
Karen walked into her apartment with her bags and Bonnie and Chucky. She put her keys and purse and put the dolls on the table in front of her as she sat on the couch.

Karen's POV.

I stared at the doll's with hatred, I didn't even know Andy had Bonnie.

"Say something." I mumbled, mainly to Chucky. "Say something you little bastard. Talk to me dammit."

"Hi, I like to be hugged." The doll spoke. I laughed to myself, my god I'm going crazy. I got up to the kitchen so I could get a glass of water.

Then that's when I saw the Good Guy box that Chucky came in, I picked it up and examined it, I'm really regretting buying that doll for Andy. I saw that the tag line was wants you for a best friend.

I scoffed to myself. "Yeah sure."

As I was about to throw it away when I heard something fall on the ground, it was a pair of batteries. What? I examined the box some more and found that batteries included was printed on the box. Maybe Andy was right, but what about the girl one, is she alive?

I slowly made my way to Chucky and picked him up, i was going to see if he has batteries.

I opened the hatch that contained the batteries, and there was none in there. Chucky was talking and moving without batteries. Holy shit.

Suddenly his head quickly turned around to face me and: "hi I'm Chucky wanna play?"

I screamed and dropped him, causing Chucky to roll under the couch. I was petrified at his moment, he's alive. I pulled him out and demanded him one more time to talk, still nothing.

"Alright, I'll make you talk."  I went over to the fireplace and lit it up, I then held Chucky up and glared at him.
    "I said talk to me dammit or I'm gonna throw you in the fire!."

3rd Person POV.

"Talk to me dammit or I'm gonna throw you in the fire!." Karen yelled as she held up Chucky.

Bonnie head turned to her direction and Chucky blinked and glared at her.

"YOU STUPID BITCH! YOU FILTHY SLUT! I'LL TEACH YOU TO FUCK WITH ME!." Chucky started to attack her as Karen screamed in horror, Bonnie then jumped on her and bit her arm, Karen managed to throw both of them behind the couch.

             Bonnie's POV.

Chucky and I ran out of the apartment, Karen now knows our secret but it doesn't matter, we got some people to kill. Especially Mike Norris. That cop bastard. We found his car and hid in the backseat, waiting for the perfect moment to strike, I did hear Karen, she asked where Chucky and I lived, and Mike gave her our apartment address. We did actually live in an apartment, it was before people found out Chucky was the Lakeshore Strangler.

After Karen got out, Mike started to drive to his house.

Chucky picked up two jumper cables, then he jumped up and started to strangle him. Take that asshole.

I started to see Chucky fail a little so I headed down to the pedal and pressed down on the gas, hoping that if this car crashes Mike will get killed.
Suddenly I heard Chucky yell in pain which made me lose my focus and turn around.

I felt strong hands grip my throat and hold me up, I swung myself forward kicking him in the eye making him release his hold on me. I made my way to the back and saw on cigarette burn on Chucky's cheek.

"Shit." I mumbled, he moved his hand up and felt it, wincing at the pain.

"What's happening?." He asked.

"I don't know, but we need to go."

"We need to kill Mike." He grabbed a knife out of his overalls but I stopped him.

"No we have to find out why you got hurt. Doll's can't get hurt. And we need to figure it out before Mike flips the switch and kills us." I said sternly.

He groaned and put the knife back.
"Fine. But we're killing him after."

"Of course." We managed to jump out the window which made my arm bleed. Great it's happening to me too.


We went to our Voodoo instructor, knowing he knew what probably happened, I wrapped my arm with a bandage and we entered his shop through the window.

"Hello John." Chucky spoke, he looked around. "Over here." He finally turned around to us. "Hi. It's us, Chucky and Bonnie."

"So, what do you think?." I asked, I kinda chuckled to myself a little. "You know, when we came here and you taught us ways to cheat death, I thought you were pulling our chains. But not now. Only one problem."

"What?." He asked.

"This." Chucky said pointing to his burn mark. "I didn't think anyone could hurt me, Bonnie didn't either. But earlier, that bastard detective burned me, and it hurt. Then Bonnie cut her arm and it bled. Why is that John?."

"Both of you are turning human."

"What." We asked in unison.

"The more time you spend in that body, the more human you become." John informed.

"You mean I have to spend the rest of my life in this body? No fucking way." Chucky told him.

"He's right, this body sucks. You got us into this you get us out." I stated.

"I can't do that." He said.

"Why not?." Chucky asked shrugging.

"Because both of you are an abomination." John said, excuse me?.
"An outrage against nature! You used everything I thought you and used it for evil and you have to be stopped!."

He began to run to an phone, but me and Chucky had a plan. You see, we made a voodoo doll of him, and we will get him to talk. Chucky grabbed the doll and we went over to him.

"You know, we thought something like this might happen. That's why I prepared for it." Chucky said.

"What are you talking about?." He asked still holding the phone.

"Your own personal mojo doc." Chucky said holding the doll up.

John dropped the phone. "Give me that."

"Sure!." Chucky said sarcastically. "How do you want it? Broken leg." He twisted the doll's leg with made John's leg break and he fell to the floor screaming in agony.
"Shouldn't tell your costumers were you put things John. Gets you in trouble every time, now, how do we get out of these bodies."

He sighed in pain. "I won't tell you."

I growled and grabbed the doll. "You wanna play this game!." I then forcefully twisted the doll's arm. "Tell us or die John." I saw Chucky pull out his special knife.

"Okay okay! I'll tell you! You have to transfer your soul, into the very first person you revealed your true self too."

Oh-oh that's priceless, Chucky has to transfer his soul into a six year old kid. I started to crack up only for Chucky to glare at me.

"It's not that funny Bon."

"Call me Bon and I'll get out your voodoo doll." I told him.

He flinched a little. "Your scary when your mad."

"It's a talent." I said.

"Well, so long John." Chucky then stabbed the doll, Okay, good he's out of the way.


We chased Andy to the apartment, you know for a six year old he's pretty fast.
We had to take the elevator since, well with these little doll legs we can't really go up the stairs fast. Then some elderly couple came in and we had to go into "doll mode"

"Look George." The women said looking at us. "Some kid left their doll's here."

"Leave them, whoever they are they'll be looking for them." The man said, the elevator stopped and they were about to leave when the women stopped and gave us one last look.

"Ugly dolls." She closed the gate and the elevator went up again.

"Fuck you." Chucky and I said in unison. She isn't worth killing, we have a kid to catch, and after Chucky transfers his soul into Andy I'll go looking for my new human body.

I'll stop the chapter right here so the next one will be the big finale( if you seen the movie you probably know what's gonna happen)
