
t w e n t y - n i n e

At class, everyone felt themselves drifting away from the lessons being discussed in front. It was boring, but they had no choice but to listen to the teacher.

"Can anyone answer this equation?" Mister Jeon asks as he turns his head back from the chalkboard after writing the problem down.

No one raised their hands, they were even avoiding eye contacts with the handsome teacher, none of them wanted to answer the equation that made them feel dizzy just by looking at it.

Dang it, all those numbers looked horrible.

"Mister Jeon," The little one raises his hand with a smile.

Almost everyone wanted to coo and giggles by the little one's actions ; Beomgyu looks cute when he's happily raising his hand with a smile every time he wants to answer a question or a math problem.

One of the reasons why a lot of people tend to have a crush on him, that's why it was big question as to why Jaehyun was bullying such innocent angel who's probably got nothing against anyone.

"Sure Beomgyu,"Mister Jeon smiles and lends out the chalk in his hand.

Yeonjun smiles as he watches his little Beomgyu from the moment he stood up from his seat 'til he finished answering the equation on the board. It was a piece of cake for him, as always.

Right after Beomgyu had correctly solved the problem, Mister Jeon claps his hands in a tiny cute manner, "Good job, Beomgyu. You never fail to impress me."

With a flustered face, the little one bows, "Thank you, Mister Jeon."

"You're really smart and pretty too. Must be the reason why a lot of students like you," Said the teacher, laughing right after.

"E-excuse me?"

Mister Jeon cooed, "A lot of my students from other classes likes you a lot! They even ask me if you're doing well in my class, since I'm one of your teachers. Even when I walk down the halls, I hear a lot of students talking about you."

The four walled room was now filled with cooing and oh's from the students, while Yeonjun feels pissed for an unknown reason.

Beomgyu scratched the back of his little ear, "Oh, that's... nice, I guess?" He lets out a giggle.

"Say Beomgyu," Mister Jeon places his fingers on his chin, "You future boyfriend's gonna be lucky to have you!" With that, the whole class were noisy once again.

"H-huh? Future what?" Beomgyu blushes, a massive color of red and pink spreading out his cheeks, pouting right after.

"Beommie! I can be your boyfriend, although I'm a girl, but still!" A girl chuckled while raising her hand.

"T-that's funny, Ryujin," Beomgyu chuckled while looking at the blue haired girl in amusement.

"Yah, eonnie! He has to be with Yeonjun-oppa! Don't ruin my ship!" Yuna pouts.

"E-eh...?" Beomgyu blushed even more.

Yeonjun frowns and huffs, "Yah! Stop it! You're not allowed to like Gyu!"

"Why~? Gyu is cute!"

A dark aura swallowed the yellow haired boy's face, "Only I can call him Gyu! Get your own nickname!"

Beomgyu giggles as he watches the two bicker, he's so cute.

"Are you two already boyfriends? Like, did you already asked Beomgyu if he wants to be your boyfriend?" Ryujin squints her eyes with a pout.

Yeonjun opened his mouth, yet no words came out. Right, he hadn't asked him yet. Which means yes, they're not official yet. They've only just confessed to each other ; it hit him harder than any brick.

"See!" Ryujin chuckles, "Wuss!"

Taehyun lands his book quite hard on top his desk which resulted to a loud thud, "Aren't we supposed to be learning about solving here?"

Ryujin purses her lips and nods, slowing sitting back properly onto her chair.

The red haired boy sighs in annoyance and looks at Beomgyu who was now walking back to his seat. He rolled his eyes, and focused on reading his book again.

Mister Jeon felt the tension building up so he quickly starts discussing again, "Okay! So, as you can see Beomgyu solved it using this method..."

Lunch time came, Soobin and Lia were eating together with Yeonjun and Beomgyu like usual.

"Here Gyu, I bought you a can of grape juice," Yeonjun smiles, his eyes forming a crescent shape adding up to the cuteness.

"Thank you, Jjuni!" The little one accepts the drink with excitement.

He stares at the little one ; with his palm under his chin and a smile formed on his pink lips. The little one looked so cute whilst drinking his juice, the older just wanted to squeeze him by his tight embrace. Not even caring if anyone would see them.

Unknowingly, he remembered that thing again. The boyfriend thing. He has to ask Beomgyu to be his boyfriend, and he's gonna do it in a very romantic way. Why? Because Beomgyu deserves efforts.

"Gyu, I can bring you home with my motorcycle. Less expenses," Yeonjun tried to convince the little one.

"But Soobie-hyung said you drive too fast," Beomgyu pouts.

Yeonjun glares at his brother who only gave him an apologetic smile with a peace sign.

He looks back at the little one, "I'll drive in a more safer speed. I promise that I won't get us killed!"

The little one face palms himself, "Okay, okay."

Yeonjun smiles widely, he grabs his spare helmet and puts it on for his little baby, "Alright now?"

Beomgyu nods, "Hmm-mm."

With that, they hopped on the black power cruiser. Yeonjun held the younger one's hands and wrapped them around his waist.

"Hold on to Jjuni, okay baby?"

Beomgyu blushes and leans his head on the older's back, "Okay..."

Soobin looks up and saw Lia walking out the school gates, "Lia!" He shouts which quickly caught the beautiful girl's attention. She looks back at him with a brow raised, "What?"

"Would you like me to drive you home, too?" He says, obviously being bold.

Lia shook her head, "No, thanks. Bye!" She quickly turns around, taking in deep breaths to calm herself and her thumping heart.

Soobin sighed, "I've already been rejected five times today, and all those rejections coming from her."

Yeonjun chuckles, "Let's go, bro'."

They finally hit the road, the loud roars of their motorcycles echoing behind them as they go. The wind brushing on their faces, other vehicles surrounding them, and the warmth of Yeonjun's presence had made Beomgyu calm.

He didn't really like motorcycles—walking and taking the bus were his thing, yet now, he was on a motorcycle. But being on this motorcycle with his baby driving made him love it. Much more than lonely walks and quiet buses.

Yeonjun smiles as he looks down on the younger's hands around his waist, I can't wait to have you as my boyfriend.

They finally reached the little one's home, Beomgyu's hopped off the motorcycle and gave Yeonjun the helmet with a smile, "Thanks Jjuni."

Yeonjun nods taking off is helmet too, "Anytime, Gyu. Eat lots and sleep early, alright?"

Beomgyu chuckled but nods either way, "You too."

He was about to out his helmet on again when Beomgyu held his hand to stop him, "Gyu—"

Beomgyu tip toed and kissed the older's cheek, it sent down electricity on Yeonjun's body—he froze.

"I'm just as bold as Soobin-hyung," He whispered, "Bye bye! Stay safe!" Said the little one with pure innocence before going inside his home.

Yeonjun snapped out of his thoughts when Soobin calls for him, "Yah! Yeonjun-hyung, let's go!"

The older held his cheek and smiled, "Ah right."

At home at last, Soobin chuckled at the sight of his still flustered brother.

"Yah, you're so whipped!" Said the taller one while pointing his index towards his brother.

"I... he kissed me on the cheek, shit he's so cute!" Yeonjun says, and jumps up and down like a little kid.

"So, now what will you do?"

"Ask him to be my boyfriend, obviously. Please help me, Binnie. I don't know shit about romance."

Soobin smiles, obviously flustered, "You've summoned the right person my dear brother. I know everything there is to know about romance."

"Shut up, you're cheesy with this. I just had no other choice left."

"Yah! You idiot!"

