
s i x t e e n

Beomgyu was walking out of his school with puffy eyes, it was obvious that he was crying.

He felt a hard grip over his wrist, he turns around to see Jaehyun all bruised and looking down at him with dark eyes.


"You... you told them about what I'm doing to you, and now look! They beat me up, you nerd!" Jaehyun hardens his grip on Beomgyu making the little one whine.

"O-ow, Jaehyun you're hurting me—"

Jaehyun pulls him closer to his face, "Oh, I'm really  going to hurt you," He raises his hand in the air, aiming to his Beomgyu's face until he felt a hard punch on his left cheek shoving him to the ground.

Beomgyu gasps then Yeonjun held him in between his arms, the older looks at Jaehyun, "I told you to fuck off."

Jaehyun immediately runs away with his legs tailing him, the students he passed by laughing at him, because they knew he deserved it.

Yeonjun cups Beomgyu's cheeks and brushes his hand through the little one's soft hair, "Are you alright, Gyu?"

The little one slowly nods, he felt his heart beating so fast again, "Thank you, Jjuni..."

A warm smile crept on Yeonjun's plump lips as he nods, "Do you wanna go have fun with Jjuni? I wanna make my little Gyu smile."

Beomgyu held on to the hands that were cupping his face and leans on to them as he smiles, "Little Gyu would love that..."

A soft touch wrapped around Beomgyu's hand, Yeonjun swiftly intertwining their fingers with a smile, "Let's go then."

The sweetest and most innocent smiles formed on Beomgyu's lips, as he lets the older pull him with him. The little one giggles over Yeonjun's overly excited action, "Jjunie, slow down~"

Beomgyu gasps as his eyes glistens in bliss, "It's been a while since I last played in an arcade!" The little one jumps up and down like a tiny kid.

"Really? Then, let's go!" Yeonjun and Beomgyu runs in the arcade and played almost all of the games inside.

"Wah! Jjuni, this fox stuffy looks so cute~" Beomgyu's nose almost the glass as he leans on the rubber glass of the claw machine.

Yeonjun smirks confidently, "I'll get it for you, little Gyu~"

"Oh really? Let's see!" Beomgyu teases.

The older one drops a token in and confidently uses the controls, "Yesyesyes!"

Yeonjun smiles and looks at Gyu, "One fox stuffy coming right up!" He presses the button, but to his dismay, it failed to grab the toy.

Beomgyu laughs, "You suck at this!"

A pout made its way on the taller's plump lips, "This game is horrible!"

Beomgyu smirks and pushes his glasses back, "I'll get it~"

Yeonjun scoffs playfully, "Well see!"

And in a split of seconds, Yeonjun formed a frown on his lips, "How did you even do that?!"

Beomgyu hugs the fox stuffy and sticks his tongue out, "I was born to be a god of this game!"

Yeonjun sighs, "I really wanted to get you that."

The little on chuckles and gives Yeonjun the toy, "You can have it! Consider it as a thank you gift for helping me!"

In a split of seconds, Beomgyu felt Yeonjun's lips on his forehead, kissing it gently and purely. He felt his heart's erratic beating, he held onto the hem of Yeonjun's shirt.

The forehead kiss felt so soothing.

Yeonjun pulled away and smiles at little Beomgyu, "Thanks, Gyu."

"F-for what?"

"For existing."

Beomgyu wanted to melt on the floor or maybe evaporate into thin air. Those words... no one has ever said those to him before... not even Taehyun.

And it felt so beautiful to hear that someone's thankful because you exist.

Yeonjun held out his phone, "Let's exchange numbers, yeah? So, I can call you when I miss—I mean!"

Beomgyu giggles and grabs the phone softly, "Sure."

The older one couldn't stop smiling upon seeing his crush's phone number on his contacts.

"Do you want bubble tea, Gyu?" Yeonjun asks, walking beside the younger one on the pavement.

The little one shook his head, "Nope, but I do have something I want to drink!"

Yeonjun blinks when he saw Beomgyu held out a big bottle of grape juice out of the convience store's fridge, "It's really healthy!"

He's so... different.

They made heir way to the cashier, Yeonjun constantly scratching the back of his ear ; but the cute kind of different.

"Hello, what's your name, cutie?" The cashier casually sounding flirty as he asks Beomgyu.

"Oh, u-uh..."

Yeonjun rolls his eyes and wraps an arm around Beomgyu's waist, pulling him closer to his side, "Do you need to know his name to swipe that drink or something? You know what, just do your job ; swipe in the drink, put it in a plastic bag, ask us for the payment, and we pay so we could leave. Got that?"

Beomgyu lightly slaps Yeonjun's chest, his ears tinted in a deep shade of red and pink, "Jjuni..."

They left the store with Yeonjun holding Beomgyu's juice for him.

"Jjuni, I can hold it, and I can go home by myself."

Yeonjun shook his head, "There is  no way I'm gonna let you carry something heavy while walking home alone in this time of the evening!"

"It's not even heavy, and it's only like... thirty minutes passed six."

"Here,"Yeonjun held out one of the bag's handles, "We can hold onto each handle."

Beomgyu laughs and holds onto the other handle of the plastic bag while Yeonjun held the other handle, swaying the plastic bag back and forth as they walked down the pavement, street lights guiding them into the cold and dark evening.

"Well, this is my house. Thanks again, Jjuni. Are you sure you can go home safe?" Beomgyu smiles and takes the plastic bag fully.

"Of course," Yeonjun assures with a smile.

The door pulls open and both of them were welcomed by Beomgyu's mother, "Oh... Honey, you're home! And... who's this?" She looks confusedly at Yeonjun.

A smile crept onto the little one's lips, "This is Jjuni—I mean, Yeonjun-Hyung. My friend."

Yeonjun bows, "Good evening, Mrs. Choi..."

The mother smiles warmly, "Good evening, too, Yeonjun. Thank you for bringing my honey pie home!"

Beomgyu blushes in embarrassment, "M-mum!" He whines.

"Nah, it's cute, Gyu—or should I say honey pie~" Yeonjun winks as he chuckles.

"S-shut up and just go home. It's getting late!" Beomgyu pouts, his cheeks burning into a shade of red.

Oh, how badly Yeonjun wanted to kiss his pout away.

"Good bye, Mrs. Choi~ Have a beautiful evening!"

"Alright, take care on your way home, sweetie."

His mother walks inside the house while Beomgyu stares at Yeonjun as he turned around to leave ; Yeonjun turns again to look at Beomgyu and curves his arms over his head to form a heart, then formed a heart with his hands, then the finger heart—lastly winking before running off to leave.

The little one blushed, "Oh my holy—he is so cute?!"

He walks in flustered and with a smile on his face that reached up to his tiny ears.

"Honey, that Yeonjun boy was cute. I like him already," His mom teased while winking from the kitchen's counter.


