
t h i r t y - o n e

The next day, Beomgyu and Yeonjun's relationship status already flooded its way all through out the entire campus. I mean, how couldn't it not spread that fast? Yeonjun's way of, somehow, 'proposing' but undeniably romantic and heck—it was done on the filed where a lot of students can see.

Many students were saying that the little one most definitely deserved every effort poured in that surprise ; after having that heart breaking break up with Taehyun, of course he deserves it. What happened that day was full of effort and love—something Beomgyu truly deserves.

Effort, purity, sincerity ; he deserves all those.

Most importantly ; assurance, loyalty, and honesty.

Now, with the whole school knowing, Beomgyu couldn't help but feel slightly uncomfortable the entire morning. Sure, he was proud that Yeonjun shows him off—but still... it was too much attention. He just wants a peaceful yet blissful relationship with his boyfriend where they could just stare at each other's eyes, brush each other's soft locks, steal kisses, and back hugs every now and then.

Well, the world doesn't really give us what we want.

"Gyu, is something wrong?"

Snapping back to his senses, the little one looks at his boyfriend with those big doe eyes as he slowly nods. He reaches for the older one's soft hands and squeezed it, obviously seeking for comfort.

With this, Yeonjun frowned at the fact that Beomgyu always squeezes his hands whenever his nervous, scared, or thinking deeply about something. The yellow haired boy brought the younger one's hands towards his lips and painted kisses on it, "We've been in the cafeteria for twenty minutes now, baby. Yet, you still haven't touched your food."

Beomgyu blinks and looks down on his untouched plate of food with a pout.

"The food is gonna fall in love with you if you keep staring at it like that," Said the older one with a laugh, trying his best to ease the awkward atmosphere enveloped between them.

Beomgyu chukles, "That's funny, Jjuni. But yeah, I'm fine. It's just that..." He looks down at their hands resting on top of the table, the other's thumb softly caressing the back of his hand as he flashed out a you-can-tell-me-anything kind of face.

"All this attention, people knowing, and whatnot are making me uncomfortable. I just want a quite relationship with only a few people knowing so we could have peace—and yeah that sounds like I'm not proud of you, but I am! It's just, uh, I don't want any—argh!" The little one groans and brought Yeonjun's hand to his cheeks, seeking for comfort.

Cute, the other thought. Seeing Beomgyu like this made his poor little heart thump harshly towards his rib cage that he felt like suffocating.

Yeonjun brought Beomgyu's hand to his lips and kisses his knuckles one by one, "It's alright. We can still have a quiet relationship, believe me, this news will calm down in a few days."

Still reluctant, Beomgyu nods, "Okay..."

Soobin and Lia looks at each other after the conversation between the couple has finally stopped. The tallest among the four cleared his throat and rested his elbows on the table, "So... Gyu—"

"Change the nickname," Yeonjun spats, earning a giggle form both Lia and Beomgyu.

His brother rolls his eyes then nods, "Fine, fine. Beom, everything will be okay, trust me. You have to eat."

Lia nods, "Yeah, you don't wanna look skinny in the party now, do you?" The girl chuckles.

"Huh? What party?" Yeonjun asks, arching a brow.

"I'm starting to hate parties..." Beomgyu mumbles, his boyfriend quickly wraps his arms around his small waist and hugged him tight, making the little one giggle and hug him back.

"No no, this party is alcohol free," Soobin smiles. "It's actually a costume party, and the theme is movie characters!" The tall boy squeals, showing off his cute dimples that Lia loves so much.

"Really?!" Beomgyu starts clapping like a little kid, with his chocolate eyes sparkling in bliss.

"Uh-huh! So, are you going? It's in two days," Soobin says.

Beomgyu looks at his boyfriend with pleading eyes, "Can we...?"

Yeonjun was quick to give in, "Sure. Just don't wander off without me!"

"Yay! I love you~" The little one clings over his boyfriend, rubbing his cheeks on to the older's chest as Yeonjun chuckled while looking down the little one.

"Yeah, yeah. I love you too," Yeonjun booped the tips of the younger one's nose, earning a giggle from Beomgyu.

"So, who're you gonna dress up as?" Asks Lia as she looks at the three boys, eyes filled with anticipation for their answers.

"I don't know, Sponge bob?" Soobin chuckles, earning a side glare from the girl sitting next to her. He wipes away his non-existent tears and composes himself, "Do you know that bunny in the movie 'The Secret life of Pets'? I bet I'd look cute in a bunny costume."

The other three blurts out laughing, earning a glare from the tall boy. 

"Yeah, sure. You'd like adorable!" Lia tried to hold back her growing laughter, and pinches the boy's crazily stretchable cheeks.

"Aish, that hurts!" Soobin pouts as he rubs the cheek that Lia pinched too hard.

"I'm gonna go as Tinker Bell, hehe. She's cute!" She says while blinking continuously at the boy next to him.

"Then I'll be your Peter Pan," Soobin says, being the cheesy boy that he is.

"Nah, Peter Pan didn't even choose Tinker Bell, because he chose little Wendy. Kinda sad though, Tinker was there for him, yet he still chose someone else," She frowns whilst a small pout formed on her pink lips.

Soobin sighed as he flicked his fingers on to her forehead making her hissed, "You read to much things on the internet. Well then, how about this, let's change the story. No Wendy, just Peter and Tinker."

"Sounds awful," Lia faked a disgusted look in which Soobin frowned for. He rolled his eyes and drinks from his can of coke, "Whatever."

A cough was heard which made the two flinch.

"Jeez, just date already," Yeonjun chuckled, earning a serious but flustered look from both Soobin and Lia.

"Ew? Us? Date? No way!" Said both Lia and Soobin in unison, making a face of disgust as they look at each other, but their faces were evidently flustered.

"Yeah sure," Yeonjun rolls his eyes.

Turning his attention to his boyfriend, he flashes out a smile, "How about us? What would you like us to wear?" Asked the older one.

Beomgyu purses his lips and thinks for a while, which became a cute sight for his whipped boyfriend to spend ten seconds of his life staring at.

"Aha!" He snaps his fingers, "I like that movie called Romeo + Juliet! You know, that movie where Leonardo acted on as Romeo!"

Yeonjun blinks, he doesn't know that movie. He never really watched that much movies in his life, so it's not a surprise that he doesn't know it. Oh shit, Beomgyu looks like he loves that movie so much, what if he gets sad once he found out I don't know the movie?!

"O-oh... hehe yeah! Me too~" Yeonjun smiles innocently, earning an amused look from Soobin who knows very well that he doesn't know that movie.

" Really? What scene do you like?" Soobin said, his voice obviously teasing his brother.

Yeonjun looks at him with a are-you-serious kind of face.

Beomgyu smiles, "Yeah, I love that movie so much. What's you favorite scene, Jjuni?" The little one asks in pure excitement.

"The... the, uh, everything! From the beginning to the end!" Yeonjun quickly smiles as if he didn't just lie about his favorite part from a movie he doesn't even know.

"Oh~ Me too! But I love that aquarium thingy scene the most!"

Whilst Yeonjun was listening about a movie he knows nothing about, Jaehyun kept staring at them—eyes shooting daggers and knives.

"I heard they're dating now," Yuta, his friend, says as he glances up Yeonjun who was lifelessly listening to Beomgyu.

"I know, it's the talk of the school," Jaehyun spats, looking like he's ready to kill anyone any minute now.

"Chill bro. So, what are you going to do? Looks like you got no chance left to get Beomgyu," Yuta grins, but secretly thankful that Beomgyu is safe now with Yeonjun around. He knows Jaehyun is quite scary, so he was anxious about the little one.

"Who said I can't have him? I will have him."

Yuta quirks a brow, "Dude, I'm still hella confused. Why do you bully him and call him names, but actually having a crush on him? Are you stupid or dumb or both?"

Jaehyun glares at him, "Well, it's the only thing I can do to make him obey me. I bully him to make him scared of me, so he'll do whatever shit I'll say. But that fucking lemon head just had to ruin everything when I almost got what's mine."

Grimaced, Yuta shakes his head in disbelief, "Dude, you could've just been nice to him and ask him out, instead of forcing him and bullying him. Why'd you even listen to those dick heads who told you dumb ideas like bullying him to make him obey you? Seriously, are you stupid?"

"Whatever," Jaehyun rolls his eyes, "I'll have him, and what Jaehyun wants, Jaehyun gets."

"You're awfully dumb, I swear. Fine, have it your way. But, why'd you even agreed to bullying him in the first place? You two were good friends back in middle school," Yuta sighed and grabs his can of Sprite.

Jaehyun sighs, remembering the reason why he started bullying his crush, and he swears, his reason is the dumbest thing there is.


[ a/n ] :

 i can just end the book when yeonjun asked gyu to be his boyfriend and let them live happily ever after, but then i was like—nah.
