
Sorry for the delay, I've been really busy so I wasn't able to finish this chapter and update it on time. But, here it is! Enjoy! No proofreading, sorry for any errors.

f i f t y - f i v e

The smell of fresh leaves welcomed the birds that landed on the wooden branches. Warm rays from the golden sun went through the tall trees. Vibrantly painted petals of cherry blossom trees scattered on the ground, resting themselves over the green grass.

Inside the biggest company in Korea, a meeting was being held by the crew of the current movie everyone was working hard bringing to life. Cold breeze from the A.C hugged everyone's skins. The room was quiet, that is until Beomgyu broke it.

"The movie's going great!" Beomgyu chirped, like a kid who was happy about getting a star from his teacher in kindergarten.

Some people inside the room chuckled while the others only plastered a smile. Director Jung giggled as he leaned down his swivel chair, "Thank you for the encouragement, Beomgyu."

"Of course! Everyone's doing great," The little one smiled so widely that his eyes turned crescent.

Yeonjun, who was sitting across Beomgyu, stared at him with an endearing smile. "And you're doing great as well," The blue-haired boy complemented as he rested his elbow on the white table and his chin upon his palm.

Facing the older one, Beomgyu innocently smiled as he nodded, "You too," The younger one said.

Dang it, Yeonjun internally panicked.

After a few more discussions, the meeting finally ended.

Walking out the room, Beomgyu grabbed his phone from his pocket and unlocked it. The hallways were empty since everyone already left, it was quiet.

Until someone grabbed Beomgyu's phone from him.

"Yah! Give that back!" Beomgyu yelled at Yeonjun who raised his phone in the air.

"Let's go to my house for the party first, then I'll return it," Yeonjun teased with a cheeky smile.

Trying to reach for his phone, Beomgyu tip-toed and jumped—but they were no use. The two of them were turning around in circles while Beomgyu kept on trying to reach for his phone.

"How did you get this tall?!" The little one complained as he stomped his foot.

"And how are still so small?" Yeonjun teased while patting the little one's head.

"Shut up! I'm not small! Even though I look like this, I'm a tall person!" Beomgyu sassed with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Yeah, keep believing that," Yeonjun playfully rolled his eyes.

As Beomgyu tried to reach for his phone again, Yeonjun accidentally lost his balance and hit his back against the wall. He grabbed the little one by his waist and pulled him closer—making Beomgyu hit his face on the older one's chest. Beomgyu looked up and Yeonjun looked down; they made eye contact.

Their eyes were locked on each other, it felt new, although they had it for countless of times four years ago. It felt good to stare at someone like this again. Actually, anything would feel fascinating if you're doing the things you love.

Painting the orange sky on a canvas, drawing a person's face on a clean white paper, taking photographs of the sunset, writing a story about your bottled up experiences, and maybe even staring at the person you love the most in the world.

Slowly, Yeonjun started to lean his face closer to Beomgyu's face. The little one froze on his spot and watched the older one lean down closer to him.

Well, everything felt right until it lasted.

"Yeonjun and Beomgyu Oppa!"

Upon hearing Yuna's loud voice, the two distanced themselves away from each other. Clearing their throats while avoiding eye contacts from each other, Yuna arrived together with the other three tailing behind her.

"Hey, Yuna!" Beomgyu waved at her with an awkward smile and quickly grabbed his phone from Yeonjun's hand.

The blue-haired boy looked at the little one in disbelief before facing Yuna, "What do you want?" He asked with a forced smile.

Everything was already going so well, Yeonjun thought to himself.

"Let's go to your house now!" Wooyoung answered while wearing a smile filled with excitement. San and Miyeon agreeing with what he said.

"Beomgyu Oppa! Let's go~" Yuna grabbed the little one's wrist and pulled him with her. They walked ahead of the others, leaving Yeonjun all alone in the back.

At the parking lot, Yuna and Beomgyu stopped in front of Yeonjun's black car. The little one's jaw almost dropping by the sight of the car.

"I take the backseat!" San shouted that echoed throughout the whole lot. The boy quickly went in the car and saw down the backseat.

"The three of us take the middle!" Miyeon shouted and laughed. Yuna, Miyeon, and Wooyoung quickly hopped in the middle row while laughing.

Beomgyu was confused about the situation. Everyone was already in the car except him. A hand landed on his shoulder which made him flinched, "Looks like you'll be sitting in front with me," Yeonjun whispered near his ear that sent shivers down his spine.

The blue-haired boy sat down the driver's seat, but Beomgyu still stood there confused.

Wooyoung lowered the car window and snapped Beomgyu out of his train of thoughts, "Get in!"

Obeying what Wooyoung said, the little one immediately opened the car door and sat in front beside Yeonjun. A few seconds have passed, but Yeonjun still hadn't started the engine yet. With a brow raised, Beomgyu looked at the older one, "Uh... why aren't you driving yet?"

Suddenly, the blue-haired boy leaned closer to him—their noses almost touching, and Beomgyu heard a clicking sound.

"Safety first."

Pursing his lips, Beomgyu avoided the older one's gaze and chose to stare out the windows instead. Yeonjun only stared at the little one for a little longer before sitting properly on his seat and finally started the engine.

When it comes to Yeonjun, the little one tends to forget a lot of things; how to breathe, to talk, and to fucking stay calm.

The whole ride was quite chaotic, much to what Beomgyu had expected. The four people sitting behind them were actually really energetic and noisy, showing the complete opposite when he had to ride a van with them that day. However, Yeonjun looked used to it. As the other four continued to have conversations with each other, Beomgyu just settled on his seat by leaning down the backrest.

Orange splattered across the hollow sky with white clouds dusted around it, there were people walking down the pavements, and some shops were already beginning to flip their signs from open to close.

Slowly, the sky already faded into a lighter shade of blue until it turned completely into gray. The sky looked vast, maybe even more fathomless than the ocean.

Meanwhile, Yeonjun was contemplating whether to talk to the little one or to just leave him alone. The confidence he had earlier? Ha, it all wore off now. Why was it so hard to say 'hi' to him now when it felt so easy to say 'I love you' to him back then.

Ah, right. That was before.

"We're here!" Yuna excitedly hopped out of the car, the other three following suit. Beomgyu unbuckled his seat belt and got off the car in sync with Yeonjun.

White and brown were painted on the walls and roofs, two floors, and a little garden on the side. Yeonjun's house looked simple, but really pretty in Beomgyu's eyes.

The six of them went in Yeonjun's house; Yuna and Miyeon immediately sitting on the red couch, Wooyoung and San running towards the fridge, Yeonjun going upstairs, and Beomgyu stood still on his spot by the wooden door.

They feel at home, The little one chuckled.

Moving his feet, Beomgyu silently walked around the living room. For some reason, he wanted to explore just a little bit of his house. Maybe to know if Yeonjun was still the same, or to maybe know some more things about him? Honestly, he didn't really know. His feet just moved by themselves and those brown orbs just stared at everything inside the room.

Something caught his attention, it was an unfinished puzzle upon a wooden table. He didn't know what the puzzle was for since it wasn't completed yet. There were still five pieces left to put on it, so hr grabbed a piece and placed it on its spot.

One more piece and the puzzle will finally be complete, Beomgyu could already see that puzzle was a cherry blossom tree. Smiling at this, he grabs the last piece and was about to put it on its spot when Miyeon suddenly called him—making him drop the puzzle piece and letting it fall on the floor.

Beomgyu was so immersed in his own little world of completing the puzzle that when Miyeon called for him, he flinched—as if being pulled out of the wormhole he was slowly being sucked into.

"Beomgyu!" Miyeon called, the little one turned to face her with a smile. "Sit here!" The girl pointed the space beside her. Obediently following what she said, the little one sat down beside her on the couch.

"The foods and drinks are ready!" San shouted in bliss, a bunch of chips on his hands. Wooyoung was holding on to the soft drinks. They approached the three sitting on the couch and carefully placed all the snacks down the glass table.

When Yeonjun finally came back, all of them began eating, building conversations amidst it.

Two hours passed, and suddenly, San held out a big bottle of alcohol. His lips letting out a grin while showing it to them.

"Where'd you get that?" Miyeon asked with a brow arched.

"That's not important. Let's play a game," San said as he placed the bottle on the glass table.

"Let's play 'Never Have I Ever'!" San smiled, his eyes wide because of excitement.

"Sounds fun," Yuna nodded with a smile. Beomgyu stared at the bottle as he gulped, I'm not good with alcohols.

All of them had their cups filled with the strong alcohol, ready to be drank throughout the entire game they'll be playing. Wooyoung started, "Never have I ever fell in love at first sight."

Yeonjun sighed and drank from his cup, San and Miyeon did the same. The little one glanced at the older one and chuckled right after. Yeonjun was sitting beside him on the floor like everyone else.

Beomgyu steps backwards as the two aforementioned boys walks up the stairs to the entrance. He looks up Yeonjun, his yellow hair with his dark leather jacket left Beomgyu in 'awe'. Everything seemed to have turned slow mo, and he couldn't avert his gaze from the taller boy.

Yeonjun looks at Beomgyu, he quirks a brow as he continues walking.

"You guys really fell in love at first sight?" Wooyoung scoffed then laughed.

"I had every reason to," Yeonjun answered as he shrugged.

"That's so cheesy," Beomgyu suddenly said making Yeonjun look at him. Everyone laughed but the two of them only stared at each other with a small smile plastered on those roseate lips.

And San was next, "Never have I ever confessed to someone first."

Hearing this, Beomgyu pouted and slowly drank from his cup together with Yuna. The blue-haired boy stared at the little one with an endearing smile as he remembered that day Beomgyu confessed to him.

"I l-like you, Yeonjun!"

With the sudden confession, both males felt their cheeks burning. The wind was cold because of the rain, but their flushed faces says otherwise.

"I-I like you s-so much, I like—no... I love everything a-about you, and yes, even your bad sides."

Yeonjun could feel his heart erratically bumping to his chest, he never thought he'd hear him say that... but here he was, somewhat confessing.

He'll never forget that day.

Yuna was next, "Never have I ever had a boyfriend."

All other five snorted and drank from their cups which made Yuna gasp, "You really had boyfriends?! How come I never did?!"

The game continued for the next few hours until everyone had already gave up. The entire house fell silent with only their soft snores filling the cold air.

However, Yeonjun wasn't drunk nor was he asleep. He could handle drinking, but the five obviously couldn't.

Unlocking his phone, he saw that it was already eleven in the evening. Looking around the living room, his eyes landed on a sleeping Beomgyu; arms rested on the table with his head above them.

Flashing out a smile yet again, he brushed away the strands of hair that covered the little one's face. The moon's rays were caressing his pale skin and the soft snore made Yeonjun feel weak.

Standing up, Yeonjun did what he always does when they're having parties at his house; he carried them one by one to a room they could sleep in. He even had a hard time carrying San and Wooyoung because they kept on pushing him away.

Miyeon and Yuna in one room, Wooyoung and San in another.

Approaching the little one, he slowly wrapped Beomgyu's arm around his neck and lifted him up with ease—causing a drinking glass to fall off the table, plunge to the floor, and shatter to pieces.

The shattering sound almost woke Beomgyu up, so Yeonjun slowly walked over to the stairs. Suddenly, Beomgyu talked with his eyes still half-open.

"Where are my glasses?" The little one asked and pouted. 

"You don't have glasses. Well, you did—but I guess they're gone now," Yeonjun answered and chuckled.

"Oh," Beomgyu lazily blinked and nodded, "I'm sleepy..." He yawned and buried his face closer to the crook of the older one's neck.

"You smell nice, Jjuni..." His voice was gentle and low, almost inaudible, but Yeonjun heard it clearly—causing his heart to flip yet again.

Opening the door of his bedroom, Yeonjun walked towards his bed and gently laid Beomgyu on the bed. The little one immediately flashing a smile as he hugged a pillow because he finally felt comfortable. Squatting down the wooden floor, Yeonjun stared at the little one's face. Taking in every small detail from his long lashes to his rosy lips.

"Sweet dreams," Yeonjun whispered with a smile.

He stands up and walks towards the door, he was about to twist the doorknob open when he heard Beomgyu call him. Turning around, he saw the little one groggily standing up from the bed, "Uh... Gyu? What're you doing?"

Beomgyu still had his eyes half-open, he was even pouting. He tried to walk over to the older one, swaying from here to there because he still felt dizzy.

Yeonjun wanted to laugh, the sight was too much to hold his laughter in.

The little one finally reached Yeonjun and lazily wrapped his arms around the older one's neck, snuggling his face on the crook of the older one's neck. Yeonjun gently wrapped his arms around Beomgyu's waist to pull him closer.

"What is it, Gyu?" He asked, gently running his fingers through the little one's crazily soft gray locks.

"Stay, please..." Beomgyu said.

Letting out a breathy laugh, Yeonjun nodded as he smiled, "I will."


read in between the lines.
