
f o u r t e e n

Trigger Warning: Violence

"What the fuck are you—let go!"

Yeonjun throws Jaehyun on the wall, the back of his head hitting against the hard corner painfully. Yeonjun held him by the collar of his shirt, "Don't you ever mess with Beomgyu again," The yellow haired boy says before throwing a punching on the other boy's jaw.

Jaehyun falls on the floor and lets out a whine, "Why are you even doing this crap? Beomgyu deserves to be treated like that. He's so fucking annoying."

The two boys wearing black leather jackets looks down on him with dark eyes and jaws clenched, "What the fuck did he even do to you?" Yeonjun calmly says, but it was obvious that he was holding it in.

"Existing. That's it." Jaehyun shouts.

You shouldn't have said that, Jaehyun.

Soobin and Yeonjun looked at each other, before nodding once.

Soobin grabs Jaehyun by his hair and pulled him up, "Don't you ever say things like that about cutie again," He throws a punch on Jaehyun's stomach, and another one, then another one.

Yeonjun picks him up, turns him to the wall, and pins one of his arms on his back, "If I ever find out you came even 5 feet close to my baby, I'll break your face."

The brothers left the janitor's room with Jaehyun still on the floor, whimpering. The two gave each other a high five then proceeds to the cafeteria.

Beomgyu held his tray of food as he walks around to find a seat, his eyes landed on Taehyun and Huening Kai who were happily eating. And again, he felt an ache on his chest.

The little one felt an arm wrapping around his small waist making him slightly flinch, "Y-yeonjun?"

The older boy smiles and lightly pulls the younger with him by his waist, "Eat with us!"

The two of them sat at a table together with Soobin and another girl, "You're... Lia, right?" Beomgyu asks, shyly looking at the pretty girl.

"Yeah, how're you, Beomgyu?" Lia asks before taking a bite of her pizza slice.

Little Beomgyu smiles, "I'm fine..."

Yeonjun grabs Beomgyu's can of cola when he noticed that the younger was struggling to open it, he easily opens the can and smiles, "Here."

Beomgyu blushes and politely accepts his drink back, "T-thank you..."

"Here, you can have my piece of chicken," Yeonjun places the piece of chicken on Beomgyu's plate and flashes a smile, "I want my baby squishy."

The little one blushes yet again, heat crawling up his skin, "W-what?"

Soobin and Lia choked on their drinks and laughs earning a glare from the red-faced Yeonjun, "I-I mean... you should eat a lot so you're full—I... I mean, you should eat this because I can't finish it! Wait no! I mean—"

Beomgyu chuckles and bites from the piece of chicken Yeonjun had given to him, "Thanks Jjuni," Then he slowly licks his bottom lip and flashes out a tiny smile.

Both males felt something weird on their chests; their heartbeat could be heard in their own ears. Yeonjun had never felt this before, but Beomgyu had. He always felt this with Taehyun before—his heart beating so fast and his cheeks burning hot to the tips of his little ears.

"Oh, and don't worry about that Jaehyun jerk anymore," Soobin says, trying to hold back his laughter because of the sight of his flustered brother.

"W-why?" Beomgyu stutters from hearing the boy's name.

"He won't hurt you anymore," Soobin reassures and glances at Yeonjun.

Yeonjun pinches Beomgyu's soft cheeks and smiles, "Jjuni's gonna protect you from now on, alright?"

There it is again, the erratic beating of their hearts. The boy stared at each other, with Yeonjun's fingers still on Beomgyu's cheek.

"That's what he said before, but he still ended up leaving me," Beomgyu looks down on his lap with a pout.

Soobin and Lia sighed as they look at each other.

Yeonjun smiles sadly and cupped the younger's cheeks with his hands, "I'm not like him, I'm a man of my words," He confidently says, softly shaking Beomgyu's face in the process.

Beomgyu still couldn't trust him, but when he saw the sincerity in his eyes, he couldn't help but give in and believe all over again.


He felt the older's hand ruffling his soft hair with a nod, "Yes, Gyu. Don't you trust me?"

A smile made its way on Beomgyu's pink lips, "I guess I can, thank you, Jjuni..."

Right, nothing's wrong with trusting again.

Just like how nothing's wrong with falling in love again after being destroyed once.


[ a/n ] :

comeback is hours away.
