
f o r t y - e i g h t

College life was hard. You don't get enough sleep, you don't eat on time, and all sorts of whatnot that are not good for your health. However, they can't do that much about it, because that's how life is. You have to work hard for what you want to reach in the future.

Yawning while stretching his arms, the yellow haired boy leaned back his swivel chair. He just finished doing all of his homework, he looks at the wall clock on the white wall of their shared dorm and found out that it was already one in the morning.

Turning his table study light off, the whole room was now covered in darkness. Only the moon and stars' light crawling through their big window, and the city lights' still looking lively even at this time of the day. He's dorm mate was already deep in slumber, even he's soft snores reached Yeonjun's ears.

Not having the want to sleep yet, he grabs his coffee from the table and walked towards their window. Yeonjun sat down the window seat and admired the different colors of city lights all mixed together ; they looked like an ocean with lights that glowed so lovingly. It was pleasant in the eyes, it was calming.

Taking a sip from his coffee, he heard his phone beeped from his pocket. Quickly grabbing it, he saw a new post from someone he misses so much. No names needed to be dropped, you already know who this person is.

Was he talking about Yeonjun? Or someone else? Who does he miss exactly? Does he miss his friends? His family? Who?

It was unclear, no specific name was mentioned, but Yeonjun somehow felt that it was him. Either way, he misses the little one as well. Not just his hands or those dazzling eyes he used to stare at every day, but he misses every single thing about him.

He leaned his head down the wall as he stares down the lively city of Seoul, there were still cars and some people who were walking. They couldn't sleep, just like him.

Letting out a breath through his nose, he looks up the starry sky glistening above their heads. The stars were lucky, they could only care about sparkling way up high with the moon. While him? He's thinking about a lot of things. His studies, his dreams, and Beomgyu.

"At least we're staring at the same sky with the same feeling in our chests," Yeonjun mumbled to himself.

Meanwhile in London, Beomgyu was staring out the window of the cafe he's in. It's currently thirty minutes passed nine, he came here to do his homework but his mind seemed to be thinking about something else.

Or rather, someone else.

He sighed as he leaned down the soft cushion of the chair, Beomgyu looks out the window. The sun's golden rays caressed his soft skin making him close his eyes as he felt the warm hands that touched him. This was the same feeling when Yeonjun used to touch him, the way he would cup his cheeks and give him kisses- he suddenly craved for it. With all these works piling up in front of him, he needed an escape for a while.

But how could when he ran away from that escape?

How foolish.

He left someone he never knew he'd crave for after some time.

Beomgyu looks up the sky ; it was painted in pastel orange and yellow dusted with white clouds. It looked beautiful, but seeing Yeonjun's smile would win against any sky.

"I miss you," He mumbled to himself.

Who knew two souls that crossed each other's path would end up like this? Everything was going well but it all ended tragically like this. They didn't want to part, but they had to.

Would everything end like this? They'd end their story craving for each other's touch? For each other's hugs? For each other?

Will the sky still let them meet? Not under two different skies, but rather in one same starry sky?

Will they still be able to wrap themselves with each other's hands, eyes screaming longingness, and take in the sweet scent of newly bloomed flowers in April?

