
s e v e n

Beomgyu leans down his favourite tree behind the school building near the borders ; it was his comfort zone aside from Taehyun.

He didn't want to go back to class, because he's afraid that Jaehyun might come after him. Beomgyu lets out a sigh, he looks up the clouds and smiles, yes... comforting indeed.

What happened at the cubicle flashed back inside his mind, how he was trembling in fear. He didn't want to be punched at, kicked at, and everything that hurts. Then, his mind wanders through what Taehyun did, he chose someone else over him. He didn't even bother asking him what happened when he saw how he looked earlier while walking down the halls.

Did Taehyun already lost all love for me that fast?

He was about to shut his eyes for a nap when suddenly he heard noises followed by swearing. He quirks a brow and pushes back his big round glasses, Beomgyu peeks behind the tree and saw a yellow haired boy trying to reach for the wall's top. He sighs at the sight, does he really think he can reach the wall's top by jumping?

Beomgyu stands up and walks over to the boy, "What are you doing? Are you cutting class?"

Yeonjun turns to look at him and scoffs, "Says the one who's here with me too during class hours," He sticks out his tongue earning an awkward laugh from Beomgyu.

"Ah right," Beomgyu giggles.

Yeonjun could've sworn that Beomgyu's giggle was the cutest thing he has ever heard, but he decided to just brush off the weird feeling growing up on his chest, "Well now that you're here, wanna cut class with me? It's fun," Yeonjun raises his brows up and down.

"Oh, but... I've never really cut class before," Beomgyu tilts his head innocently.

Yeonjun holds his wrist softly and pulls him near the wall, "Ya know any way to get up there?"

Beomgyu quirks a brow as he looks up the wall, "For what?"

Yeonjun lets out an amused laugh, "So we can jump outside, silly!" Yeonjun tsked as he shakes his head in disbelief.

Beomgyu makes a small 'oh' before nodding, "I'm sorry, I don't really know this kind of... stuff."

The older ruffles the younger's hair and smiled, "Nah, it's fine. Now, how do we get up there?" Yeonjun touches his chin as he looks up the wall trying to think of a way to escape.

Little Beomgyu softly pulls the hem of Yeonjun's shirt making the older turn to look at him, "What is it?"

"W-we can... climb up the tree," Beomgyu suggested with his head down still holding onto the hem of the older's shirt. Yeonjun felt that weird feeling again growing up his chest, he clears his throat and smiles, "You're smart!"

[a/n : oh, climbing up the tree to escape. ah yes, a pretty boy in distress. ]

They climbed up the tree with Yeonjun holding onto Beomgyu's hand as he tries to climb up the branch, "Woah now, slow down," Yeonjun giggles as the younger held onto his hand tight, scared that he might fall to the ground.

Both of them hops to the wall's top and looks down on the other side, Beomgyu gulps, "So... we're gonna jump?" He asks the older.

"Uh-huh!" Yeonjun smiles and immediately jumps off the wall falling smoothly to the ground, "Now, jump!" Yeonjun calls out and looks up to Beomgyu.

"I-I... I don't think I can do this," Beomgyu hesitated as he takes a step backwards.

"Oh c'mon! Hurry, or else we might get caught!" The older one shouts trying to sound convincing enough. When he noticed that Beomgyu was still hesitating, he sighs and opens his arms, "Here!"

Beomgyu quirks a brow, Yeonjun jumps up and down with his arms wide open, "Yeonjun will catch you!"

The little one gulps as he felt his cheeks burning, "R-really? I'm h-heavy!"

Yeonjun laughs and shakes his head, "Nah, I can manage! Now, jump Gyu!"

A hue of pink and red painted itself on Beomgyu's cheeks, that was a cute nickname.

He reluctantly jumps over the fence, and without even knowing, he felt someone wrapping his arms around his back and legs. Beomgyu quickly wraps his arms around the older's neck and leans his head down the crook of Yeonjun's neck.

He smells nice, Beomgyu looks up the older meeting those pair of brown eyes. He jumps off immediately and clears his throat in embarrassment, "Thank you..." He mumbles.

Yeonjun nods and walks, the shorter following him from behind.

"Wanna go to a dog cafe? I know a cool place," Yeonjun looks back at the shorter one who had his head down as he nods.

"Sure..." He softly says.

Yeonjun felt butterflies in his stomach, but shrugs it off immediately.

"Let's go then!"

They reached the cafe and as they opened the door, the bell ringed.

Beomgyu's eyes brighten, "Puppies!"

He quickly ran into the group of little puppies and plays with them like a little kid, Yeonjun smiles warmly and walks into the counter.

"Good day, Yeonjun! The usual, I presume?" A blonde haired boy asks with his Australian accent as he plastered a wide smile.

"Yeah, one mint chocolate chip frappuccino with extra whipped cream of course," Yeonjun winks earning a chuckle for the other boy as he takes down his order, "And..." Yeonjun looks over to Beomgyu.

He was playing with the puppies while sitting on the floor, he had a bright smile on his face while his glasses were almost falling off of his face, Yeonjun chuckles and looks over to the blonde boy again, "A double chocolate chip frappuccino for my little friend, Felix."

Felix smiled, "Coming right up!"

After a few minutes, Yeonjun walks over to Beomgyu with the drinks in both of his hands. He sat on the chair beside the little one who was still sitting on the floor and handed him his drink, "W-what? Y-you didn't have to! How much is it?" Beomgyu hesitantly accepts the drink.

Yeonjun drinks from his frappuccino and shakes his head, "Nah, it's my treat. Besides, I'm the one who dragged you along so..." Yeonjun chuckles.

Beomgyu thanked him and went back to playing with the puppies, he rubs a little puppy's cheeks as he pouts, "You're a cute little fella, aren't you?" The puppy barks earning a giggle from Beomgyu, he hugs the puppy tight, "Oh, yes you are! Yes you are!"

Yeonjun stares at the little one, he felt his cheeks burning as he witnessed how cute he was; ah, shit. What am I feeling? This feels so weird.

A puppy climbs up Beomgyu's shirt and bit the collar of his shirt, the little one chuckles and grabs the little puppy and raised him in the air, "Awe! Is the little puppy jealous? Don't worry, you're cute too!"

Yeonjun smiles as his eyes landed on Beomgyu neck, just then did he noticed some bruises on the little one's cheeks.

He quirks a brow, "Ah, gyu?"


"What happened to your face?"

