
       Kyle finally brought us to the foster center, she held both of us as Chucky kept the knife at her back.
       We set the fire alarm off so the kids would exit the building, and we would deal with Andy, our plan went good as the kids exited. Grace and Andy stayed behind.

"Kyle?." Grace asked in surprise, as she and Andy came down the stairs. "What's going on here? Wait, you did this didn't you?."

Kyle stayed quiet for a spilt second before glancing at Chucky and I.
"They did it."

"Get into my office." She said sternly and dragged Andy with her, Kyle did what she said and we were all in her office. "Is this your idea of a joke?!." God this lady is fucking annoying.
"Oh give me that!." She yelled, grabbing Chucky and throwing me to the side.

Chucky glanced at me then glared at her. "Amazing isn't it?." He said before raising his knife and stabbing her, a few times, when she stumbled back, I tripped her, causing her to fall onto a copier, and back down on the ground dead.

"Come on!." Kyle exclaimed, grabbing Andy's arm, and attempted to take him out of the room, but I closed the door just as Kyle exited. Leaving only me, him and Chucky.

"Okay sport, we're gonna have a little game called Chucky Says." Chucky stated, holding up the blood stained knife, as Kyle pounded on the door.
"Chucky says move your ass."

Andy didn't move, instead he stared at Grace's dead body.

"Snap outta it!." I exclaimed. "You act like you never seen a dead body before."


3rd Person POV

"Come on Andy! Open it!." Kyle yelled as she knocked harder on the door.
"ANDY!." She eventually started to pick the lock, which worked but when she entered Kyle only saw Grace's body. So she ran over to the window and crawled onto the gate part of the center. Only to see some kind of delivery truck with Bonnie, Chucky and Andy in the back.

"STOP!." Kyle yelled as the truck drove away. "STOP!." With no other options left, Kyle quickly got into her own car and chased the truck down.


Bonnie's POV.

Chucky, Andy and I eventually made it to the Good Guy's factory, even though it was hard with Kyle chasing us down, I knew she followed us but we have enough time to do the soul transfer.

When we were in a speculated area, which was honestly everywhere since the factory looked abandoned, Chucky knocked Andy out.

"This is it world!." Chucky exclaimed.
"From now on, no more mister good guy." I leaned against the good guy doll boxes as he started to chant.
    "Ade due damballa. Give me the power I beg of you!."  Thunder rumbled as he continued. Once he finished I sat up, wondering if it worked.

Andy's eyes opened as Chucky's nose started to bleed. It didn't work.

"NO!." Chucky shouted angry, Andy backed up as Chucky glared at him, and pulled out his knife.   "YOU LITTLE SHIT! Do you know what you've done?! I'm too late! I've spent too much time in this body!."

I groaned loudly.  "And who's fault is that?! It's fucking yours! If you would've just done it you could already be in his body! Now I'm probably stuck in mine too! Alright! Stop blaming all your problems on other people okay I'm sick of it! If your gonna kill an eight year old child because of your miss ups count me out!." After my rant I kicked him to the side, as boxes fell on top of him, I then saw Kyle up there.

"Andy run!." She yelled, Andy quickly got up and ran, Kyle did too as Chucky rose up from the boxes extremely angry.

He ran up to me with the knife but I caught him and twisted his arm, he yelled in pain before I bolted the other way. I don't care what Chucky does to the kid, I just want outta this factory, and hopefully out of this doll body.

I walked around the factory trying to find a way out, when suddenly i could hear Chucky scream. I quickly ran to where he was and saw him, dismembered and had a makeshift blade where his left hand should be. He swung for Andy but only managed to get his blade stuck in some kind of metal thing.

I ran over to him.   "Chucky!."

"Bonnie leave I got this!."   I rolled my eyes and tried to help him anyway. He may be a dumbass sometimes but he's my friend.  Suddenly as I helped him stem started to come out of the vent, Chucky gasped looking up at Andy, who pulled down a lever and instantly hot molten plastic poured all over us.

I screamed in pain as burning sensation spread, I grabbed Chucky's blade, cutting my hand in the process, and attempted to cut Andy only to get knocked out.


3rd Person POV.

Kyle came just in time to knock Bonnie out, she was about to finish Bonnie off when Chucky suddenly sprung to life and attacked Kyle.
      She acted fast and put an air pressure hose into Chucky's mouth, making him start to inflate. Kyle dragged Andy back just as Chucky blew up.  She looked up to just see a headless Chucky and his body was mainly melted plastic.

....and Bonnie gone.


Kyle and Andy exit the factory, with no idea where Bonnie could be and what she's planning but..it's better to spend your life not worrying.

"Where are we going?." Andy asked.


"Where's home?."

"I have no idea." Kyle said folding her arms.   "Looks like I'm stuck with you."

"You'll deal with it." Andy stated.

Kyle chuckled as she and Andy walked away from the factory.


Bonnie yes snuck away from the factory, although she was covered in melted plastic, there's one person she knew she could call.

Bonnie walked to the nearest payphone and dialed the number, waiting for an answer.

"Hello." Bonnie heard her voice, she sighed in relief.

"Tiffany..I need your help."
