
That's right! We are now on Child's Play 2. So I will skip the scene where they rebuild the Good Guy doll, and the doll that Bonnie was in.

Two years ago, the Good Guy company and the fashionista doll company ran out of business because of the string of murders that happened in 1988.

The "Chucky" doll and the "Bonnie" doll was now getting fully rebuilt, so they can prove to people that the doll's aren't dangerous.

Mattson and Mr.Sullivan were discussing the "Andy Barclay Case". Currently his mother, Karen, is getting psychiatric help because she backed up her son's story saying it was true. And Andy is now in the foster system.

"So anyways, rumors are going around saying that people at this company, must've tampered with the doll's voice cassette." Mattson said.  

"Alright, what about the female one?." Sullivan asked.

"We don't know. We examined her and the female doll doesn't have a voice box or anything." He told him. Mattson then opened a door that led both of them to a room with a glass window where they had both these dolls.
     "But we did rebuild the doll's, although it was difficult because they were burnt to the crisp, and we also checked the voice cassette and found nothing."

"I want to see the doll's."

"Certainly." Mattson knocked on the window as the technicians were working on the doll's.

One of the technicians was putting their eyes in when the machine shorted out. The electricity knocked the technician through the window as the electric wave went straight through Chucky and Bonnie's plastic chest.

Suddenly the doll's eyes lit up, and they looked alive.


Bonnie's POV.

I'm alive! I'm still in the same doll body but I'm still moveable. I looked over to Chucky and he was alive too. I glanced over, nobody was looking so we ran to the far wall.
    I saw two men walk in. They talked a little about the incident that just happened then the older man was about to walk out.

"Uh what do you want me to do with the dolls?." The Brown-haired man asked.

"Stick them up your ass." The older man said before walking out.

3rd Person POV.

Andy Barclay, now 8 years old, now in the foster care system, was playing goldfish with his therapist.

"Andy, you still dreaming about Chucky and Bonnie?." The therapist asked him.

"Sometimes." Andy said.

"You want to talk about it." He asked again but Andy quickly replied no.
    "Now, remember what I told you? Talking helps the nightmares go away." Andy nodded still looking down but decided to tell him.

"Well. Chucky was trying to take over my soul, and Bonnie was helping him."

"Why?." The therapist asked.

"Because they were bad people who got inside these dolls, so they wouldn't have to go to hell. But they didn't want to stay in the doll's, and Chucky needed my body because I was the first person he told his secret to." Andy explained.

"What secret?."

"That his real name was Charles Lee Ray."

"Wow that was a scary dream."

Andy sighed.  "It was."

"You know, dreams can't hurt you." That made Andy smile a bit.
    "Dreams aren't real, right?."



"Naturally he was badly traumatized." Grace Poole was talking to Joanne and Phil about Andy, who were foster parents.    
     "About the murders, but they bounce back pretty fast at that age."

"Poor kid." Joanne said.

"What Andy needs now is a normal family environment." Grace told them as they sat down at her desk.   "A fresh start and a chance to forget the past, and since you two have done so well with other kids, I was hoping you could foster him as his mother recovers."

Joanne gave her a smile.  "There's always room for one more."  But Phil gave a "hmm".   "What's that supposed to mean?."

Phil looked up at her and Grace.
    "Uh well, he seems normal enough, but how has all this affected him?." He asked.

"Well in order to come to terms with something he couldn't possibly understand. He, um, turned it all into a kind of fairytale. He insisted his doll's was responsible, said it was possessed by the souls of Charles Lee Ray and Bonnie Bundy."

"Who?." Phil asked not knowing who they were.

"The Lakeshore Strangler and his crime partner." Grace clarified.    "They murdered a dozen people that we know of."

Joanne and Phil both took deep breaths.  
   "Are we even qualified to take care of a boy like this?." Phil asked still skeptical.

"I understand your concern but I'm sure you can just see that this is a child's way of coping with a difficult situation. Andy's fine now, he just wants to get on with his life." Grace told them.


They drove down the road with Andy in the backseat.

"So Andy, what do you like to eat?." Joanne asked him.

"All kinds of things." Andy replied.

"Well what's your very favorite food in the whole wide world?."

"Chocolate." He said,

Joanne chuckled.  "Besides chocolate."

He thought for a second but then thought of a memory of him and his mother.    "My mom used to make me eggs for breakfast. I like eggs."

"You got it." Joanne said and turned to Phil.   "Oh we should stop at the store."

While they talked Andy pulled out a picture of him and Karen, he caressed it with his thumb as he missed her.
     Phil turned to Andy for a second when a truck pulled out in front of them.

"Phil look out!." Joanne yelled.

Phil stomped on the brakes just in time but the car jolted up a little. The truck went around them.
    Andy took deep breaths, he looked out the window as the truck went by still in shock.

The truck was a Play Pal's Toy delivery truck, and it had a picture of a good guy doll on it.
