
t h i r t y - f i v e 

In their gown and bunny costume, Lia and Soobin sat on table for two inside this little cafe. Different plates of cakes, cookies, and two glasses of iced coffee. Many people were glancing at them, thinking they're so cute having coffee in those oufits.

The air outside was cold, mostly because of it's already evening. But the two didn't mind drinking coffee in the evening, for them, coffee can be drank at any time of the day.

Lia took a bite of her cookie and smiled, "Hmm! This is really delicious, try it!" She hands Soobin another cookie with her eyes filled with anticipation. Chuckling, the takes a bite of the cookie and nodded.

"Yeah, it is," Soobin smiled and drinks from his glass of coffee.

Awkward silence enveloped them, the two of them throwing glances at each other in every minute passing by. Soobin could feel the awkwardness growing more, so he decided to break the ice.

"So, Lia... I just wanted to tell you something."

Lia suddenly choked on her cake, Soobin immediately panics and hands her a glass of water. She drinks from it and composes her self, gosh that was embarrassing Lia.

After a few breaths, Lia smiled. "What is it?" She asks.

Soobin played with his fingers from underneath the round table, "Y-you see..."

Lia could feel her heart beating harshly towards her chest, she felt a string tangled around her neck, she wanted to scream because of nervousness.

"I-I like you..."

With that, Lia lost it. She smiled, her lips reaching her ears, "Me too."

Soobin looks at her, eyes widened in surprise. His cheeks were blushing in madness, heat reaching itself until the tips of his ears. He smiled so widely that his dimples dug deeper, he wanted to jump around the cafe and tell everyone that the person he likes feels the same way about him.

"R-really?!" Soobin asks.

"Yeah, don't make me repeat it," Lia pouts and drinks from her ice coffee with a small smile.

After that, a comforting silence enveloped them. No awkwardness, no bickering, just pure comforting silence whilst giving each other glances every now and then with a smile.

Finally, both said in their minds.

The next day, it was a lovely morning. Leaves in a mixture of orange and yellow falling off the trees to the sidewalks, the comforting breezes blowing through their faces and hair, clouds of different sizes and forms covering the sun's rays from above.

Pleasant indeed.

Until it wasn't.

"Beomgyu, we need to talk."

Jaehyun blocks the little one's way, Beomgyu sighed and looks up the older one. His brows knitted together, "What is it now, Hyung? How many times do I have to tell you that I won't do as you please," Beomgyu says.

"Beomgyu, I-"

Jaehyun was cut off when Yeonjun towers over him, grabbing the little one and gently pulls him behind him. He raises a brow as he lifts his chin, "Jaehyun, just stop."

"Can I at least-"

Yuta stops him.

He grabs the younger one's wrist which made Jaehyun turn to face him, Yuta was wearing an unreadable expression on his face. Was he mad? Jealous? Exhausted of his determination? Or just simple, tired?

Either way, the expression made Jaehyun weak.

"Jaehyun, stop this. Just give up," Yuta says in a sad tone, he pulls the younger one with him and out of the couple's sight.

Beomgyu and Yeonjun looked at each other, they were about to walk away when they heard Soobin and Lia running towards them.

"Oh, hey bro'," Yeonjun said and wrapped an arm around his younger brother's neck with a smile. Beomgyu smiles at Lia, "Both of you looks happy, what happened?" The little one chuckled.

Lia and Soobin looked at each other before smiling, "Oh nothing."

The four shared a laughed that echoed through the hallways of the second floor, "Let's go to the cafeteria, yeah?" Soobin suggested.

"Sure," Lia answered and skips her way towards the taller one and clings over to his arm.

"Oh, I get it," Yeonjun teased.

"Hyung and Noona are dating now!" Beomgyu said with a chuckled as he pointed at the two who had flushed faces.

"I guess we were too obvious," Lia chuckled while looking at his boyfriend.

The four were about to leave the halls when they heard yelling from behind, they turned their backs and saw Huening Kai and Taehyun standing in front of each other. Huening Kai had his arms crossed over his chest, and his brows were furrowed. Taehyun just stood there, looking at him with a calm expression.

"Taehyun, just tell me the truth!"

"What truth are you even talking about?!"

"Oh my god, why are you still acting as if you don't know?! You know very well of what I mean!"

"I don't! Can you stop blaming me?!"

Beomgyu frowned while looking at them, he never saw them fight until now. It looks like the thing they're fighting about is serious, because both seemed to be so mad about it.

Lia sighs, "That's the second time I saw them fight, the first time was in the field."

"Let's just leave them alone and let them solve their own problems," Yeonjun said and smiled at the three of them. Beomgyu nodded although he still kept his eyes locked on the two, "I hope they'll be fine," He mumbles.

Once the four had left, they didn't hear any of the other things the two were blurting out at each other. Being the only ones in the halls, their voice echoed through the walls.

"Goddammit, Taehyun! I don't know if I should believe you anymore!" Huening Kai hissed, and held his temple.

"What is there not to believe, Kai?! I've been with you for this past months, why are you still questioning me?!" Taehyun looks at him, his brows furrowed in annoyance. He lands his hands on his hips, as he awaits for the other's answer.

"You know what, just forget it. I can't continue this pointless conversation," Said the younger one and walked away.

Taehyun sighs and purses his lips together, he looks down the floor then at Huening Kai who was walking away already. He was silent for a moment before he decided to chase after the younger one.

"Stop questioning me already, Hyuka."

The red haired boy folds his arms around the taller one's waist, "Let's not fight again about that, yeah?"

Huening Kai sighs, "I hope so."


sorry for any mistakes, no proofreading.
