
f o u r

Trigger Warning: Bullying

It was an awful start of the year for Beomgyu, but he didn't let it take over him. He accepted the fact that he was never enough for Taehyun, I mean, he couldn't blame him. If he was really the one, then he'd see him as the best not just as Beomgyu himself—but more than him.

Although he accepted the fact that he was cheated on and left alone, he still loves the boy. More than anything, more than himself in fact. But loving someone more than yourself is never good.

Beomgyu was in the beach; sitting on the yellow sand, and watching as the sun was falling down from the sky. He took in a deep breath, letting in the comforting breeze circle is chest, "Tomorrow will be a new start, this time, you're alone. No more Taehyun to protect you."

Memories of being beaten up, bullied, and abused flashes back inside his mind. He shuts his eyes closed and breathes out heavily, "No more Taehyun to protect you."

Today was the day, the first day of school it was. Beomgyu was nervous, his first year in senior high school was tough—really tough. But he managed to get through those days because of Taehyun.

"Give me your lunch money!"

Beomgyu flinched as his bully slams his locker closed and pinned him on the lockers, he could feel his legs shaking and tears were starting to form from his eyes covered with his round glasses.


He was about to hand down his lunch money when someone grabs his wrist and pulls him behind his back, "U-uh...."

"Come on, Jaehyun. Can you stop picking on Beomgyu? You have your own lunch money, you dork," Although smaller than Jaehyun, this red haired boy seemed to have more power than him. His feisty mouth doing all the work to slam just about anyone down their place.

And from that moment on, Beomgyu knew he was in love. By the second those gorgeous eyes looked at him, he couldn't help but feel safe and comfort around his body. Taehyun was his safe place, and he hated to admit it, but he depended on Taehyun almost all the time. That's why it was hard for him to lose him, he was a big part of him.

"Have fun at school, Honey!"

Beomgyu could feel his legs shaking, he fixes his round glasses and brushes up his dark coloured hair. He was scrolling down his twitter while waiting for the bus, his gray coloured jacket protecting him from the cold, "When is the bus arriving?" Beomgyu looks down his watch.


As if on instinct, Beomgyu looks up as soon as he heard Taehyun's name. He saw the red hair boy walking up to his direction; wearing a big smile on his little face. Beomgyu was about to approach him when suddenly—

"Taehyunnie! I've been calling you!" A boy taller than him, dark coloured hair, and with his pastel green coloured hoodie wraps his arms around Taehyun's waist. Taehyun looks at him and smiles, "Huening Kai! Good morning!"

Taehyun kisses the other male on the cheeks and Huening Kai turns red on the process, "Yah! Early in the morning!" Both males giggled, not even noticing the boy watching them with hurting eyes.

Beomgyu purses his lips as he lowers his gaze, Taehyun looks at him and that's when he flipped.

The bus came just in time and before Taehyun could even walk to him the older one immediately runs in the bus and took the last seat in the back. He sighs and looks out the window. He puts on his hoodie and his earphones, he turns the volume up and leans down the chair.

He saw Taehyun and Huening Kai walk inside the bus, they took the seats near the door, Taehyun rested his head on the taller's shoulder making Huening Kai pat his head. Beomgyu could feel his chest ache because of the sight, I guess I really have been replaced that fast.

He got to school faster than he hoped, the moment he stepped on the school grounds he felt his lungs were about to burst. Beomgyu sighs and held onto the straps of his bag tighter.

He was on the entrance when suddenly loud noises of motorcycles dominated the place, he turns around as he furrows his thick brows.

And just then, two power cruisers stopped in front of the school building. Two boys in their black leather jackets takes off their modular helmets as they brushed up their hair.

All the girls squealed as they stare at the two, somewhat, bad boys that had entered their school grounds. Beomgyu, on the other hand, quirks a brow.

The yellow haired boy hops off his motorcycle and looks at the school building, slowly his eyes landed on our little Beomgyu in his jacket and big round glasses. He found himself staring at the boy making Beomgyu nervous, is he another person who's going to bully me?

A black haired boy, taller than the other one, lands his hand on his brother's shoulder, "What ya staring at, Yeonjun?"

Yeonjun looks at his younger brother and shakes his head, "Nothing Soobin."

"Alright, let's get inside, class will be starting," The two walks their way to the school entrance. They were just walking, but why did they look like some kind of models making the school grounds their runway.

"Oh my gosh, they're so handsome!"

"Who are they? I haven't seen them before?"

"They're the new kids, I guess!"

"They are drop dead hot as hell."

Beomgyu steps backwards as the two aforementioned boys walks up the stairs to the entrance. He looks up Yeonjun, his yellow hair with his dark leather jacket, left Beomgyu in 'awe'. Everything seemed to have turned slow mo, and couldn't avert his gaze from the taller boy.

Yeonjun looks at Beomgyu, he quirks a brow as he continues walking.

"Did you see that nerd?" Soobin asks as he rested his elbow on the shorter one's shoulder, Yeonjun nods, "Yeah. What about him?"

"Dude, he was cute as hell. How could you not notice that?" Soobin laughs in disbelief.

"Well, if he wasn't wearing those big round glasses, then maybe I could have seen his face or what," Yeonjun smirks as he looks around the halls.

Then that image of the boy who wore those big round glasses flashes back in his mind, "Maybe this school year wouldn't be so boring after all."


[a/n]: and they have met at last.
