
I sharply opened my eyes to Tiffany screaming. Smoke filled the oven, I could see she was very burned, I was probably too. I ran up to the oven door and both of us busted it open, I screamed as I jumped onto Jade.

"YOU BITCH!." I yelled as I bit down on her shoulder, Tiffany bit her ear.

Suddenly I felt someone grabbed my hair, Jesse. He threw Tiff and I out the window.

   I landed hard on the ground, I was in pain. I looked beside me to see Tiffany. There was a gun laying close beside her, she slowly started to reach for it.

As her hand touched it, Jesse stepped on her arm.

"Fucking bitch." I muttered, as he picked up the gun and aimed it at her.
    "You won't do it." That made him look at me.    "You don't have the guts to do it. So instead of killing Tiffany, why don't you go save your girlfriend first."

I looked over to see Chucky holding Jade at gunpoint toward the cemetery.

        3rd Person POV.

Chucky led Jade to his grave, where he shot the person digging it, revealing the coffin.

"Get down there!." He demanded.  "Move!."   Jade quickly got down by the ladder, she glanced at the man's dead body but went to the other side of the grave.    "Open the coffin Jade."   She reluctantly got down and tried to open it, but it wouldn't budge.    "Hurry up."

"I'm trying you fucking midget!." Jade yelled, resulting in Chucky shooting at the dirt behind her.

Jade yelled in surprise but continued to open the coffin. Fully opened, Ray's corpse was revealed, with the heart of Damballa around his neck.

"Give me the amulet."   Jade reaches for it with a shaky hand, once her finger touched it, she tears the necklace off, resulting in breaking the corpse's neck.     "Ah! Bitch, you broke my neck."

Jade then threw the amulet up to him and she quickly got out of the grave.

     Bonnie's POV.

Jesse carried both of us to the cemetery. I saw Jade right behind Chucky who was holding the gun at us. Jesse then pointed the gun at the both of us.

"Let them go!." Chucky yelled.

"Let Jade go first!." Jesse yelled back.

Oh okay, so we're doing a switch type thing now?

As Jade walked toward Jesse, he sat Tiff and I down. I immediately began to walk back, only to stop when Tiffany kinda stayed where she was.

"Tiff let's go." I softly said. She nodded and walked beside me.  I could tell she was more hurt then me, well I've experienced being burnt before.

"Why can't I ever get it on with the real good guys?." She asked.

"It's okay." I put my arm around her as we approached Chucky. I sat her down gently on the ground.   


Chucky tied them both together, he held up the gun and necklace as he chanted.

Tiffany sat next to me, i could tell she was thinking some things over. I leaned against the tombstone as she stood up. I didn't stop her. She walked slowly up to Chucky.

"This is it." He said, looking at her then glancing at me.

"I love you Chucky." Tiffany looked up at him.

"I know."
   I slowly stood up.

"We belong together, forever." Tiffany said.   "Kiss me."   Chucky bent down, placing the gun down, and they kissed.

I slowly walked over to them as Tiffany pulled out the knife from his overalls.
   Without hesitation, she raised it up and stabbed him.

I stood next to her, as he screamed and rolled on the ground.    "Why?."

"Oh Chucky look at us, don't you see. We belong dead. Goodbye darling, I'll see you in hell." Tiffany said as Chucky took his last breath.  We turned around to see Jesse and Jade break free and embrace. I'm just gonna let them go, i don't want Jade's body and Tiffany had made it clear she doesn't either.

We were about to start leaving when something hit my head very hard, I heard Tiffany yell, I looked up to see Chucky. He wasn't dead, he was still alive.

He ran at us with a shovel, Tiffany threw some dirt at his face, giving us time to grab some shovels and we started to fight him.

I yelled as I hit his shovel. He blocked every hit from both of us. Tiff tried to hit him but he caught her off guard and hit her over the head. I glared at Chucky and attacked him. I screamed as I reached for the knife. Suddenly, Tiffany rose up and began to strangle him. That gave me enough time to grab the knife.

Tiffany pushed Chucky at me, and I stabbed him, and pushed him into the open grave.

I ran over to Tiffany and we hugged. I glanced over at Jesse who removed the ladder so Chucky couldn't get out.

I looked at Tiff and glanced at a car that was parked. She nodded and we hid under it.

"Don't move!." Jade yelled, pointing a gun at the grave.

"Go ahead and shoot! I'll come back, I always come back!." Chucky yelled at her.

She didn't hesitate to shoot the gun. I heard Chucky yell, then silence. They looked around but eventually then left.

Tiff and I walked over to the grave, and saw Chucky dead. It's just me and her again..but I don't mind.

"Let's get outta here." I said.

"Where are we gonna go?." She asked.

"There's a bunch of abandoned houses and apartments in Hackensack. We'll find something."

I'm not even kidding. Our first hideout was an abandoned apartment.

We began to walk out of the cemetery when Tiffany stopped me.   "Bonnie, I feel something in my stomach."

"What?." She led my hand to her's. I didn't feel anything but then I felt something kick.   "Holy shit."

"I think you were right." Tiffany Put her hand on her stomach.   "I'm pregnant."

I smiled as she did.   "I'm happy for you Tiff. Your gonna be a great mother."

"Your gonna be a great aunt." We then pulled each other into a hug.

I can't believe I'm an aunt now. I can't wait to meet my niece or nephew.

   Yess. Now we're heading into Seed Of Chucky.

And yes I know Tiffany gave birth at the end of Bride but..I wanted her to find out she was pregnant before and also when we get into Seed I'll explain...we'll Bonnie will.

Anyways, hoped you enjoyed.
