strain of tears on his delicate face with his thumb, brushing off the strands of hair that was covering the little one's face after.

"G-gyu is scared of popping b-balloons, J-jjuni..." He mumbles.

Yeonjun pouts and pulls the younger one into a warm and tight embrace, "Shh. It's okay, I'm here. No more popping balloons."

Yeonjun kissed the little one's forehead then rubs his back hoping that it would help stop Beomgyu from trembling.

Little Beomgyu smiles as he buries his face deeper onto the crook of Yeonjun's neck, his scent of newly bloomed flowers in April brought comfort to his being that he almost forgot about the fact that he just cried.

Maybe I do like him.


[ a/n ] :

that's alright my little gyuie, i'm scared of popping balloons too.

can you guys guess how i think about the plots and happenings in my story ? like how do i come up with everything ? or maybe when or where? lmao sjdhjsd
