
Bonnie's POV.

"Look Chucky, I made Swedish meatballs, your favorite." Tiffany said, holding him to a plate with the meatballs on it.

"Honey you shouldn't of." Chucky said.

"Well, I wanted everything tonight to be absolutely perfect." I smiled a little at them, I love their relationship, I quit on dating ever since I was 19. I dated a guy once, but it didn't work out, and I broke up with him.

"So, what have you been up too?." Chucky asked me, as he sat beside me.

"Not much sadly, I've helped Tiff kill here and there. But things are bound to be interesting with you finally here."

He smirked.  "You know it."  That's when Tiffany pulled out the playpen, she bought that a couple days ago, when we found out where Chucky was.
    "Tiff, what the hell is that?." He asked.

"A playpen silly, for the nursery." She said, sitting beside him.   "You know Chucky, I still have the ring." She touched the ring on her finger, I don't remember that ring.

"What ring?." Chucky asked.

"The ring, the one you left for me." Tiffany stated.   "I found it on the mantle the night you and Bonnie were killed, I've never taken it off."

"Oh that. The one I got from Vivian Van Pelt."

I raised my eyebrow, or my plastic one.
    "Vivian who?."

"Vivian Van Pelt, I dumped her in the river remember? That ring is worth five or six grand easy."

"Wait, you mean, you weren't gonna ask me to marry you?." Tiffany asked.

"Are you fuckin nuts?."  Chucky then started to laugh hysterically.   "You though I was gonna-?."   I glared at him hard as I saw Tiffany stand up.

"Shut up." I whispered angry and went up to Tiff. She looked at me and I nodded, when you've been friends with someone as long as Tiff and I have, you can read each other's minds. She smirked and went up to Chucky.

"Now the first thing we gotta do is get me outta this body, once and for all."
    What about me? I've spent fucking eight years in this damn doll body.

"No." Tiffany said looking straight at him.   "I think I prefer you like this, your kinda cute, your just like a little baby." I softly giggled as she started to tickle him.    "Is the baby ticklish, is he? Is he?  Okay mommy's tired, time to go to sleep."  She then threw him into the playpen and locked the gate.

I smirked as Chucky went up to the bars.

"Okay I get it, your still hung up on the domestic thing, no problem we'll get hitched."
   Too late now.

Tiffany lit her cigarette and kneeled down to him.   "Sorry. I'm not into short guys." She blew smoke in his face and me and her laughed, as Tiff went over to her bedroom.   "My mother always said love was supposed to set you free. But that's not true Chucky, I've been a prisoner of my love for you for a very long time. Now it's payback time."

"You guys let me outta here right now!." Chucky yelled shaking the bars.

"Sweet dreams, asshole." She then shut her bedroom curtain. I went over to the bedroom.

"Wait Bonnie!." Chucky exclaimed.

"We may be childhood friends but Tiffany is like a sister to me, and you just broke her heart." I said through gritted teeth.   "So have fun in that playpen."  I glared at him one last time before going into her bedroom.


That next morning, I helped Tiffany put Damien's body in a chest. Well, helped the best I could. Chucky was sleeping so we did it quietly.

She dragged the chest down the steps while I went ahead and got inside the car. We were gonna dump Damien's body into the nearby river, seems like an fast way to dispose of it, and also we were going to find something to tease Chucky with.

"Jesse, can you give me a hand with this?." I heard Tiffany, I looked behind and saw her sitting ontop of the chest.

"Uh yeah, yeah just a second."
     I saw him washing a van, he looked in his late teens, I mean he's cute, but I'm not interested. He moved in like a month ago, nice kid.

"Thanks sweetface. I owe you one."

I leaned against the backseat, kinda tuning them out. Until I heard the trunk open.

"Here, in the trunk." Tiffany said, I peeked over a bit.

"In the trunk?." He asked.

"She can do it." Tiff chuckled.  "Bend your knees."  Jesse picked up the chest and put it on the edge.    "Wow you are strong. Nice muscletone, you work out a lot?."

"I've been doing some pushups." After he said that the chest fell into the trunk. I bended down so he wouldnt see me.   "Sorry."

"Nah that's okay, can't hurt it might help." Tiffany said and tried to close the trunk.

"TIFFANY, BONNIE! WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU!." Chucky yelled from inside. I can tell he's going to be in a shitty mood.

"You got some company?." Jesse asked.

"Nah just babysitting. Foul mouth little fucker."   I chuckled at that. I looked back up to Tiff leaning on the trunk.
   "So, What are you doing later on? I was thinking you and I could, go get a drink or something. That is if your up to it."  Is-is she asking him out?

"No-no I can't."


"I'm seeing someone." He told her.

"Really? All the good guys are taken."

I definitely then tuned them out until Tif got into the car, then I got into the front.

"Were you flirting?." I asked her.


"Okay that was definitely flirting."

She started the car.   "Maybe you should start dating when you get a body."  I gave her a "I don't know" look.
    "Come on Bonnie, you haven't dated since you were 19."

"Just..haven't found the right person. I may date later on in the future, but it may not be what you expect."


We did dump Damien into the river, and also we did a little shopping. I got some new sunglasses and a leather jacket, of course in doll size. And we got a little "present" for Chucky to tease him. It's a bride doll. It has black hair which is in a bun, green eyes, a white wedding gown, and it talks. We wrapped it and we just arrived home right now.

"We're home." Tiffany opened the door, and closed it behind me.

"Sunglasses and a jacket, really?." Chucky chuckled looming straight at me.

"Make any joke you want, you know I look good." I said taking the sunglasses off.

"Anyways, I have a surprise for you." Tiffany said holding up the wrapped present.    "I've been thinking about what you said, about wanting to get married."

"Yeah." He said looking up.

"I think it'll do you good to settle down." She started to unwrap the present and reach inside the box.

"Babe this is great, you won't regret I promise, I'll treat you like a princess." Tiff then took the doll out.    "What is that?."

"Your bride."  She put it inside the playpen and quickly locked it back.

"With this ring, I the wed." The doll said, oh I forgot to mention, we put that ring onto the doll's necklace.

I giggled.   "Oh Chucky, she's beautiful."  Tiff and I laughed as she threw rice in his face.

"You two are so dead." He growled.

"Congratulations Chucky, now I'm sure you two kids will want to be alone." Tiff laughed as she went into the bathroom, and shutting the curtain behind her.

"Have fun." I chuckled and went to the bedroom.
