
       I woke up to the bright morning sun shining in my face, I sat up to my head still feeling very sore. At least it's not bleeding.

I stood up and stretched a bit before looking around, I needed to know why this basement felt so familiar, like I've been here before.

I did notice one thing, the walls looked dirty, and dark brown, unlike the brightly painted walls in the house.
    I moved a box over, since I swear I saw markings on the wall, when I instantly got a flashback.


A young Bonnie, around the age of 12, was pacing back in forth in the middle of a very dark basement. Her mother had locked her in, in a form of punishment.
     She always marked on the wall for every day her mother locked her in.

Suddenly she heard her mom drive away, looking out the window, only seeing her car from the distant street lights.

"Oh my god she left with me in here." Bonnie whispered, as the darkness started to engulf her.
     She ran up the basement steps; and tried to open the door, even though it was locked she hoped maybe she could pick it or break the door down.

Bonnie eventually giving up, and sitting on the first top step. Wishing for a better life.

But at the same time..she's thankful for her friends..Charles, Tiffany and Eddie.

         <end of flashback>

I gasped after I remembered, this was my old house where I used to live, this is the same basement, the marks I made on the wall were still there.

My mother didn't used to be like that though, she actually used to be a very nice person. Up until I was 8, that's when my dad left, when he did that nearly destroyed her, she started to drink every night and took her anger out on me. Whenever I did something she didn't like, she would lock me in the basement for hours. Chucky was the only one who knew, he tried to get me to tell someone but..I couldn't.
Then I was rushed to the hospital after my mom beat me, and they found out..and I got sent to the foster system..which was literally like living with my mom. I bounced around several foster families who all treated me like crap until I finally decided to just run away.

Well that's my childhood, there are some good memories, but of course those good ones happened before I was eight.


After a few hours, Chucky finally came back, he shut the basement door and quickly ran down the stairs.

"Wherever you been?." I asked, standing up.

"I followed Andy to school, but that brat got away from me and ran out. I managed to get here for he did." Chucky explained. "But he could be here any minute."


3rd Person POV.

"Andy what's this all about?." Phil asked, about Andy running back to their house.

"Chucky followed me to school, he tried to get me again so I ran home." Andy told him.

Phil turned to Joanne. "You know what he's talking about?."

"His teacher called, said that she was keeping him after school for detention. Said he wrote bad things on his paper."

"No Chucky did it." Andy said.

"Alright Andy come on." Phil said, bringing him to the basement door.
"I will not allow this foolishness in my house you understand? Open the door."

"Phil-." Joanne started.

"Joanne. Open the door." He repeated. Andy was hesitant, not knowing if Chucky or Bonnie was down there. Phil became inpatient and opened the door himself, and pointing down the steps.
"Now, look down there and tell me what you see." It was the doll's, laying in the exact same spot.

"It's Chucky and Bonnie, but-."

"Their names, are Tommy and, blondie. And they have been there since last night hasn't they?."
Andy looked up at him, maybe Bonnie has but he knows that Chucky hasn't.


"For crying out loud Joanne!." Phil exclaimed, as he and his wife were discussing about Andy in their bedroom. "This child needs professional help!."

"Oh stop pretending you were worried about Andy, you never wanted him here in the first place." Joanne told him.

"That's not true." Phil stated.

"Well what do you suggest we do?." Joanne asked. "Send him back?."

"Well you don't have to make it sound so horrible."

"Do you have any idea how traumatic that could be?."

"Traumatic?." Phil asked annoyed. "For who Joanne? For him or for you? Look if that kid stays here, he's gonna tear this family apart."

"Family? Is this what you call a family? Families don't just give up on their children."

"Joanne! He's not our child!." Phil yelled, then slammed the door.

Andy sat on his bed, overhearing the whole thing.

"It's not the end of the world." Kyle said at his doorway, making Andy look up.

"But their gonna send me away." Andy said sadly.

Kyle's face softened as she sat down beside him. "You'll be okay."

"Where will I go?."

"Andy, I've lived with thousands of different families. And they always seem to send me away, just when I'm getting comfortable, but you know what? Every time it happens; it just makes me stronger. Cause it reminds me that the only one I can count on is myself, okay and you have to learn that now. That sounds tough, but you'll deal with it."

"It doesn't matter." Andy sighed. "Wherever I go, Chucky and Bonnie will find me."
